Rick and Belle had surprised him. They’d shrugged, basically said, “And?”, then proceeded to treat the Lion like any other new employee, down to making sure she had her own tiny cabin in the back of the lodge and growling when she didn’t show her throat quickly enough to suit the Alpha pair. From what he’d seen, Belle was thrilled to have another big cat roaming the Poconos. He’d seen the two women whispering over clipboards together, Graciela right at their sides, plotting whatever the hell made them look like…

Well, kind of scary, now that he really thought about it.

“Oh, God.” Charlie started laughing. “Dave, you nut.”

Steve looked out on the dance floor and shook his head. Dave had picked Ben up and slung the slightly smaller man over his shoulder in a manly display that would have looked a lot better without the hot-pink tutu. “Geez, guys.”

Belle cupped her hands around her mouth. “Get a room!”

Dave’s head whipped around at the sound of his Luna’s voice. “What do you think I’m doing?”

Ben’s expression was resigned. “We’re playing rock-paper-scissors when we get home, asshole.”

Dave’s grin turned lascivious. “And you will go down again. Literally.” He laughed as Ben swatted his ass, carrying his new husband out of the banquet hall and into the night.

Graciela tugged on his arm. “What do you think, Mr. Hoode? Should we stick around and dance, or…?”

He grinned, allowing his fangs to show. This was a shifter-only event, which was good, because he hadn’t gotten complete control of his shift yet. If the way everything around him had gone yellow and blue was anything to go by, his eyes had shifted too. He’d thought all animals were completely color-blind, so he was happy to find out that they had some color vision.

“My, Mr. Hoode. What big eyes you have.” Graciela batted her lashes at him as she slowly backed away from him.

He laughed, snagging her around the waist before she could get very far from him. “All the better to see you with.”

Her gaze landed on his mouth. “And what a big mouth you have.”

His brows rose. “Like I haven’t heard that one before.”

She smacked him on the arm. “You’re supposed to play along.”

“Honey, in this game, you’re the big bad wolf.”

She glared up at him. “And you are?”

He waggled his brows. “Hoping to get eaten.”

Those around them erupted into laughter as Steven pulled his laughing mate into his arms and kissed the ever-loving breath out of her.

About the Author

Dana Marie Bell wrote her first short story when she was thirteen years old. She attended the High School for Creative and Performing Arts for creative writing. When her parents moved out of the city and placed her in a Catholic high school for her senior year, she tried desperately to escape, but the nuns held fast. She’s now a USA Today best-selling author.

Dana lives with her soul mate and husband, Dusty, their two maniacal children, an evil ice-cream-stealing cat and a bull terrier that thinks it’s a Pekinese. She also suffers from a rare inflammatory arthritis and can be seen walking with a cane or tooling around in her mobility scooter. Her condition was the inspiration for Belle’s hip injury in Steel Beauty.

You can learn more about Dana at www.danamariebell.com and danamariebell.blogspot.com

Look for these titles by Dana Marie Bell

Now Available:

Halle Pumas

The Wallflower

Sweet Dreams

Cat of a Different Color

Steel Beauty

Only In My Dreams

Halle Shifters

Bear Necessities


The Gray Court

Dare to Believe

Noble Blood

Artistic Vision

The Hob

Heart’s Desire

Shadow of the Wolf

Hecate’s Own

Poconos Pack

Finding Forgiveness

Mr. Red Riding Hoode

True Destiny

Very Much Alive

Eye of the Beholder

Howl for Me

Morgan’s Fate

Coming Soon:

Halle Shifters

Bear Naked

Heart’s Desire

The Wizard King

Robin Goodfellow has met his match.

The Hob

© 2013 Dana Marie Bell

The Gray Court, Book 4

When the Black Queen kidnaps one of the White Queen’s nephews, Robin Goodfellow is sent to ensure that the young prince safely returns to the bosom of his family. True to his role as Oberon’s Hobgoblin, he is ready for anything…except meeting his truebond, the very delicious, very human Michaela Exton.

Michaela has dreamed about a flame-haired rogue named Robin Goodfellow since she was a little girl, but everyone knows Puck doesn’t really exist. In real life, it’s a dark-eyed man named Ringo who makes her heart beat faster.

She is closer to her dream man than she thinks, and nobody knows it better than Robin, who wears the guise of Ringo. But there’s competition for her love in the form of Lord Raven, who holds a secret that will rock the foundation of Robin’s world. As a Black Court delegate does the unthinkable, leaving an enraged, grief-stricken Robin hanging onto his humanity by a thread, only Michaela has the power to bring him back from the killing edge—if she survives.

Warning: This book contains explicit sex, graphic language, Robin Goodfellow and… Really. Do I need to say any more?

Enjoy the following excerpt for The Hob:

“Hell and damnation. The man is becoming a master cock blocker.”

Robin Goodfellow strode briskly down the marble encased corridor, his boot heels clacking on the dark hardwood beneath his feet. Being summoned by his king mid-seduction was becoming more and more common. If Robin got interrupted one more time his balls were going to fall off from lack of use.

Not that they hadn’t been emptied recently. They had. Just not into a willing woman.

Whatever was going on, why he was having the most erotic dreams of a dark-haired lovely, Robin didn’t know, but he was willing to bet it had something to do with the sculpture Shane Joloun Dunne, a hybrid with the power to see the future, had created. It graced Robin’s private chambers, a taunting reminder that his bondmate was out there somewhere, waiting for him.

Ever since he’d placed it on his mantelpiece, he’d been dreaming of her. Dreaming and spending into his sheets.

Today, for the first time in months, he’d seduced someone, if only to get some damned relief. And even that was to be denied him as he answered his king’s summons.

He paused briefly at the door to the library, captivated by the sight of a dark head of hair with a rooster-like ruff peeking over the edge of his black leather wingchair. Why she insisted on wearing her headbands that way he didn’t know. Was it a sea nymph thing?

The moment she saw him she growled.

He bowed deeply, amused that such a homely face hid the heart of a lioness. “Lady Cassandra, how do you fare this fine day?”

Cassie grumbled and glared at him. She’d been with him for two months and had learned his ways. Surprisingly, like the Blackthorns and Dunnes, once she became used to him she was unafraid of him. “I thought he wasn’t going to come here!”

It was a shame, really, that she did not belong to him. Robin could see past the too-long, almost homely face to the sweet, determined strength she bore like a badge of honor. Her hissed indignation as she sank lower into her seat had him chuckling in earnest.

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