“I think it has everything to do with Jaden’s leaving.”

“Why would you think that, Ma?” She was nearly on the edge of her seat, the sensation that she was about to fall down the rabbit hole stronger than ever.

“Because I think Jaden is Duncan’s, and your, unfulfilled bond.”

She’d known it, but it was still something of a shock to hear her suspicions confirmed. “You think all three of us are true bonds?” She scowled. “How in the name of all that is holy could they have missed that?” She got up and began to pace, the phone glued to her ear. She couldn’t wait to hear an explanation.

“It’s entirely possible the blood bond they share held off the worst effects of an interrupted bond. It’s also possible that they’ve never started Claiming one another. If they’ve never shared a kiss the both of them could believe that any attraction they feel is due to the blood bond.” Aileen sighed. “I’m not as up on my vampire bonding as you are, but from the way you described it that’s what I’m guessing has happened. The three of you need to get together and find out for certain, though.”

“Damn.” She shook her head, totally confused. “But how would their interrupted bond affect my bond with Duncan?”

“That’s the problem. Jaden blood bonded both you and Duncan before Duncan Claimed you. Did Jaden ever kiss you?”

She touched her lips again. She’d dreamed that Jaden had kissed her the night he’d come to kidnap Ruby. What if he really had?

What if, with one simple touch of his lips, he’d Claimed her without even meaning to?

“I think so, but I was pretty out of it. What would that mean for all of us if he started Claiming me?”

“It means you’ve got a tribond.”

Moira rubbed her forehead. Damn damn damn. “I think I’m getting a headache.”

“Moira. How do you feel about Duncan?”

I want to save him. I want him to stop hurting. I want to see him laughing again. “I want his happiness.”

“How do you feel about Jaden?”

May the Mother be merciful on those two, because I’m not going to be. She sighed, knowing what was going to have to be done. “I want his happiness.”

“And men are?”

Moira’s lips curled up in a silly grin. “Daft.”


Filled with new resolve, Moira sat up straight. “I’ll fix this, Ma.” I’ll get both my men in the bargain.

“That’s my girl.”

Chapter Three

Jaden stopped at the edge of the drive, suddenly uncertain of his welcome. He’d shut Moira and Duncan out of his life, shoved them out of his head with force at times. He wasn’t sure how they’d react to his sudden return, necessary though it was. He definitely wasn’t certain how Duncan would react when he found out Jaden had started working for Robin Goodfellow full time. How would his bond brother take Jaden’s defection from the family?

At the time it had looked like the only thing to do. He would be away from his biggest heartache yet still be able to keep Duncan and Moira safe. Keeping those two safe was more important to him than any White Court acceptance, any Black Court blandishments waved in his face. It was more important to him than his own life.

Not that he planned on laying that particular commodity on the table any time soon. He kind of liked his skin wrapped around his bones, thank you very much.

He studied the front of the brick mansion and smiled. Duncan had gone all out on the whole holiday thing. Lights were strung everywhere. He bet when night fell the house would be a beacon of cheer for anyone passing by.


Fuck. For the first time in eight weeks he allowed Duncan into his mind, but only so far. He couldn’t let Duncan in all the way or the man would figure out exactly why Jaden had stayed away. He couldn’t bring himself to face Duncan’s pity, or worse, his scorn. “Duncan.”

The relief and anger that washed through him staggered him in its intensity. “Get your ass up here.”



That cold Malmayne temper of Duncan’s was roused. How bad were things going to get once Duncan realized that Jaden’s return was merely temporary? He figured the fireworks, once started, might actually be kind of fun. It would certainly provide him with even more of an excuse to leave when the task was done.

He got out of the car, careful to put a carefree expression on his face. He wanted Duncan to think he’d been out on the town, partying with and fucking anything that moved. He couldn’t allow Duncan to know the truth. Not yet, maybe not ever.

God, being noble sucked ass. Thank God Robin had gotten him a bite to eat before bundling him on the plane for Nebraska. Too bad he’d been unable to enjoy more than the bite. He could have used the relief sex would have brought, but the little redhead had reminded him too much of Moira. He’d eaten, but he hadn’t really enjoyed it. Robin had to be aware of that, damn him. He’d even offered to join Jaden in the big bed behind him, romping together just the three of them.

Jaden had said no. He never, ever wanted to witness Robin’s idea of “romping”. Robin’s grin had held way too many teeth for his comfort.

Hell, even after a hundred years Jaden couldn’t classify himself as a party animal. He was by no means celibate, but even during the seventies he’d kept it in his pants more often than not, only giving in when the hunger for sex and blood became more than he could bear.

Wouldn’t Duncan be shocked to find that out? His Lordship probably had him pegged as a regular man-whore.

The door was flung open by none other than Lord Malmayne himself. Jaden frowned. He looks like shit. “Hey Dunc—” That was as far as he got. The fist to his mouth knocked him down, shocking him. The trickle of blood at the corner of his lip told him more about Duncan’s rage than anything. It was the first time Duncan had ever bled him.

It was the first time anyone but another vampire had blooded him, actually. Shit. I’m impressed.

“Where the hell have you been?”

He blinked and sat up. Damn, Duncan had hit him hard. He kept forgetting how strong the Sidhe could be, especially one who’d been a warrior once. “Two’s company, or so I’ve heard.” He got gingerly to his feet, ignoring the glare Duncan shot him.

“Where were you?”

If anything, his flippant answer seemed to have pissed off his bond brother even more. “Here. There. Everywhere.” He leered at his friend. “Thinking about you and Moira’s underwear.” He waggled his brows, hoping for a laugh. A smile. Hell, just a little less hostility would be nice. No, wait, I want him hostile. Don’t I?

“I needed you here. Not off doing whatever the hell it was you were doing.”

“I had a fun time doing it, too.” He put his hands on his hips, desperate to brazen this one out. “What’s the matter with you, anyway? You shouldn’t have even noticed I was gone.” He batted his lashes at Duncan, who was aware that Jaden swung both ways. “Of course, if I’d noticed you missed me that much I would have been back sooner.” He ignored the dangerous narrowing of Duncan’s eyes. “Where’s your lovely wife, by the way?

“Inside. Now.” Duncan turned on his heel and actually stomped into the house.

Jaden blinked, stunned for the second time that day. Huh. The Bonding must be affecting him. He expected that fiery display of temper from his…Duncan’s little leprechaun, but never from Duncan himself. The man was always calm, cool and collected. More than once he’d saved Jaden’s ass by refusing to lose his legendary cool. Yet here he was, so pissed off he was stomping.

If the man wasn’t mated Jaden would have been flattered. As it was he wondered how long it would take him to wrap up this ugly assignment and knock the dust of the Malmayne household off his canvas sneakers.

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