And now, if something happened to Jaden, Duncan and Moira would die, forever lost to the world as their souls yearned for something they could never touch again.

She didn’t want that for Shane. She didn’t want that bright, beautiful spark extinguished, his light lost to the world forever. But being a Blade, and one of Robin’s hand-picked assassins, meant she could be killed at any moment, dragging the bound Shane with her into the abyss.

“It’s too late, you know.”

“Shh.” She began kneading his shoulders, letting her warmth seep into him. His voice was slurred, not far from the sleep she needed him to have. He was exhausted to the bone.

“The Claiming has begun. If you try to leave me, I’ll get mate sickness.”

Her hands paused. “What?”

His shoulders shook. The son of a bitch was laughing at her. “It’s too late. It was too late long before our lips touched, but now that they have?” He shrugged, the movement wiggling her where she was seated on his butt. “I know I’ll develop mate sickness if you disappear on me.”

“I thought that only happened if we have sex.”

One bleary eye opened long enough to wink at her. “Oh, we will have sex. Trust me.” His eye closed again. “But I’ve tasted you. I know, beyond a shadow of any doubts you might still have, that you’re my mate.” He shivered under her. “Please, Akane.”

Her hands began to move once more, her brain going a mile a minute. “I thought Claiming occurred after sex.”

“So did Duncan and Moira, but they both got mate sickness after Jaden left. Hate to tell you this, love, but all it takes is a single kiss.”


His shoulders tensed. She dug her thumbs into a particularly bad knot, smiling when he gasped. “It’s not like I asked you to eat asparagus every day for the rest of your life, you know.”

She shuddered. “How did you know I hate asparagus?”

“When Da offered you some you acted like you’d smelled a seriously nasty fart.”

She chuckled. “Well, at least you don’t smell like asparagus.”

“Don’t taste like it, either.”

She might have taken that as an invitation if he hadn’t sounded so sleepy. She felt safe telling him at least part of her fear. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Ditto.” He snuggled down into the bedding, nearly asleep. “I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

She snorted another laugh. “Go to sleep, Jethro.”

“Mm. Akane.” And with that, his breathing evened out, her name a soft sigh on his lips.

She gingerly lifted her hands from his skin, unwilling to wake him now that he was finally asleep. “I’m in big trouble.” She couldn’t stop herself. She curled up next to him, her body heat high for her chilled man, and guarded her greatest treasure as he slept.

Something warm was cuddled up to his back. Shane could feel the heat pouring off the animal and sighed. Sal had crawled into bed with him once again. How the salamander managed to get into his studio he’d never know, but it wasn’t the first time and he doubted it would be the last. “Fucking animal.”

The bed shifted, and Sal leaned over him, panting heavily. “Woof.”

Shane froze. He opened his eyes to find the kind of tongue he wouldn’t mind having all over him lolling out of a mouth he was already addicted to. The heat had been Akane, not the salamander. “Good morning, a ghrá.”

Akane sat back, looking astonishingly prim despite her tangled curls. “What does that mean?”

Shane stretched all over, curling his toes in pleasure. It was nice feeling, waking up to the woman of your dreams. “What do you think it means?” He stared up at her, daring her to admit she already had the answer.

Her brow furrowed. “I have no clue. I’m a New Yorker, remember?”

He chuckled. “In that case, do you really want the answer?”

She opened her mouth, but something about the look on his face must have stopped her from giving the automatic response she’d intended. “I don’t know. Do I?”

He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across those kissable lips. “If I were you, I would.”

One brow rose arrogantly. “Good thing I’m not you.”

He pulled her down for a good-morning kiss, enjoying the cinnamon and spice taste that exploded on his tongue. God, the woman tasted incredible. “Good morning.” He let go and waited for her to run for it.

She cleared her throat, her expression dazed. “Um. Yeah.” She shivered delicately. “I have to go to work.”

She started to crawl out of bed and Shane bit back a grin. “Break some legs.”

She paused. “You did not just say that.”

“What?” He grabbed hold of her wrist, feeling the rapid beat of her heart through the delicate skin.

She shook her head and pulled on her arm half-heartedly. She was learning. “Seriously. Ruby’s in danger. I have work to do, damn it.”

He’d expected more rage from her, but her protest was weak, her tone more thoughtful than pissed. “I would never endanger Ruby or try and stop you from working. You know that.”

“Do I?”

There was an old pain under her words, a wound he intended to lance before it festered any further. The first step was to let go of her wrist and settle back down under the covers. “If you tell me you need to work, then you go.” He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her jean-clad thigh. “Just remember to come home to me.” Shane put his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes. There wasn’t much more he could do at this point in the game short of dragging her down and finishing the Claiming. If he did that, he’d break the fragile trust she’d given him the night before.

He was rewarded by the soft brush of her hand through his hair. “You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?”

The affection in the insult was unmistakable. Shane hid his glee behind a warm smile. “I try.”

She snorted a laugh. “Where will I be able to find you later?”

“Hither and yon.”


He sighed. “If I’m not in my studio I’ll be around the farm, helping Dad.” He opened one eye and glared at her. “Did you erase my cell phone number again?”

Her big eyes widened, the innocent act lost on him. “It was an accident, I swear.”

He rattled off the number and waited for her to input it. “You call me if you need to find me. Even if I’m working I’ll answer.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask, but how will you know it’s me?”

He gestured vaguely toward the floor, his eyes still closed. “Dig my cell phone out of my jeans.” He waited until the cold plastic hit his palm before opening his eyes. He had to see the expression on her face for this one. “Now call me.”

She did, and when the ring tone sounded she shot off the bed like it had bitten her. “‘Puff the Magic Dragon’? You fucker!”

He started to laugh.

“That’s not fucking funny, Shane!” She began beating him with a pillow so hard the thing burst, sending feathers flying in the air. Still he laughed. “You son of a bitch.”

He couldn’t take her seriously when she was also on the verge of giggles. He rolled his eyes at her and pressed some buttons on his cell. “Fine. Try calling me now, you picky wench.”

She picked up her cell phone and dialed again, her brows rising in surprise. “Des’ree’s ‘You Gotta Be’?”

“Do you have an objection?” He sniffed, sneezing when feather fluff got up his nose. “I preferred ‘Puff’ myself.”

She was still biting back her giggles. “I’m terrified to know what Robin’s ring tone is.”

“‘Welcome to the Jungle’.”

She blinked. “Oddly appropriate.”

“We got fun and games.” He put his arms behind his head and smirked. “Wanna know Oberon’s?”

Akane’s jaw dropped. “You do not have Oberon’s cell number.”


She tried to snatch his phone away but he put it under his pillow before she could. She sniffed. “I knew you were lying.”

His brows rose and he pulled his phone out. He held it up so she could clearly see the name and numbers listed.

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