“I’m here, Dave. What do you need?”

This was not happening. It couldn’t be. “Um. I need my medicine.” The elevator arrived and Dave stepped in, smiling wanly at the people already on board. The lights felt brighter than they had earlier. A slight headache began behind his eyes.

Shit. Not now. Please, not now.

Ben stayed close, rubbing his back, until the elevator arrived at Dave’s floor. “Let’s get your stuff, baby.”

Dave got out his keycard and slid it into the lock.


Ben caught Charlie before she could land on him. For that alone he forgave Ben a lot. “He’s beginning to migraine.” Ben’s voice was soft and even, but Dave could hear the concern.

Charlie fell back. “Oh. What does he need?”

Dave pointed to the small black bag he had next to the television. “Imitrex.”

Ben pulled out the white box of medicine and read the instructions. “Here. Take your meds. We’re going to pack you up and take you to my room.”

“Why would you do that?” Charlie folded her arms and stood in front of the door, blocking their exit.

“Because if the medicine doesn’t stop the migraine I have a bedroom he can collapse in that’s separate from the living room. I can make it nice and dark for him.”

Dave left them to their pissing contest and headed into the bathroom. He winced at the light coming off the mirror, the headache intensifying. “Shit.” He filled one of the glasses with water and downed the pill, making sure to drink all the water. He then filled the glass again and downed that. “Done.”

Ben stuck his head in the bathroom and nodded. “Gather your stuff.” He shook his head. “Better yet, go lay on the bed and point. I’ll gather your stuff. Charlie can help me.”

“Mm-hmm.” Dave got around him and lay on the bed, one hand over his eyes. This was the first time he’d gotten one of his headaches since he’d been in the hospital. He prayed the new medicine Dr. Howard had prescribed worked. The last thing he wanted was a full-blown migraine right now.

“All set. Let’s go, baby.”

Dave lifted his arm. “Why are you being nice to me?”

Ben sighed. “C’mon. Let’s get you settled in for the night. I’ll order room service for breakfast, and if you still think you need me to explain it, I’ll do it then. Okay?”

Dave nodded carefully. His head was beginning to swim, but the headache seemed to be easing off. “Sure.”

“Take care, Davey.”

He accepted Charlie’s careful hug. “You too. You still coming to the Lodge in December?”

“Yup.” She kissed his cheek. “You take care of him. And just so you know, we have reservations for dinner in Italy Tuesday night.”

Ben nodded. “Maybe I’ll talk him into making it reservations for three.”

“Hmph. We’ll see.” Charlie held the door open. “Ben?”


“Don’t claim him until you’re sure the headache’s gone. You might make things worse.”

Dave’s jaw fell open. “Wait. You approve this?”

Ben’s eyes rolled, and he picked up both of Dave’s suitcases. “No, you’re still not dreaming.”

Charlie hid her laugh behind her hand. She was probably trying not to make noise. “Have fun, you crazy kids.” The sound of the door shutting behind him was final.

He really wasn’t dreaming.

“Let’s go, baby. It’s a bit of a walk once we get off the elevator. Think you’re up to it?”

“I have to be, don’t I?” Dave shook his head. The dizziness was getting worse. It felt like he’d had one too many glasses of wine, and the light was still stabbing into his eyes. “We need to get me in the dark.”

Ben frowned and carried Dave’s luggage to the elevators. “Let’s go.”

It didn’t take long to get to the Bay Lake Tower bridge. The view from the bridge that connected the Contemporary to the Towers was incredible. Too bad he couldn’t enjoy it.

“We can come out here and watch the fireworks if you like.”

Dave didn’t respond. He was too busy trying to stay on his feet.

By the time they got to Ben’s room Dave felt like he was floating. He propped himself against the wall and waited for Ben to open the door.

“You’ll like this. It’s a great room.”

“Mm-hmm.” He was prepared to hate it on principle. It was Steve’s room, not Ben’s.

He followed Ben into the suite, impressed despite himself. It was like the room he’d been in, only enhanced, improved. There was a dinette set with a banquette and a few chairs. The kitchen had dark cabinets and a light countertop. The living room boasted a comfy looking sofa and chair.

“The balcony goes from the living room to the bedroom.” Ben, his hands empty of suitcases, opened the glass doors. “I’ll show you.”

Dave stepped out into the cool evening air and followed Ben around the balcony. Ben opened another set of glass doors that led into a decent sized bedroom dominated by a huge bed. Dave nearly groaned in relief at the sight. His head was still swimming, but at least the headache was receding.

“Crawl in, baby. I’ll take care of everything.”

Dave did as he was told, not even bothering to pull off his sandals. The nausea had died down, but even so he was glad to get into bed.

He felt Ben tug his sandals off. “Want me to help you get undressed?”

He rolled over and gave Ben a look.

Ben’s hands went to his hips. “I’m not asking for sex. I’m asking you to let me help.”

Dave closed his eyes and sighed. “Sure.” He buried his head in the pillow and tried to ignore the feel of Ben’s hands tugging his clothes off. He lifted up long enough for Ben to pull off his T-shirt, leaving him in nothing but his boxers.

“Damn. Just…damn.”

Dave would have laughed at the heated awe in Ben’s voice if he wasn’t so tired. “Lights.”

Darkness filled the room. Dave allowed himself to drift away, the cool air dancing across his skin soothing him into sleep.

Chapter Eight

Ben sat in the living room and filled out the room service form. No way was Dave leaving that bedroom until Ben was certain the migraine had been averted. He filled out the form, requesting Mickey-shaped waffles, juice, and coffee. He hung the sheet on the doorknob as instructed. That done, he turned his attention once more to Dave.

He couldn’t believe Dave had thought the whole day had been some sort of dream. No wonder he’d been so relaxed, so willing to forgive. Ben had thought they’d gotten past that in Magic Kingdom with the nonexistent pizza rain. What had made Dave think it was still a dream? The fact that he’d put on the shirt? The easy way they’d gotten along?

Ben scrubbed his hands across his face. Who knew his very presence was enough to give Dave a migraine?

Ben picked up his cell phone and dialed a number he’d memorized for just such an emergency. “Dr. Howard? It’s Ben Malone.”

“Hey, Ben. What can I help you with?”

Ben prepared to lie his ass off. “My mate’s in our bedroom, and he’s begun a migraine. I’ve given him the initial dose of Imitrex, but I was wondering when he should get the next one? I didn’t want to ask him, since the first one made him fall asleep.”

“Hmm. You’re mated?”

Ben crossed his fingers. “Yes.”

“Good. The dose I gave him is the strongest they make. You can give him a second pill in two hours, but that’s it. No more after that. If the migraine doesn’t go away you’ll have to deal with it, unfortunately.”

“Shit. Okay. Will do. Is there anything else I can do to try and stop it? We’re on vacation, celebrating our mating, and I’d hate for Dave to miss out.”


Ben almost felt guilty. “Thanks.”

“Pick up some Excedrin Migraine. That will help. Not too much of that, either, it’s got caffeine in it. Too much caffeine can make the migraine worse.”

Ben got up, ready to scratch the coffee off the morning breakfast list.

“But don’t cut the caffeine out altogether. A little helps push the medicine through his system and can ease the symptoms.”

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