Akane hopped out and raced over to Shane. “Your brother-in-law drives like a freaking maniac.” She stopped in front of Sean and stood on her tip-toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Aileen have any hot chocolate going? I’m freezing.”

Sean spared her a soft smile. “Go on in, Akane. I’m sure Aileen will be more than happy to make you some.”

“Sweet.” She started off up the stairs. Without pausing she yelled back, “Don’t kill him, Sean.” She glanced back over her shoulder and tossed Shane’s father a wicked grin. “I have plans for him.” She sauntered into the house, the sound of the screen door slamming shut loud in the cold air.

Sean stepped back from Tristan. “One step wrong and you’ll be dead before you know what happened to you.” He shot Tristan one last glare before following Akane into the house without a backward glance.

“I love that man.” Jaden sniffed and wiped away an imaginary tear.

Shane nodded. “He’s the best.” He’d have to tell his father about his chat with the Seer. If what he suspected was right, Akane was in serious danger.

Jaden took hold of Tristan’s arm. “Call off Sal. I’ll escort our guest inside.”

“Sal. Heel.” Sal trotted to sit beside Shane, his tail once more going a mile a minute. Just as he got to the front door Leo and Ruby pulled up in their Land Rover. Behind the wheel was, of all people, the Hob. Somehow, Shane wasn’t surprised. “C’mon in. I think Ma’s making hot chocolate.”

The Hob lifted Ruby out of the SUV, much to her husband’s obvious annoyance. Leo had been just a hair slower than Robin. “Hey, Shane!” Ruby waved, nearly knocking the Hob over. “Sorry, Robin.”

Robin shook his head and placed her on the ground. “You are a dangerous woman, Ruby Halloway Dunne.”

She reached up and patted his cheek. “And don’t you forget it.” She took hold of her husband’s arm and walked with him to the house. The grin on Leo’s face was wicked. He was getting used to Ruby’s ways and must have finally figured out Robin wouldn’t hurt a hair on her head.

The Hob, however, looked delightedly shocked. Shane paused, wondering that such a simple gesture put such a look of yearning on Robin’s face before it was hastily wiped away. “So.” Robin cleared his throat and sauntered to the house. Again, he was dressed way too lightly for the weather. A simple black coat with silver buttons reached his knees, but it was in no way thick enough to keep the cold air from reaching his skin. Black jeans were tucked into high black boots. Shane would bet anything another silk shirt lay under that jacket. Perched on his head was a black cowboy hat with a silver band. His red hair blew about in the cold air, unconfined by anything except that hat. “You have Tristan. What do you plan on doing with him?”

“If my father has his way, feed him to the cat.”

“That hardly seems like a fitting punishment for hurting your fiancée.”

“You haven’t seen the cat.”

Robin hopped up the steps and quickly entered the house, but not before rolling his eyes. “Come along, Shane.”

“Yes, sir.” He patted Sal one last time on the head and set the salamander to guarding the house. He didn’t want another surprise attack from the Malmaynes during a family meeting. The last one had blown up Akane’s car and lost them the barn, but gained them Sal.

This time they might not be so lucky.

He stepped into the house and headed for the kitchen, the heart of his parents’ home. He accepted the hot chocolate his mother handed him and settled in next to Akane who, for the first time, did not growl or glare at him. She put her head against his shoulder wearily, like it was the most natural thing in the world, and not something that stopped the conversation dead in its tracks.

“What?” Akane yawned. “I’m tired.”

Moira relaxed. He hadn’t even realized how tense his sister was around his bondmate until that moment. “We have to figure out the best way to protect Leo and Ruby.”

Robin coughed.

“When Robin is busy elsewhere.”

Everyone chuckled, even Robin.

Shane took a deep breath. “I have a message from the Seer.”

Akane lifted her head. “What did my mother say?”

“First, she said to tell you hello.”

Akane nodded impatiently. “And?”

“‘Ruby is safe. It is your back you must watch.’”

“Mine?” Akane pointed to herself.

Shane shook his head. “No. Mine.”

“What?” Akane jumped out of her seat, flames dancing in her eyes. Her golden horns appeared on her head.

“She also said they know and to tell you to be careful.”

Akane stilled. “They know what?”

“I’m not sure. That you broke into their house?”

“That Shane has visions?” Robin examined his fingernails. “If they have such a gift in their hands they might be able to interpret, or even interrupt, prophecy.”

Aileen’s fist clenched on the table. “They are not taking my child from me again.” Golden sparks danced across her skin as the full-blood Sidhe’s fear took over.

“We’ll protect him, Ma.” Moira gestured to her mates. “Jaden can watch over him when Akane’s asleep.”

Jaden nodded. “It won’t be a problem.”

Leo sighed. “I feel kind of useless. I’m surrounded by Blades. Sit. Stay. Good boy. Woof.”

“You’re still their primary target. Don’t forget that.” Akane patted his shoulder. “If they can get you to agree to a mating they think they’ve succeeded. If Shane has become a target it’s because they know about the visions.”

“Which means they’re willing to hurt him where they aren’t willing to hurt Leo.” Sean sighed. “We need this over with. I’m tired of my family being in danger.”

Tristan watched everything silently. Shane had no idea what was going through the Sidhe’s head. Tristan’s expression was carefully closed off, giving no clue to what he was thinking.

Ruby bit her lip. “If we stay on our land, Leo should be able to keep us both safe, right? He’s bonded there the way Sean is here. He could use the land itself to stop someone.”

“Only if he knows they’re coming,” Akane pointed out.

Ruby snorted. “Please. The day something gets past Robin Goodfellow is the day I go up on the roof naked and sing show tunes.”

Everyone turned and stared at the small human perched delicately on her husband’s lap. “Ruby,” Leo sighed. His hand covered his eyes. “Don’t tempt him.”

Robin tilted his head, his expression thoughtful. He tapped one black fingernail against his chin. “Would it be worth it?”

Ruby patted her husband’s cheek. “It’s okay. I trust him.”

That simple, honest answer brought a flush to the Hob’s cheeks. Shane was certain that the number of times the Hob had blushed could be counted on one hand.

But then the Hob’s attention turned to Tristan and any trace of a blush was gone. He straddled the man’s chair, those black nails lengthening into talons. His blue eyes flashed to glowing green. Tristan paled beneath the cold touch of the Hob’s claws.

“You are at the heart of this.”

Tristan swallowed so hard his Adam’s apple bobbed visibly. “I am an agent of the White Queen.”

“You are interfering in a duly appointed Blade’s operation.” One claw drifted down Tristan’s cheek, leaving behind a thin trail of blood. His hand gripped Tristan’s chin tightly. “Now. Don’t lie to me. I will know it if you lie.”

Jaden began to pant and clutch his stomach. He moaned, the sound agonized.

“Shit.” Duncan stood and hauled Jaden to his feet. “Moira, I need you.”

The two concentrated on Jaden and, whatever they did, it soothed the vampire. He slumped between them, the two holding him, protecting him from whatever it was that tormented him.

“Get him out or the memories will break free.” Robin turned his head. “Patrol if you must, or slip away and help him forget, but for now he must be removed.”

Duncan nodded distantly, but not for one moment did Shane think he was angry with the Hob. The Sidhe was building a fantasy for his mate, keeping Jaden trapped there to protect him from whatever painful memories were trying to erupt.

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