The want he’d felt before was nothing compared to now. If she didn’t come on his cock, he’d go insane. At least he thought so until she began to move, gliding up and down his length with languid strokes designed to drive him crazy.

When she rolled her hips, he felt his eyes cross from the exquisite torture. Fuck, she was incredible. “Play with your breasts.”

She moaned, throwing her head back against his shoulder. Her hands reached up and began tugging on her nipples. He could feel the ripples moving through her pussy with each stroke of her eager fingers. “You want more, baby?”


He pinched her clit then soothed the minor hurt. “You want to come?”

She cast him a sultry look over her shoulder. “Do you?”

He grinned and thrust, letting her know without words how much he wanted.

“Play with your clit.”

He moved his hands to her hips. He was going to give his woman a little help.

One of her hands moved down to her pussy. He looked over her shoulder to watch, wanting to see the rhythm her fingers moved in. He’d memorize it if he had to.

She rolled her hips again, riding his cock while she stroked herself.

“It’s so good.” She moaned, pressing into her own hand. Just the sight of her riding him and touching herself damn near sent him over the edge.

He lifted her up slightly, ignoring her mewl of protest. He wanted a little room to maneuver and he could easily hold her weight while he fucked them both to orgasm.

She gasped at his first hard thrust, sighed over his second, and tried to take back control on the third. She turned wild on him, leaning forward and thrusting back into him. One hand sank into his thigh while the other remained busy at her pussy. He could feel her fingers stroking him every time he exited, the butterfly touches sending his need skyrocketing.

She had to come. He needed her to come now.

He got to his knees behind her and bent her over the rest of the way. He positioned her so that her head and shoulders were on the covers and her ass was up in the air. All the while, he never left her body and her fingers continued to work frantically.

He leaned down so that his chin rested on her shoulder. “Now we really fuck.”

Her eyes went wide. “What was that before, pretend fucking?”

He licked her neck and took her like the animal he was.

Oh my God. Tabby desperately tried to ride the storm called Alex. He pounded into her, his body locked to hers, his arms tight around her. She couldn’t move, couldn’t fuck him back. She was impaled, imprisoned on his cock, in his arms.

And she loved every minute of it.

She couldn’t even reach her clit. One of his big paws was holding her arms hostage. The other held her head down, keeping her teeth away from him. Smart man. If anyone else dared treat her like this, she’d bite his face off.

But this was her mate laying claim to her at last. She settled down, her body relaxing into his, her head tilting even further to the side. She submitted to her mate, the one man who could bring her to her knees with a look and a smile.

She could hear the slap of his thighs against her ass, felt the trembling start deep inside her. She’d only come once or twice without touching her clit, and boy did it feel like the third time was going to be the charm. Her entire body strained for release. “More.”

With a savage growl, he gave her what she asked for. She’d unleashed the beast in him with her demand, and she was going to pay the price for it with a very sore, very happy pussy. Then again, he’s got those wonderful healing powers…

If she thought he’d been pounding into her before, she was sadly mistaken. He began in earnest, ignoring her howls of pleasure. The big paw holding her arms in place let go, only to take hold of her breasts. He squeezed her nipples to just this side of pain. She whimpered, her breath stolen, unable to beg for more. The hand holding down her head clenched in her hair, holding her steady while he took what he wanted and gave her what she needed.

Her orgasm began, rolling through her, the pleasure so intense she could barely draw the breath to scream. Every muscle in her body clenched, the pleasure damn near tearing her apart.

He quivered around her, in her. How he held back his own orgasm she’d never know. “Oh, fuck yes. Do that again.”

She tried to shake her head no, she wouldn’t survive another one like that, but he was moving again and she couldn’t stop it. The first orgasm rolled right into the second, her body pulsing, her breath lost to her. Her body obeyed his command, heedless of the impossibility of it. He owned her, body and soul, and let her know it in no uncertain terms.

She clenched around him, determined to take him with her this time. She snarled up at him, whimpering when his hand tightened, reminding her of who she belonged to. God, it was incredible, and nothing like what she thought being with a Bear would be like. She’d expected something like this with a Wolf and had felt a small pang that she’d never know the kind of mating that she’d always dreamed of.

Alex was taking those dreams and shattering them with reality.

It was happening again, her entire body shoved into orgasm. This time she had enough breath to scream his name. “Alex!” His fangs pierced her shoulder, intensifying the orgasm until she damn near blacked out, spots dancing in front of her eyes as her body shook.

Alex roared, the sound more feral than any other she’d ever heard. His cock twitched inside her once, twice, and liquid heat poured into her. He’d come, finally, his fangs still buried in her neck, her body quivering at the intensity of her own pleasure.

If he kept fucking her like this, she might never leave his bed. She now understood the meaning of the phrase dying from pleasure. She was wrung out, limp, damp and sated to her toenails.

He pulled out of her and dropped to the mattress beside her. His big chest heaved, glistening with sweat. He rolled his head and looked at her, her head still on the comforter, her ass still in the air. “You okay?”

Her muscles were too weak to move even enough to lower her ass to the mattress.

Maybe she could sleep just like this? She smiled, knowing exactly what it looked like. “Best. Fuck. Evah.

Alex chuckled. She almost growled at the smug male satisfaction on his face, but really? He’d earned that look. He pulled and pushed until she was practically on top of him, their feet propped up on the pillows. Neither one appeared to have the strength to move right way around on the bed. They lay there for a few minutes, dropping sweet kisses wherever they could reach without actually moving.

Eventually Alex stirred. “Do me a favor? Next time bite my neck.” He grumbled, but his lips were twitching. “What am I supposed to tell my father when he asks to see my mate mark? Should I drop trou and proudly point?”

She hid her face in his chest and giggled. Her mate had just given her the best orgasm of her life and he was fun in bed? She’d died and gone to Tabby heaven.

Chapter Four

Bunny frowned and tried to figure out what it was that had woken him up. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so damn well. He woke up wrapped around the warmth of his mate, his erection nestled between the cheeks of her ass. She was snoring lightly, her green hair plastered to her cheek. Their feet were still propped up on the pillows; they’d never bothered turning right way round. The low hum of the air conditioner reminded him that he’d need to start looking for a place if he was going to stay in Halle. He had no intention of living with the three women in their tiny apartment. He’d have to ask Tabby if there was any particular neighborhood that appealed to her.

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