He was going to kill this man. Then he was going to kill himself.

He closed his eyes and prepared himself for a dying man’s feast.

When he opened them again the blond was gently pushing his head away from his neck. “That’s enough for now, my friend.”

Jaden blinked. The hunger was gone. The feral need to kill had abated. The man…the man was still alive. Jaden licked his lips and moaned.

The man tasted delicious. Almost effervescent. Definitely not human. “Who are you?”

The man smiled. “Duncan Malmayne, at your service.” And he bowed, bowed to Jaden Blackthorne, ex-Black Court vampire and unwanted half-breed, with all the grace he would show to a visiting prince.


Duncan laughed and offered his hand to the small cat Jaden had attempted to feed from. “Hello to you too, young madam.”

“Who are you?”

Duncan’s eyes gleamed, silver sparks dancing in their depths. His skin gleamed under the shadowed moon. His ears, now that Jaden looked closely, were delicately pointed. Silver danced along his skin. “I am Duncan Malmayne, Seelie Sidhe lord and heir to the Malmayne Clan.”

White Court. Seelie meant White Court. That was the first thing his Sire had pounded into his head, to avoid the White Court like the very plague. They hunted his kind, killed them with glee. “Why?”

The man tilted his head. “Why what?”

“Why feed me?” Why save me? I’m not worth it.

“Because you did everything in your power to send me away. You tried to save me at the expense of your own life.”

“I’m vampire.” Evil. Born and bred, it was in his blood now. He would never be free of the taint.

“Truly?” Duncan’s eyes widened comically, the oval pupils proving once and for all that he was far from human. “I had no clue.”

The laughter in his voice made mockery of that which had filled his Sire’s. That laughter had been cold and cruel. Duncan Malmayne’s laughter drew Jaden in, made him smile. Made him warm for the first time in weeks. “Thank you for…” He swallowed hard. He couldn’t even bring himself to say it.

Duncan Malmayne’s laughter subsided. There was no pity in his gaze, only understanding. “You’ve been abandoned?”

Jaden nodded. He still was not sure if what ran through him was relief or rage that his sire had discarded him two weeks ago.

“How old are you?”


Duncan shook his head. “No. How old are you?”

Oh. “A month, my lord.” Something about Malmayne demanded the honorific from him.

Malmayne’s jaw clenched. “Have you petitioned the Gray Court for admittance?”

“The…Gray Court?” What was the Gray Court? His Sire had never mentioned that there were more than two Courts, the White and the Black. It was death to even approach the White Court, but Jaden couldn’t bring himself to embrace the pure evil the Black Court embodied.

But a Gray Court? A place where a vampire like him, reviled by both Seelie and Unseelie, might find a place to belong? Was it possible?

“I thought not.” Malmayne put his hand on Jaden’s filthy sleeve. “Come with me.” Fear shot through Jaden. Was Malmayne going to kill him now? “I’ll explain things to you, help you find your way. When you’re ready to leave, you’ll be able to take care of yourself. I promise nothing will happen to you in my care.” He knelt and picked up the mewling cat, cuddling the creature close and scratching behind its filthy ear.

Jaden’s heart pounded. Something about the way Malmayne touched the cat, despite its dirt, made him long for something he couldn’t name. “Why are you doing this?”

For the first time, the Sidhe seemed uncertain. “I’m not sure. But there’s something about you. I cannot leave you here to die.” The uncertainty fled, leaving behind determination. “So you will come with me and live.” He held out his hand.

Jaden didn’t hesitate. He took Duncan Malmayne’s hand, knowing his life would never be the same again.

Nebraska, present day and just after Halloween…

Moira watched her family disappear into the distance, the only home she’d ever known nothing more than a dollhouse on the horizon. The tall man beside her hadn’t given her much of an option about leaving. She’d found herself bundled into his limo before she could blink.

Of course, she’d still been reeling from the incredible kiss he’d placed on her lips just moments before she found herself in the vehicle and on her way. Something within her had responded to the stranger, something that kept her from fighting his Claim on her.

What was up with that?

Moira never went with the flow. She always followed her own path. She was a leader, not a follower, and damn proud of it. So why had she followed like a meek little lamb while this man bundled her up and drove away?

Why did it bother her so much that they’d left Jaden Blackthorn behind?


She turned to the stunning blond sitting next to her. His charcoal gray suit was much darker than the silver gray of his eyes. His blond hair was slightly longer than was fashionable, brushing the tops of his shoulders. His lips were full and pink, calling her for another taste. With the way his body filled out that suit she bet he was massive everywhere. He had the face of an angel and the body of a warrior. Despite the suit he managed to trip every he-man fantasy she’d ever had, and then some.

“Do you know who I am?”

She rolled her eyes. She might be just this side of blond but she was far from the stereotype. “Duncan Malmayne, new lord of Clan Malmayne. You’re a five-hundred-year-old Sidhe who is blood bonded to Jaden Blackthorn, the vampire who kidnapped Ruby. Your sister was a psychotic bitch and your father—”

“Is dead.”

The cool tone of voice told her nothing. Did he grieve his father, or was he glad that the man who’d allowed his daughter to deal out so much grief and pain was dead?

“I’m sorry.” She wasn’t, but it seemed like the right thing to say.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Didn’t I just answer that question?” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

His lips twitched. “Redheads. I’d forgotten about that temper.”

Her eyes narrowed. He was beginning to piss her off. “Strawberry blonde.”

He tugged on one red-gold curl. “More strawberry than blonde.” He tipped her chin up. “I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

She could feel her eyes go wide at the silver sparks dancing in his eyes. “Wait. What?”

“You know what I’m talking about. You tasted it when we kissed.”

Oh, crap. “That’s not possible. I don’t have enough Sidhe blood to recognize or Claim a true bond.”

She blinked. Or did she?

The children of Sean Dunne each had unique abilities their half-Sidhe, half-Leprechaun blood granted them. Leo, for all that his powers tended toward his Sidhe half, had still managed to claim land in the leprechaun way. He’d used the leprechaun’s bond with the earth to find and rescue his true bond, Ruby, but the bond was weak and his powers over the land miniscule.

Shane, a true half-blood, could summon whatever his imagination could conjure up so long as the materials it was made out of were “of the earth”, a concept he’d tried and failed to explain to her. He couldn’t make a plastic water bottle, but he could make silk shirts. Unfortunately, using the ability exhausted him beyond belief. The more intricate the item, the more tired he became.

As for herself, Moira took after her father the most. She would count herself almost pure leprechaun. Her bond to the earth was strong. She could hear the trees whisper to one another, feel the grass grow beneath her feet. The earth itself told her things in her dreams, things that would send her father into a tizzy if he knew about them. She hadn’t ever planned on leaving the Dunne farm; the land called to her the same way it did to her father. She couldn’t imagine living in a big city, surrounded by concrete and glass. She needed dirt beneath her feet and green, growing things. She hoped Duncan understood that or they’d have problems from the get-go.

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