He spoke before he thought. “Are you?” She scowled up at him, but before she could take a bite out of him he leaned down and kissed her. “You’ve true bonded a Gray Court vampire, Moira. Do you think your White Court family will really approve of that?”

“I think they will.” She smiled up at him, her momentary anger gone. “I know Duncan can’t wait.”

He felt more than heard Duncan’s chuckle. “Damn straight. I’ve waited long enough.”

Jaden snorted, still unable to believe that everything he’d ever dreamed of might come true. “You’ve waited?”

He yelped when Duncan’s slap landed on his ass.

Moira laughed. “Wake us up, love.” She yawned mid-chuckle. “I could use a nap before we finish what we’ve started.”

Duncan pressed one last kiss to his back. Then mist swirled, and they were in Duncan’s bedroom. Jaden was on top of Moira, his semi hard cock still buried inside her. Duncan was draped along his back. “Well, damn. You weren’t kidding about the wet spot.”


He sighed, truly content for the first time in years. What had he done to deserve such bliss? “Shit.”

Chapter Six

Duncan reached out and slapped at the alarm clock, but the damn thing rang again almost immediately. He cracked open one eye and glared at the window.

Still dark out.

Next to him Jaden snuffled. A light snore erupted from the vampire’s mouth. Moira’s breathing was deep, her sleep undisturbed. Duncan smiled. For the first time in he couldn’t remember when he was completely at peace.


Duncan sighed. He got out of bed as quietly as he could and headed for his pants. He pulled out his cell phone and walked into the sitting room next to the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind him. He didn’t see the need to wake the other two. He checked the caller ID and frowned.

What the hell does Shane Dunne want at—he squinted at the clock on the mantelpiece—two o’clock in the morning? “Hello?”

“Hello, Duncan. Long time no hear from.”

Shane’s low, smooth drawl was so unlike both Moira and Leo it was a shock to hear it. The middle child, Shane Joloun Dunne was unlike anyone Duncan had met before. Pure hybrids were so rare that only four had been recorded in the history of the Sidhe. All of them had been remarkable in one fashion or another. It was said the finest lord of the Sidhe, Nuada Silverhand, had actually been a hybrid. “Do you know what time it is?”

“Roughly two a.m. Listen, I got word that you might be in trouble. Anything I can do to help?”

Duncan blinked and looked at his phone. What the hell? Was there anyone who didn’t know about his problems? “What kind of trouble have you heard about?”

Shane sighed. “Darkness stalks the Malmayne clan. Salvation lies within one man. Accept the bond and pay the price. Shadow wraps around you thrice.”

Duncan took a deep breath. If that meant what he thought it did then they might already be too late. The only question was what the price might be. “Jaden, Moira and I have become bondmates.”

“Huh.” Silence. “My sister’s got a tribond? Interesting.”

Duncan rubbed his eyes. He was way too tired to deal with Shane. “Listen, I’ve been meaning to talk to your father. Is he awake?”

“No, and right now you wouldn’t be able to get much from him anyway. Tell me what’s wrong, I’ll get him the message.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” He needed Sean Dunne’s help, not his son’s.

“I give you my word my father will receive your message.”

Duncan heard the ring of magic in the other man’s voice. A vow, then. “The Malmaynes are pushing to punish the Dunnes for the deaths of Cullen and Kaitlynn.” He filled Shane in on the discussions he’d already had with both Henri and Charles. “If they have their way, Leo’s true bond will be set aside for the marriage contract, Jaden will die and the Dunnes will owe honor debt.” And I’ll be dead, more than likely. If losing his bondmate didn’t kill him then Charles would. He’d be a rallying point for any Malmayne not willing to follow the new regime. Killing Duncan would cement Charles’s place as the new Clan Lord.

Shane gave a low whistle. “Yeah. That’s going to be an issue. I’ll get Dad to summon the family. We’ll let you know when we expect you.”

“We’ll be there.”

“All three of you.”

Duncan smiled, warmed by the hybrid’s insistence. “I’ll drag Jaden if need be.”

“Good. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything more. Night, Duncan.”

“Good night, Shane.” Duncan hung up the phone and settled into one of the big armchairs in front of the fireplace. He thought about lighting a fire but that would take more energy than he had at the moment.

How the hell had Shane known about their problems? What was with that cryptic riddle? As far as he knew there were no Seers on either the Dunne or the Joloun side, rare creatures that they were. Only one full-blooded Seer still lived, so he must have heard that riddle from another source. The question was, who?

Duncan sat in the dark for another half an hour, pondering his next move. Jaden had every intention of investigating Charles along with the rest of the clan. What other avenues were open to them? He had to stop the fall of the clan, because he refused to bow before the Dark Queen. But how? He rubbed his forehead, all of the problems he’d had before Jaden came back home descending once again on his shoulders. Hell if he’d be able to sleep now.


He started and looked over his shoulder. Moira stood there, rubbing her eyes, her gloriously nude body outlined by the moonlight. “Hey. Go back to bed, amoureaux.

She smiled and stepped into the room, padding silently across the carpeted floor. “I can hear you thinking. What’s wrong?”

“Shane called. He had a message for me, and an offer of help. He’s going to call a family meeting to see what they can do for us.” He pulled Moira into his lap, settling her head in the crook of his neck. He closed his eyes and nestled her close, letting some of the tension out. He had to release some of the burden to his mates or he’d lose his mind. “I’m not sure what to do.”

“I fight.” He looked over to find Jaden standing there, an odd, green glimmer in his black eyes, barely there before it was gone again. Duncan frowned, concerned. Where had that strange light had come from? There was nothing green in the room; it was done completely in whites and silvery blues. “I’ve been sanctioned to do whatever is necessary to prevent the Malmaynes from falling. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

Duncan winced. If those were Jaden’s orders, someone would die. “I want you to be careful.” I don’t want to live without you again.

Moira’s fingers brushed his cheek. “We’ll help him.”

“Oh no you won’t.” Jaden’s back went rigid, his expression hard. “You keep your pretty asses out of this.”

Moira managed to beat him to the punch. “Excuse me? This is my family now, and I fight for my own!” The Irish was back in her voice, but this time it was full of outrage.

“I am a Blade, Moira. A fully trained Knight of the Gray Court, one of Oberon’s hand-picked warriors. I work directly for Robin Goodfellow, who, by the way, is scary beyond all sanity. Trust me, I think I can handle Charles Malmayne.”

“You think I can’t?”

Jaden’s eyes narrowed. “No. I have something else in mind for you to do.”

Duncan sat up at that. “Now wait a moment, Jaden.”

He would have said more except Moira’s hand covered his mouth. Now he was getting pissed at both of them. “What?”

“I know there are things you can do that a full-blooded leprechaun can’t. Use that to your advantage to protect yourself and Duncan. Let me deal with the outside threats. You take care of our home.”

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