“So swear I, Jaden Malmayne-Blackthorn, Knight of Oberon.”

Duncan couldn’t keep the smile off his face. His once lost vampire was now his lord.

The sword touched down on Jaden’s shoulder. “I, King Oberon, hear your oaths. From this day forth, let Clan Blackthorn declare you its leader until such time as you pass from this world, are declared unable to lead, or the clan as a whole request your removal.” Oberon lifted the blade. “Rise, Lord Jaden, and greet your clan.”

Jaden rose and faced his bondmates, looking startled when the Dunnes behind Duncan raised a cheer. Duncan’s chest swelled with pride when all the Dunnes, even Leo, knelt before Jaden.

“Help me.” Jaden looked at Duncan. “What do I do?”

Duncan took Moira’s hand and moved to stand next to Jaden. It was time. He cupped Jaden’s cheek. Moira, knowing what was coming next, kissed Jaden’s other cheek, her hand resting over his heart, the three of them linked the way they were always meant to be. Jaden nodded, his mouth trembling. Moira had tears in her eyes, making them sparkle like emeralds. Duncan’s own eyes were moist. He’d waited so long for this moment. He let his human Seeming drop. He felt the powerful Sidhe magic, the only one they could truly claim, bend to his will. Bands of light circled him, lethal to anyone but his chosen ones.

Moira’s face lit up at the sight, and with a sigh she dropped her own Seeming. Her lights were not nearly as bright or as numerous as his own, but the unusual dappling, like leaves in sunlight, made them uniquely her own.

He could feel Jaden’s wish that he too could join the display the Sidhe were putting forth. “You’ve already bound us to you, amoureaux. No light show can change that.”

Moira wrapped her arm around Jaden’s waist. “Now it’s our turn to bind you, a ghra.

Together they began to recite the Vows, three voices blending into one. “I vow that from this day forward you shall not walk alone. My strength is your protection, my heart is your shelter, and my arms are your home. I shall serve you in all those ways that you require. I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care. Yours is the name I whisper at the close of each day and the eyes into which I smile each morning. I give you all that is mine to give. My heart and my soul I pledge to you. You are my Chosen One, you are my mate, and you are bound to me for eternity.”

Silver light merged with green, both Duncan and Moira’s Sidhe powers blending, forming the Bond between not only themselves but Jaden as well.

Somehow, Jaden responded. Something within the new lord, some force unknown to any of them, reached out and joined the silver and green light, a shadow that took those sparks and wove them together into a whole. Whether it was a gift from the Hob’s blood or some unique power the tribond gave Jaden, Duncan didn’t know or care. He could feel Jaden’s awe and joy, and that was enough for him.

The entire court gasped as their joined power circled the three of them before spearing into the lovers in a display of light and shadow the Gray Court would talk about for centuries.


Akane stared out the window at the Colorado night sky and wondered how quickly she could get the hell out of there. Robin had yet to answer her request to investigate the Malmayne clan, and until he did she was sort of in limbo. She’d already been here longer than she’d planned. Spending Christmas at the Court was not something she relished, but when she objected Oberon had merely smiled. Next thing she knew she was in a room in his home and sharing French toast with a Naiad while a Satyr glared at them both.

She was still trying to figure that one out.

At least she’d managed to have someone bring one of her cars to her. Duncan had promised that he’d have a replacement car waiting for her at his house once he returned to Nebraska. The new Clan Blackthorn leaders were still meeting and greeting those who wished to join the clan. Not surprising that most of those were vampires. Akane snorted. It was about time a mostly vampiric clan had been formed. She bet over time others would join, but for now they held back and allowed their clanless brothers and sisters to step up first.

Hell, Akane had considered pledging herself to her friend’s clan, but the thought of having to bow down to Jade just made her laugh. She was thrilled for him, really she was, but the two of them still had to work together. No, she’d remain his partner and protect him the way she always had.

He’d know that at least one person would have his back out on the field, where his family couldn’t be.

She sighed. She couldn’t wait to get back out there. Her fingers were starting to itch. There had to be something more going on than Charles had known. The Black Court wouldn’t get this involved in nothing more than the fall of a clan, even one as prestigious as the Malmaynes. No. The Dark Queen wants something specific. All I have to do is figure out what.

“You’d almost think you were one of those werewolves, the way you’re staring at the moon.”

Akane closed her eyes. Somewhere deep inside she’d known he’d show up. “Go away, Jethro.”

His breath caressed her ear. “Now why would I do that? There’s no where else I want to be.”

She shivered. “Go. Away.

“Is that any way to treat the man who’s offering you a ride back to Nebraska?”

She glared up at him. “Why would I be going back with you?”

“Because Robin’s going to give you permission to investigate the Malmaynes with Jaden. If you’re doing that, you need to be where Henri and his lovely ladies are currently holed up.” He gave her a wide grin, rocking back and forth on his heels. His thumbs were jammed into his front pockets. “Remember, they still want a Dunne child, which means my family is still in danger.” He leaned forward. “I sure do look forward to being protected by you, Miz Akane.”

She gritted her teeth. He was so… so… She almost rocked back herself.

Bamboozling me. The son of a bitch is trying to fake me out.

She’d watched him give his oath to Oberon. His smooth grace and liquid voice had rolled over her, turning her insides to pure, aroused mush. He’d put most of the Sidhe lords in the room to shame despite the worn denim jeans and faded work shirt he’d worn. She’d damn near melted into a puddle right then and there. Not once had “Jethro” made an appearance.

Well. Two could play that game.

“No thanks, Jethro. I prefer not to fly with Chicken Coop Airlines.” She moved around him, barely brushing by him. The contact nearly sent her into a tizzy, his heated, earthy scent invading her until all she could smell was him. Well, she was determined not to be the only one melting, damn it. “I think I’ll fly back in Robin’s private jet.” She ran her fingers up his arm, trying not to moan at the feeling of thick muscle. “I’m sure he won’t mind one little bit.” She smiled up at him and sashayed out of the room, closing the door softly behind her. For all of two seconds she honestly thought she’d gotten the better of him. She might have gone on believing that if she hadn’t heard his amused chuckle just before the latch engaged, damn him.

Akane damn near growled. He was driving her insane, and if she didn’t get away from him she was going to do something she’d regret. No way was she tying herself to an aggravating, hot as sin, know-it-all Nebraska farm boy.

No. Way.

Shane watched his intended saunter out of the room and chuckled quietly to himself.

She didn’t know it yet, but she was his.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number that would have had his fiery dragon screeching in outrage. “She’s on her way back to Nebraska.”

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