“The part where I stop talking. Anyway, I have an interview with Belle Lowell for a position at the lodge in two weeks, so I’ll be up the day before that. We can meet for lunch and go over our evil plans.”

He sat on the edge of the bed and started pulling on his socks as she did her best evil genius impression. “An interview with Belle Lowell?” He started laughing. He could picture the two blondes working together. By the time they were done, the lodge would either run like a well-oiled machine or collapse under a metric shit-ton of estrogen and fury.

“Hey, now. I have it on good authority she and I will get along like gas and fire.”

He paused, his knee bent, rolled sock in hand. “That’s a good thing?”

“It depends on your point of view, I suppose. How do you feel about arson?”

He rolled his eyes and finished putting on his socks. “I like this place, so let’s try and leave it uncrispy, okay?” He tugged on his boots and stood, reaching for his red coat. He put it on while Charlie nattered about their surprise for Ben and Dave, the plans they’d already made behind the men’s backs. He made all the appropriate, precaffeine noises, letting her know he was listening even though she was going over things it was too late to change.

By the time she was done he had the beginnings of a headache. It had taken her half an hour to go over everything, and now he was not only decaffeinated but starving. “So I’ll see you in two weeks.”

“And I’ll be bringing that stuff we talked about.”

“Good. See you then.” He hung up after saying good-bye to his coconspirator, eager to head into the main part of the lodge and find some food. He glanced out the window at the snow, smiling at the sight of white covering the dark branches. They’d put him on the second floor, a pair of double doors leading to a private balcony that overlooked the pristine landscape. The slopes used by the Red Wolf Lodge were beyond the tree line, obscured from sight. He left the room with an eager step, ready for his first cup of coffee and some really good food. He nodded good morning to some other guests as he stepped into the elevator.

One woman in particular would normally have caught his eye. She was shooting him some serious come-hither looks out of deep golden eyes. Her blonde hair was caught up in a ponytail, and her red sweater showed off her assets nicely. She was a beautifully packaged gift of willing female, just the kind of snow bunny he’d hoped he’d find when he came up here to relax and unwind.

He wasn’t tempted in the slightest.

Huh. Now wasn’t that interesting.

He waited for the woman and her friends to get off the elevator, making a point of watching her hips sway as she walked away and toward the lobby. She had a truly mouthwatering backside that should have had him sitting up and begging.

Nothing. Not even a twitch of interest.

What the fuck? He stared down at his pants for a second in shock and almost wound up going back up the elevator. He stepped out into the hallway, ready for a good cup of coffee and possibly some therapist bills. He wasn’t a man-whore by any means, but he’d never had a problem showing interest in a pretty girl before. Especially one who was showing interest in him first.

Maybe he just needed some caffeine?

“Morning, Chela.”

Oh, now his body decided to show some interest. Just the sound of that name had his cock perking right up, ready to sing the “Hallelujah Chorus” in three-part harmony.

“Good morning, Ted.”

The cheerful affection in her tone had him scowling. He peeked around the corner to find Graciela standing there in a deep blue sweater, tight black jeans and snow boots, paperwork clutched to her chest. Her dark brown hair was loose around her shoulders, tumbling down her back in loose, soft curls. She stared up at a tall, black-haired man with smiling brown eyes, one who stood far too close to her for Steve’s peace of mind. The two of them were huddled in a corner, speaking softly, obviously unwilling to interrupt any of the guests with their chatter.

When the man spoke, Steve’s assumptions were confirmed. They were talking business. This Ted person must work with Graciela. “Is that the paperwork for the Cheong wedding?”

Graciela shook her head. “Nope. Pack stuff.”

Steve blinked. Pack stuff? Pack what? Was she going somewhere? He hoped not. He had every intention of getting to know her much better before his vacation was over.

Ted seemed to understand the cryptic statement, because he didn’t even question it. “Ready for the meeting tonight?”

She shuddered. “I wish Rick would listen to Belle and start having some of the Pack meetings indoors. Think about it. We could have snacks!”

Steve, confused as hell, tried to keep from being seen. What were they talking about? Pack meetings? Outdoors?

Something strange was going on around here.

Ted chuckled. “Can you imagine the looks on the guests’ faces when the fur began to fly?” He shook his head. “Nah. I’m pretty sure Rick’s going to keep those sort of meetings outdoors where they belong.”

Fur beginning to fly? Had he stumbled into a nudist colony? Maybe they were like the Polar Bear Club and liked being outside freezing their nuts off. He’d seen a few people wearing fur-lined jackets. Maybe they were members.

At least they wouldn’t be diving into a frozen pond or something. He was pretty sure Ben, at least, would object to that. Ben had always been sensible.

Graciela made the cutest face, like a kid who’d been told she had to eat her broccoli before she got the candy bar. “Pooh. Oh well. It was a…” She frowned, glancing around them and sniffing. Steve ducked back into the hallway, hoping he hadn’t been caught eavesdropping like a naughty little boy.


He glanced back around the corner, unable to help himself. The expression on her face was one of warning. What were they really talking about? It was as if she wanted Ted to shut up, but all they’d been talking about was business, right? “I have to get the paperwork to Dave.” The forced cheer told him he’d been busted, but for some reason she wasn’t giving him away.

“Are you all right?” Ted’s tone was more suspicious than concerned. Damn.

Steve made his way back to where the corridor met their little corner of the lobby, determined to bull his way through this if it killed him. He strode right over to the two and picked up Graciela’s hand. “Good morning, Graciela.”

The flush on her cheeks was almost worth the embarrassment of being caught.


“Who are you?”

The overprotective inflection in Ted’s voice didn’t sit well with Steve. Neither did the glare the other man was throwing his way. Steve would give him some slack, if only because he was trying to protect Graciela. Steve would examine why he was reacting this way later, when he was less embarrassed over eavesdropping like a sixth grader. “Steven Hoode. And you are?”

The man’s brows rose, his gaze darting to Graciela, who nodded firmly. “Ah.” The man took a step back, the tension in his shoulders easing. “Teodoro Pedroza. I work with Ben.” There was something, a menacing flicker that disappeared almost before Steve really acknowledged it was there, in the other man’s gaze. “Welcome to the Poconos, Mr. Hoode.”


The warning in Graciela’s voice was clear, the command unmistakable. She took a step forward, placing herself solidly by Steve’s side. She was ordering her friend to back off in no uncertain terms.

To his credit, the man did so, but not before shooting Steve a look that told him clear as day that Graciela was loved and protected. The look he turned on Graciela only hammered the point home. It was full of brotherly affection that had Steve reassessing the relationship between the two. “See you tonight, Chela?”

“Tonight, Ted.”

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