“Holy shit. Is that—?” The shock in Alex’s voice had him turning to look at the Grizzly. Alex’s mouth was hanging open, his expression full of unholy glee.

“Oh fuck no. No, she didn’t.” Even over the pounding music Julian could hear that Ryan was growling. His hands fisted and his blue eyes darkened to near black.

Julian turned back to the dance floor to see what the two of them were staring at. His own jaw dropped at the sight that met his eyes. “Holy crap, is that Glory?”

And he’d thought the Sailor Mars skirt was short. She’d be more covered up wearing a bikini bottom. He might be nearly mated, but even he could admit she had a damn fine ass. He tilted his head as he stared at far more of Glory than he’d ever thought to see. That pale blue mane of hers was playing an interesting game of peek-a-boo between her butt and the men dancing around her. She’d somehow straightened the curly mass, causing it to fall nearly to her knees. Thigh high boots gave the outfit the illusion of decency. “I thought people weren’t allowed to go out dancing in just their underwear.”

Ryan’s low growl showed the man was not amused.

“She’s wearing a corset.” Alex’s gaze drifted over to his own mate, dressed in her own pair of skintight jeans and one of the lacy tops Tabby tended to favor.

“I noticed.” If the Grizzly clenched his jaw any harder his teeth would snap.

Alex tilted his head, a slow smile drifting across his face. “Do you think she’ll tell me where she got that? I’d like to get one for Tabby.”

Julian eyed the corset. It was one of those strapless thingies that turned Glory’s molehills into mountains. He could just imagine what it would do to Cyn’s glorious breasts. “Ditto.”

From the way Ryan’s chest was heaving Julian figured he was two seconds away from storming the dance floor.

But then he forgot all about Ryan as Cyn caught sight of him. She crooked her finger at him with a wicked grin, daring him to join her. Julian knew his eyes had gone silver, but he didn’t care. He stepped out onto the dance floor and grabbed his mate, pulling her close. He could practically smell the disappointment in the men around him as he showed that Cyn belonged to him. “Having fun?”

“Always.” She glanced behind him. “Where’s Chloe?”

“She decided not to come. She still tires easily.”

She shimmied and he damn near moaned. Cyn looped her arms around his neck and tugged on his braid. “I should have asked you to wear your hair down.”

He rolled his eyes. She had the strange obsession with his hair. “Should I have put it in curlers first?”

“Sure. I was also thinking of scheduling us for matching facials and mani-pedis.”

There was only one response to that. “The one with the cucumbers over the eyes? Sign me up! I hear they do wonders for your pores.”

Cyn shook her head. “I am so tattooing a purple fairy on your ass.”

“I’d rather have your name.” It was an ongoing argument between them, because for some strange reason she thought he was joking. He’d been trying to get her to tattoo Property of Cyn on his ass for weeks now, but she blocked him at every turn. Perhaps it was time he had a chat with Tabby. She might do it for him. He’d just have to make sure she didn’t laugh her way through the whole tattoo. He’d hate it if it looked like it was done by a five-year-old.

They settled into an easy rhythm, moving and swaying together as if they danced with each other a thousand times before. It wasn’t long before her head was resting against his chest, her hat perched on his head. Her fingers stroked through his loosened hair, combing it for him. She’d shoved the rubber band into his back pocket, copping a feel before stroking his hair once more. He let his own fingers do the walking down her back. When his hands landed on her ass he squeezed. Damn, he liked these pants. He’d have to see if he could get her to wear them on their next date night.

She tilted her head back and looked at him through her lashes. It didn’t take him long to find out what she was up to. She began to nibble on the exposed skin of his throat, licking and tasting him. He shivered and tilted his head when she found an especially sensitive spot.

“Somebody likes that,” she whispered, her warm breath tickling the moist spots she’d left behind.

“Oh, yeah, somebody definitely does.”

He felt a tug on his hair and allowed his head to be pulled back. He was rewarded for his obedience by more warm, wet kisses. He closed his eyes, savoring the touch of his mate and the fact that she wanted him. It was hot as hell to have her taking the lead. Normally he was the one who instigated any touches or kisses. To have Cyn take the initiative made him weak in the knees. He was so hard he could probably drill holes in granite.

“Shit.” She caressed the back of his head gently, and his hair swung free once more. “Imminent Grizzly attack at two o’clock.”

Julian opened his eyes to find Ryan pulling a cave bear routine. He was close to shifting, he was so agitated. Glory was doing her best to ignore him, dancing with her back to him, surrounded by men who kept reaching out to touch what they shouldn’t be.

Glory had no idea what she was unleashing, and if Julian didn’t do something fast someone was going to die.

He allowed his other power to flow through him, the power he rarely tapped. He stepped out of Cyn’s arms toward Ryan. “Calm down.” He tapped in to that part of Ryan where his rage lived, soothing the beast before he could savage the humans. Ryan’s back straightened, his hands unclenched and his dark brown eyes turned blue again. Julian wasn’t certain how long he’d be able to hold the Grizzly, so he did the only thing he could think of. He had to get Ryan out of here. “Follow me.”

He backed slowly out of the dancing crowd, his gaze never leaving Ryan’s. Occasionally he would restate the command to follow, keeping the Grizzly under his control until they were out of the building and in the parking lot. He pointed to the seat of Ryan’s motorcycle. “Sit.”

Ryan sat, and Julian allowed his power to go back to sleep.

“What the fuck was that?” Ryan’s expression was part awed, part terrified.

“The other reason Kermode stay separate from all of you.” Julian joined Ryan on the seat and stared at the club, kicking one heel against the asphalt.

“Holy shit. You’re Alphas. All of you.”

Julian winced. He hated it when somebody used that title. It wasn’t accurate, not in the way they meant it. “Not…exactly.”

“So what are you then?” Cyn was standing before them, her arms crossed over her chest, her foot tapping to the beat they could all clearly hear. She didn’t look nervous or scared, just curious. This was good, because hopefully she’d be just like him.

Julian took a deep breath. “Spirit Bears are Shamans, not Alphas. We have no desire to rule others, only to help them and guide them when needed.” He laughed, but even he could hear the lack of humor in it. “What would I do with the whole pack of Bears?”

“Rule the world?” Ryan’s tone was thoughtful. Perhaps he did have a clue what Spirit Bears could truly do if they ever set their minds to it.

One of Cyn’s dark brows quirked upwards. “Steal the world’s honey supply?”

Great. He’d gone from being a Care Bear to Winnie The Pooh.

Ryan darted a quick glance at him. His shoulders relaxed for the first time since they’d entered the club. “Turn salmon into an endangered species?”

“Demand toilet paper in every forest in the land?”

“Ooh, that’s a good one. Because Bears do shit in the woods.”

“I bet those pinecones are scratchy as hell.” Cyn’s expression was solemn, but Julian could see the grin trying to break free.

“You have no idea. And God forbid if you haven’t figured out what poison oak looks like yet.” Ryan shuddered melodramatically.

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