Glory stepped into LA Tattoos, her eyes darting between all of them. Her gaze kept returning to Julian’s mostly white hair and obvious fangs, her skin paling as the implications hit her. “Who’s hurt?”

“No one, not anymore.” Cyn rubbed her jaw, and Julian bet she could still feel the painful blows like an echo. She took a deep breath and filled Glory in on what had happened.

“Who called Glory?” Julian muttered.

“I did.” Ryan stepped into the shop behind Glory, his expression mutinous. “She deserved to know what happened.” Julian agreed with him. If they went after the human females, then Glory needed to be ready to protect herself as best she could.

Glory looked ready to come out of her skin. “What the fuck! How did this happen? Shouldn’t one of you have been here? It’s not like Ryan isn’t here trying to sniff my butt twenty-four-seven.”

“I’m not here twenty-four-seven,” Ryan replied. His tone was mild but his gaze was hot with anger and fear. “You’re not here that much.”

Julian bit back a groan. Did the man ever want to claim his mate? Maybe he was a closet masochist, because he sure liked taking a beating from Glory.

“Please tell me you’re not sitting in the bushes at night outside my apartment.” She looked horrified, and Cyn didn’t look much better. Having a possessive Grizzly hanging around outside your home was enough to put anyone off. Hell, he wasn’t certain he liked the idea either.

Ryan smiled grimly. “I have night watch.”

Julian rolled his eyes even as Alex nodded. “Tabby would kill me if anything happened to you two. I don’t care how cute you are or how much you pout, you’ve got security round the clock.”

“I agree.” Julian ignored the glare Cyn shot him. There was no way he was going to allow his mate to be in danger again. Didn’t she understand how precious and rare she was? “Who picks them up and drops them off?”

“I will.” Alex shrugged. “One of the perks of being your own boss. I can come and go a lot easier than you nine to fivers can.”

“And one of the perks of having your cousin be your boss is he understands when I take time off to protect our mates.” Ryan tried to take Glory’s hand, but she stepped away from him. He solved the problem by picking her up and holding her against his hip like a cranky two-year-old.

Yup. Glory was going to kill him. The look on her face did not bode well for the Grizzly’s health. The way she eyed her piercing gun gave him a clue as to how she’d do it.

Glory, in the tattoo parlor, with the gun.

“We just want you three to be safe while we figure out what the fuck is going on. You can’t protect yourselves the way we can, not from shifter attacks.”

“Although if it were humans bothering you like this we’d still rip their heads off and bowl with them.” Ryan swatted Glory’s hip absently when she struggled to get down. “Stay still, sweetheart. I don’t want to drop you.”

“Drop me. Feel free, you Neanderthal.”

Ryan and Glory exchanged a heated glance. Ryan shrugged. “It’s your ass.”

She landed with a shriek and a thud. “Ow.” She rolled to her hip and rubbed her ass, wincing.

“Told ya.”

“Children, play nice. Or do I have to separate you?” Julian wagged his finger at Ryan. “Stop playing with your mate, Ryan.”

“But I like playing with her, Julian. She’s so shiny and squeaks when you squeeze her.”

Glory squeaked in outrage.

Julian turned to Glory. “Please, for the love of the ancestors, be the adult here and stop torturing him.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and humphed, turning away from both Julian and Ryan. What she had against the mating he had no idea, but sooner or later the Grizzly was going to snap and she’d find herself over his knee, bitten and spanked.

He eyed her, wondering if maybe that wasn’t exactly what the little brat wanted.


He turned his attention back to where it rightfully belonged, on his own mate. “Hmm?”

“Go home.”

Crap. She had her cell phone in her hand. “Did you just call me out of work?”

“Uh-huh. Jamie says get some rest today, he’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Cyn, I need to work.” His ability to remain in the United States rested on his work visa, at least until he could convince Cyn to marry him. If he didn’t work, he could be deported.

She cupped his face in her warm, strong hands. Her expression was stern, but he could see the concern she felt. Her fingers stroked the white strands of his hair, reminding him of why he was so tired. “Go. Home.”

He rested his forehead against hers and brushed the tip of his nose against hers. His mother had always called the gesture Eskimo kisses. “Only if you promise to call me if something happens again.”


“Yes or no, Cyn.” If she gave him the promise she’d keep it. It was getting the promise that was the hard part.

He could actually hear her teeth grinding together. “Fine. I promise.”

“Good.” He stood, pulling Cyn to her feet with him, and kissed her good-bye. He was determined to bring at least the taste of her back to his home. “I miss you already.”

She scowled, but she blushed too. She’d probably beat him to within an inch of his life if he ever told her how adorable she was. “Go!”

“Going.” He waved to Alex. “Take me home, you stud you.” He batted his lashes at Alex, grinning when Alex laughed.

“Sorry, you’re not my type. Your hair isn’t green enough. Ryan, I’ll be back in a few.” Alex kissed Tabby good-bye and gestured toward the front door. “After you, princess.”

Julian flipped his hair over his shoulder and sauntered toward the door. “My hero.”

He grinned as Cyn giggled, then tried to hide it behind her hand. It was becoming his mission in life to make her laugh.

So far, so good.

Chapter Eight


Julian smirked into his coffee cup. “So?”

The cousins exchanged an amused glance. Gabe had caught up with them outside LA and declared he would watch the shop while the three of them grabbed a quick breakfast. It had been either that or watch while Glory eviscerated her mate with a tattoo needle. As entertaining as the second would’ve been, they’d all agreed pancakes were the better option.

Julian shrugged. “She’s mine.” Did he really need to say anything else?

Ryan snorted. “Tell me you didn’t actually say that to Cyn.”

Julian shrugged. Hell no, he wasn’t that stupid, but there was no way he was saying that in front of two Grizzlies. A man had some pride after all.

“And you lived to tell the tale?” Ryan shook his head. “Damn. Maybe I should just bare fang on Glory and see what happens.”

Julian almost choked on his coffee. “Your gonads would wind up dangling from one of her charm bracelets.”

“Ouch.” Alex grabbed the cantaloupe, smacking Ryan’s hands away. “You get the green melon thingies.”

“I like the yellow melon thingies better.”

The cousins glared at each other.

“If you two start bitch slapping each other over cantaloupe I’m not going to tell you what I learned from Chloe.”

They immediately focused on him. Alex immediately scowled, the mere mention of his cousin causing the big Grizzly’s protective instincts to go into overdrive. “Tell us what?”

Ryan’s expression turned grim. “Someone’s going to attack Glory, aren’t they?”

Julian shook his head. “If I knew why they’d gone after Cyn, I’d be able to say whether or not Glory is in danger as well.”

“Then we assume all three of them are in danger and go with that.” Alex picked at the fruit. “I won’t lose either of them; it would kill Tabby. She’s already telling the baby stories about Aunt Glory and Aunt Cyn. Some of them are even rated PG.”

“Agreed.” Ryan sat back with a grunt. He ignored the huge stack of waffles in front of him turning limp in the sea of syrup he’d poured over them. “I need to claim my mate.”

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