“Ma, we’re home!” A fiery little redhead the spitting image of Aileen Dunne bounced through the back door and straight into Aileen’s waiting arms. Behind her came two men, one dark as sin, the other fair as the sun.

“Aw, shit.” Her shoulders slumped.

Jaden looked startled for only a moment before his brows drew down. “Akane? What the hell are you doing here?”

Now she’d have to explain why Robin had sent her, and what she was doing on the Dunne farm.

Could things get any worse?

Jaden glared at the dragoness. Robin had to have sent her to keep an eye on him, and he didn’t like it one little bit. “Well?”

She turned to face him, delicate hands on tiny little hips. If he didn’t know better he’d think she was fragile. “This wasn’t my idea.” She pointed at Shane, one foot tapping impatiently. “He made me stay.”

He glanced over at the eldest Dunne child. “Are you causing trouble again?”

Shane pointed at himself, his eyes wide. Probably the only person falling for the man’s innocent act was his mother, who patted him on the shoulder and handed him a cookie. “There, dear. I’m sure there’s no trouble.” The Sidhe female glared at Jaden like it was all somehow his fault.

Jaden had a hard time not laughing in his mother-in-law’s face. Gods, he liked the hybrid. He had a dragon female corralled on his farm, growling in aggravation. It was the most emotion he’d ever seen in Akane, and he’d known her for years. He had a high Sidhe lady up in arms, and…yup, a leprechaun hiding in his den, having a laughing fit.

Damn, that man can move fast.

A stinging slap landed on his arm. “Ow.”

“Who’s that?” Moira had her arms crossed over her chest. She stared at Akane, her green eyes glittering like emeralds.

Uh-oh. “That’s Akane.”

“And?” Moira drawled.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, darling.” “She’s a Blade.”

Now Akane was glaring at him. “Thanks a lot.”

He returned her glare with interest. “If you think I’m the only one getting run over by that particular bus you are sadly mistaken.”

“So? I mean, why is she here?” Moira was still glaring at Akane, who could probably eat Moira in one dainty bite.

“She’s sometimes my partner.” “Before you ask, no, we’ve never slept together.”

Arms reached around, plucking Moira from his side. “Down, girl.” Duncan’s soothing tones took the fight right out of his little leprechaun. “I’ve met Akane once or twice. Trust me when I say she’s never been Jaden’s type.”

Now Akane looked offended. Great. Jaden pinched the bridge of his nose and wondered if he’d be considered a coward if he ducked into the den with Sean.

Then again, did he really want to face his new father-in-law by himself?

Hmm. Pissed off dragon, pissed off leprechaun. He mentally shrugged. Might as well piss off the Sidhe lady. I wouldn’t want to miss anybody. He pressed a kiss to Moira’s forehead. “You know you’re one of my onlys, sweetheart.”

He risked a quick glance at the Dunne family. Shane looked amused, Leo looked outraged, and Aileen looked…smug?

It’s official. This whole family is freaky.

“I heard that.” Moira turned to look over Duncan’s shoulder at her family. She had to stand on tip-toe to do it. “Didn’t Mom tell you about the tribond?”

Shane continued to sit there, looking amused. He was beginning to understand why Akane was so pissed off. Leo, on the other hand, did as predicted. “What tribond?” The Sidhe’s eyes had narrowed dangerously, little golden sparks dancing along his skin.

“Leo.” Ruby took hold of her husband’s arm. “Down boy. Jaden’s one of the good guys, remember?”

Leo’s hand covered Ruby’s, holding her to him. Jaden didn’t know if it was out of affection for the woman or to protect his mate from the big bad vampire. “I’m trying to.”

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Jaden blinked. Shane was standing, ambling through the kitchen toward Akane, who was a lot closer to the dining room now.

“I’m leaving.”

Shane shook his head. “I’m still not sure why. You’ll only fly back and eavesdrop anyway, so why not sit, be comfortable and have some of Ma’s apple pie?”

Akane snorted. “God, Farm Boy. Why not offer to let me milk the cows, because that would be so much fun.”

Shane took hold of her arm and began leading her back to the kitchen table. Akane pulled on his hold, but to Jaden’s shock she didn’t get free. “As you wish.” He set Akane down in a chair and handed her a plate. “Enjoy your pie.”

What the fuck? Jaden had taken the hybrid with difficulty, true, but the fact that he’d just manhandled a dragon? That took strong to a whole new level.

Did that crazy hybrid let me kidnap him?

The small jump Moira gave, the speculative gleam in her eyes as she stared at her brother, let him know she’d heard his thoughts loud and clear. If Moira thought Shane had allowed Jaden to take him, then maybe Jaden was on the right track.

Akane ate her pie, her body tense. Jaden bet she was ready to bolt at the first sign that Shane’s vigilance had waned.

“Shane, be nice to the girl. She’s not used to us yet.” Aileen Dunne smiled at Akane, and the dragon suddenly looked terrified. “But I’m thinking she will be.”

“Not in this lifetime.” Akane shoveled another piece of pie in her mouth. “Thanks for the pie, though.”

Jaden almost laughed. Akane was brutally honest when cornered, and it looked like Shane had managed to push all her freak-out buttons. “All right. Let me hazard a guess. Akane, Robin sent you here to make sure I didn’t fuck up—”

“Jaden Blackthorn! Language!”

Jaden pretended to wince. It had been a very long time since he’d been scolded by a mother. “Sorry. Shane caught you and made you come inside. Did he threaten the car?”

The dragon snarled, the sound low and inhuman.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He turned to Leo. “The rest of us are here for a family meeting about the Malmaynes.”

“Kaitlynn and Cullen are dead. I thought it was over.” Leo sat, pulling a blushing Ruby into his lap. Those two were so cute together it made his fangs ache. “How wrong was I?”

“Completely.” Duncan sat, placing Moira next to him. He gestured for Jaden to take the empty chair to her left, bracketing her between them. Duncan was making a statement, but it put him dangerously close to Leo, who still didn’t look happy about how close Jaden was to his baby sister. The Sidhe was giving him some serious stink-eye. “Charles is set to try and take over the clan. If he does, he’ll begin pressuring Leo to mate with one of his daughters.”

Leo winced. “Ugh. Not those two. Constance and Cecelia are almost as bad as Kaitlynn was.”

“Not quite.” Jaden leaned forward, folding his hands on the table top. “They aren’t bat-shit crazy. They’re just mean.”

“True.” Leo glanced at Duncan, his cheeks turning pink. “No offense.”

“None taken. My sister was bat-shit crazy.” Duncan held Moira’s hand. “They’re also trying to set aside my bond with Moira and Jaden.”

There was silence around the Dunne table. “Both of them?” Leo leaned forward, staring at Duncan. “You’ve declared them both your mates?”

Duncan opened his mouth to respond when an explosion rocked the house. Jaden had Moira on the ground so fast he didn’t know if she even understood what had happened. He pulled Duncan down next, forcing the Sidhe over Moira. “Protect her. I’ll find out what’s going on.”

Duncan nodded, his Seeming falling away, silver stars dancing around him. “Be careful, amoureaux.”

“I will.” He stood and gestured toward Akane to join him. “Let’s go.”

“I’ve got the front, you get the back.” That freaky eye of hers was glowing. Golden horns peeked out of her hair. She was moments from changing into her dragon form, ready to do battle and defend the Dunnes.

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