Ben followed him to his room, his hand on the small of Dave’s back the entire way. When it came to helping Rick rule the Pack, Dave was a rock. Introducing his mate to his friend turned him into a wreck. “Listen, there’s something you need to know about Charlie.”

Ben blanched. “He’s your mate?”

“No!” Dream or no dream, he had to get that stricken look off Ben’s face. “Just…look. Charlie’s—”

The door flew open. “Davey!” Suddenly he had an armful of warm, cuddly, female Lion. Her long blonde hair tickled his nose. “Who’s your friend?” She leaned back and gave Ben the once-over, approval in her blue eyes. “Did you finally find someone to help you forget Big Ben?” Her eyes widened. “Oh, my God. You look familiar.”

Ben’s jaw had gone slack the moment Charlie threw herself into Dave’s arms, but it hardened when she mentioned someone else helping him get him over Ben.

Oh boy.

Ben held out his hand. “Name’s Ben Malone.” Ben shot Dave a look that promised retribution. “You must be Charlie.”

Charlie pulled slowly out of his arms, her gaze glued cat-like and unblinking on the Wolf. She dug her toe into the carpet and bit her bottom lip, the picture of innocence.

Dave took a step back so he wouldn’t get blood on him. He reminded himself that Ben could take care of himself.

Her hand whipped out so fast it was a blur, but the smack of flesh on flesh was loud in the echoing hotel. At least she’d kept her claws in. He wouldn’t have appreciated scars on Ben’s pretty face. “You bastard!” And she burst into tears.

Dave rolled his eyes, picked his roomie up in a fireman’s hold and carried her into the room. “No getting the nice Wolf arrested, Charlie.”


“No, Charlie. And don’t you dare claw my ass.”

He heard more than saw her pout, but she went limp in his hold. “Aw, you’re no fun.”

The door shut. He glanced over to make sure Ben had followed them inside. When he saw the smirk on Ben’s face he dumped Charlie on her bed ass-first. “Be nice to my mate or I’ll limit your catnip to two a day.”

Charlie blew him a raspberry before turning her attention once more to Ben. “Are you going to treat Davey like he deserves, or are you going to continue being a rat bastard?”

Ben sighed and strolled into the room. “Long story short? My father was an alcoholic, a mean one. I can’t handle being around them, and I thought Dave was one.” He stared right into Dave’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“You said that.” Dave was glad to finally hear it, even if he wasn’t sure it was real.

“I’ll keep saying it until you believe it.”

“He beat you?” Charlie crossed her legs and propped her chin in her hands.

Ben’s eyes remained on Dave’s. Dave could see the remorse written there clearly. “Yeah.”

“Shit.” Charlie sighed and rolled onto her stomach. “Is he still alive?”

“I think so. I’m not sure.”

“How could that be? The Alpha, hell, the Marshall or Omega would have done something about it.” Dave knew Rick’s grandfather could be an ass when it came to dealing with outsiders but he’d never put his people at risk, even the teenage ones.

“They didn’t. He was a master at hiding it, even from them. The times they knew I’d been hurt? He blamed it on accidents. The Omega thought I was a moody little boy and a moodier teenager. Remember, just because you feel what someone else does doesn’t mean you understand why.” The way Ben was looking at him, Dave understood the message he was trying to convey. Ben had been wrong, just as the old Marshall and Omega had been, and now they were both paying for it. “The last thing the Alpha wanted to do was rock the boat over a boy they all thought was going through a stage and hurting himself.”

Dave flopped onto the bed next to Charlie. “That’s why you thought my migraines were hangovers.”

Ben nodded curtly.



“Why didn’t you ask me about them?”

Ben winced. “Honestly? I couldn’t allow myself to get that close.” He perched on the other bed, the one Dave had been planning on sleeping in. Charlie had wanted the bed by the sliding glass doors so she could see the fireworks over the castle. “My mother didn’t fight him. She loved him too much, and he beat on her too.” Ben shook his head. “I think the old Alpha just didn’t want to see what was right in front of his face. If he had, he would have been forced to Outcast my dad and deal with what came next. Odds are good Dad would have forced Mom and me to go with him.” He shook his head. “I’ve watched someone I was supposed to love destroy everyone around him because of alcohol.” Ben clasped his hands between his knees and gazed right into Dave’s face, hiding nothing. “I’m sorry, baby. I couldn’t let myself become my mother.”

Ouch. That hurt, but he could almost understand where Ben was coming from. He’d had a twisted childhood, and that was going to do things to his perspective. Now all Dave had to do was decide if he forgave him or not.

Dave narrowed his eyes. “You said you’d do anything if I would just forgive you.”

Charlie chuckled. She knew what was coming. Hell, she’d helped him design the damned thing. “The shirt?”

“Oh yeah.” And if Ben wore it, he’d get his wish. Dave would do his best to forgive Ben for being a prick. Hell, he was halfway there just from hearing about Ben’s childhood.

Then again, if Ben put it on he’d know this was nothing more than a dream. Real Life Ben’s pride would never allow him to wear a shirt like that, let alone in public.

Ben looked like he’d just stuck his arm in a dark hole and had no clue if he was about to grab a handful of honey or bees. “What shirt?”

Dave handed him the bag containing the shirt and waited.

Chapter Seven

Dave was grinning like a loon as they entered The Brown Derby, but something seemed off. He still seemed…wistful, somehow, especially when his gaze landed on the shirt Ben wore. “You said anything.

Ben’s jaw was permanently clenched. He’d been stared at, pointed at, and laughed at everywhere they went. But fuck it if he was taking this shirt off. He’d said anything, and if abject humiliation was the only way to win Dave over then damn it, he’d do it.

Unless it involved clown noses. Then all bets were off.

“C’mon. It matches your eyes.”

The fact that Dave’s hand was cupping his butt did not mitigate the fact that Dave was also laughing his own ass off.

“Where the hell did you find this thing?” Ben gave their names to the maître d’ and studiously ignored the smile trying to break out all over the man’s face. He’d made the reservations from Dave’s room, glad to get a table on such short notice.

Now he was wondering if they would have been better off with room service.

“I had it made.” Dave caressed the brown cotton. Ben damn near shivered at the feel of his mate’s hand on him, stroking down his back. “You like it?”

“I love it,” he gritted out. At this rate he’d not only get his mate but a huge dental bill as well.

Dave huffed a laugh as they followed the maître d’. “Good. Then you’ll wear it at the next staff meeting.” Dave batted his lashes at him, daring him to go there.

God. There was no way in hell Ben was wearing a dark chocolate brown T-shirt with the words Trophy Wife stenciled on it in bright yellow letters at the next Pack meeting. “Sure thing, honey.” In your dreams, maybe.

Dave held out Ben’s chair, and Ben almost snapped his head off. “I’ll make sure it makes it home safe and sound, then.”

Ben took his seat, the low growl dying to break free. He gritted his teeth and held it back through sheer willpower. A family of four was seated right next to them. Don’t scare the straights, Ben. “I think I can take care of that.”

Dave’s brows rose like he knew exactly what Ben was thinking of doing with the shirt before it ever hit the Poconos. “Florida has really small pipes,” he muttered, confirming Ben’s thought. “I wouldn’t try flushing it down the toilet if I were you.”

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