He’d managed to get hold of her wrists and pin her hands beside her head, something she didn’t realize until she tried to push him off. “Yes.”

“You think waking a man with a purple nurple is appropriate?”

“In certain circumstances, yes.”

A truly evil grin took over his face. “Then I’m certain you’ll understand why I find this equally appropriate.”

Akane’s eyes went wide as Shane swooped down, taking her mouth in a kiss that threatened to unlock her legs. Before she could stop herself her lips parted, letting him in. Shane took immediate advantage, thrusting his tongue into her mouth with an intensity that told her how he’d thrust his cock into her body. He’d take her, leaving her no doubt as to who she was with, who she belonged to.

His flavor burst over her, feral, deep and strong. It was a taste she could easily find herself addicted to. His hands curled around hers as somehow he took the kiss deeper. She found herself breathing him in, his scent surrounding her, his taste filling her. His hard cock nudged her stomach. For a brief moment of insanity she allowed her thighs to relax.

For some reason, Shane didn’t take advantage of the implied invitation. Instead the kiss softened, became something more than just need, stronger than just hunger. Something tingled and danced across her skin, like snow fairies, cold and delicate. Akane risked opening her eyes.

Gold and green sparks lit the air around them. The son of a bitch’s Sidhe half was trying to Claim her.

Before she could buck him off he ended the kiss. “Damn, girl.” He groaned, his forehead resting against hers, his hips rocking into her, dragging his cock along the silk of her pajama pants. “Just…damn.”

“Get off me.”

He blinked, looking shocked at the harsh, growled words. “Akane.”

“I am not your gods-damned mate, Shane.”

His head tilted. For one brief moment she thought it was anger coloring his features before it was completely swamped by determination. “Fight it all you want. Yell. Scream. Throw things.” He blinked, his lips twitching. “But not in my mother’s living room.” He almost succeeded in winning a smile from her. His lips brushed the tip of her nose. “But we both know you’re mine.”

She growled up at him. In about five seconds smoke would literally pour out of her ears if he didn’t get off her. “You’re delusional.”

He smiled, an expression so full of joy she was shocked. “No. I’m blessed.” He brushed another soft kiss across her nose before slowly climbing out of bed. She tried to ignore the way his pajama pants rode low on his hips, or the way his hard cock tented the flannel fabric. He stretched, his arms over his head, his hands almost touching the ceiling. The long line of his back arched, his muscles bunched, and Akane had to stifle a groan of her own. He finished stretching and shook himself. “Coffee.” She watched in disbelief as he sauntered toward the bedroom door. “C’mon, darlin’ time’s awastin’.” He sent her a heart-stopping grin and opened the door. “My woman has bad guy ass to kick, remember?”

Her jaw dropped. He winked and, without another glance, left the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Akane picked up the pillow he’d been drooling on and, with an ear-splitting shriek, threw it at the door. She could not allow herself to be drawn in by Jethro. She was a fucking Blade! A total badass! Men quivered in fear when she appeared irritated. Fae hid in whatever nooks and crannies they could force themselves into at the sound of her wings. She ate Black Court vampires for breakfast and thought nothing of having lunch with the Hob afterward. She had Louis Vuitton on speed dial and could buy the Dunne farm a thousand times over.

And Shane thought the whole thing was what? Cool? Neat? Fucking cute?

Akane’s jaw clenched. If Shane thought a few sparkly lights were going to make this dragoness settle down on the farm, he had another thing coming.

Akane blinked. The drifting scent of freshly brewed coffee filled her senses. Her mouth watered at the thought of one of Aileen’s perfect breakfasts. Was she making pancakes? Akane loved pancakes. Then again, maybe I could stay here for a while.

“Aren’t you out of bed yet?” Shane’s laughing voice carried through the door. She could hear his big feet stamping down the stairs. She’d have to hustle to get anything to eat. The man ate enough food to feed three people.

Akane leapt out of bed and headed for the shower.

Chapter Two

Akane allowed the rhythm of the music to flow through her. She kept her movements sensual, tempting the man across from her in the way only a dragoness could. From the amount of drool on his chin her target was buying into it. Akane allowed some of her inner fire to seep into her expression, smiling slightly when the target almost dropped his drink in his lap.

If Robin’s facts were correct, this man would lead her to information the Malmaynes would kill to keep quiet. She ran her hands through her hair, fluffing the curls around her face with a coquettish look. She licked her lips and allowed her gaze to roam over her target. When she was sure she’d set him to a nice simmer, she crooked her finger at him. All she had to do was seduce him enough that he was distracted. Her temporary Sidhe partner would then read the target’s mind and extract the information they needed. But if the target sensed for even one moment that his mind had been invaded, the entire operation would have to be scrapped and the back-up plan put into action.

Akane did not want to go to plan B. Plan B involved Robin’s direct involvement, something she was striving to avoid at all costs. If Robin showed up, things would get…messy.

Akane allowed the target to slide his hands around her waist. The Malmayne looked like most of them did, with golden, gleaming hair and pale eyes. On any other occasion she might have found him semi-attractive. Tonight, he was nothing more than a mark.

She danced with…what was his name again? Tristan? She danced with Tristan Malmayne, wondering when her temporary partner would give her the signal that they’d gotten what they needed. It would be a simple matter to slip away at that point, something she’d perfected over the years. More than one man had been left in her dust after she’d gotten what she wanted.

The target wasn’t a bad dancer. If he hadn’t been on the devil’s side she might have even enjoyed herself. She ran her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, scraping the skin with her nails. A shiver ran through him. His pupils dilated. His erection brushed against her as he pulled her closer.

She turned in his arms, allowing him to move against her ass, hoping her partner was done. His hands roamed over her bare legs, trying to slip beneath the hem of her miniskirt. If his fingers moved two inches higher he’d find a four inch stiletto pinning his foot to the floor. She wanted gone from here before she found herself thrown over Tristan’s shoulder and carted out of the bar. She’d hate to have to explain to Robin that she’d been forced to break the target into tiny little pieces for being too grabby. Again.

Akane looked up, trying to locate her partner, and damn near shrieked in surprise.

Right in front of her was one of the handsomest men she’d ever had the misfortune to meet. His sapphire eyes were blazing with anger. Dark blue silk stretched across massive shoulders. Tight, dark jeans were molded to his legs like a second skin. Those scarred hands took hold of the Tristan’s and twisted, sending the Sidhe reeling back in shock and pain.


“Sorry.” She turned to find Tristan’s eyes narrowed. He studied Shane, way too closely for Akane’s comfort. “Don’t I know you?”

Shane grinned. “Nope.” He took hold of Akane’s arm and pulled her to the middle of the dance floor. “You are in deep shit, Miz Akane.”

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