There was a freight train running outside her room. Which was odd, since her apartment wasn’t anywhere near train tracks. Ruby groaned and pulled a pillow over her head.

Or tried to, anyway. Something else was on the pillow. “Get off, Cliona,” she muttered, batting her hand at her cat.

There was a snort, followed by “ow” in a deep masculine voice.

Ruby’s eyes flew open. Staring at her and holding his nose was Leo.

“Um.” The events of the night before rushed through her head, bringing heat to her cheeks. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” If she hadn’t seen the happiness beginning to flirt around his mouth she would have been mortified. As it was, she was merely horribly embarrassed.

“Did I hurt you?” She reached out with one hand and stroked the bridge of his nose.

He took her hand in his and kissed her palm, heat, humor and tenderness making his eyes shine in the morning light. They even looked a different color, startlingly light and bright. “I’m fine, kitten.” With a groan he rolled over and stretched, a whole body stretch that involved flinging his arms over his head, his incredible chest bowing up off the bed. She bet if she looked under the covers she would see his toes curling. And he called her kitten. Right now, he reminded her of a sleek jungle cat, all muscle and sinew and man.

“How about a shower before breakfast?”

She blinked, staring. He climbed out of bed, his body was magnificent in the early morning light. That golden color obviously wasn’t a tan, either. There wasn’t a single tan line on him. She knew; she looked.


“Of course, there are other things we can do before breakfast.”

He caught her staring at his tight, firm ass. His low, sexy growl sent heat racing through her system.

Oh yeah. She could go for some more of that.

Her stomach, however, had other plans. It growled, loudly. “Or not,” he laughed, reaching down for her. He grasped her hand he pulled her from the bed. “C’mon, shower, then breakfast.”

Before they could make it into the bathroom she heard the theme song from The X-Files coming from Leo’s leather pants.

Leo picked up his pants and pulled out his cell phone. “Hey, Dad, what’s up?”

Ruby held back a laugh. The X-Files? Not what I’d pick for my dad.

The expression on Leo’s face slowly changed from happy to shocked. Her grin faded away, her concern for her new lover overriding all of the good feelings she’d woken up with. “When?” He stared at her and held out his hand. She took it and winced at the way his fingers curled tight around hers. “I’m on my way,” he whispered, closing the phone. He clenched it in his fist, still staring at her blankly.

“Leo? What’s wrong?”

He blinked and took a deep breath. He looked…devastated. “Shane.”

She pulled on one of the courtesy robes, belting it around her waist. She stared at him, knowing this was the end of their idyllic morning after. “Your brother?”

He just stood there, his face building to a burning rage, and she knew something terrible had happened.

“He’s been kidnapped.”

Ruby looked out the window of the plane once again and wondered how the hell she’d let herself be talked into this.

He’d stared at her for a moment longer, naked, vulnerable, and hurting, and she hadn’t been able to help herself. She’d gone to him, allowed him to cling to her, his big body shaking with rage and grief.

That vulnerability hadn’t lasted long. Soon he was on the phone, arranging for the flight, asking that she order breakfast for the both of them while he made arrangements to go to his family.

She’d quickly showered while he paced, knowing he’d need to leave as soon as possible and he’d need the shower before he left. She’d dressed in the red skirt and corset, feeling even more out of place in it than she had at the party.

He’d taken the quickest shower she’d ever seen anyone take in her life, then pulled on the black leather pants and boots he’d worn the night before, minus the horns. He was on the phone all through breakfast, his face hard, his expression harsh and cold. He dealt with delegating some of his responsibilities in the office, letting his staff know that he’d be on an extended leave of absence. It was obvious he had no intention of returning until his brother was found. A small part of her mourned that, but the larger part agreed with him.

By the time he was done he must have been starving. His stomach was growling so loudly she was surprised his staff couldn’t hear it through the receiver. She reached for the phone to call a taxi to take her home, not wanting to burden him with anything at such a bad time. “Hello? I need a taxi at—”

She was startled when she found the receiver snatched out of her hands. “Never mind, the lady won’t need that ride.” He hung up the phone and stared at her, daring her to say something.

She licked her lips and, for just a second, saw his eyes heat up. “Leo, you don’t need to be worrying about me right now.” She put her hand on his arm, gazing up at him in concern. “You need to worry about your family. I can see myself home.”

“I’ve made arrangements for a limo to stop off and pick us both up. We’ll stop at my place first, I’ll pack, and then we’ll head to your place. Our plane leaves in four hours.”

Her mouth opened but nothing came out. He reached up and pushed her jaw shut with one finger, his expression filled with ruthless determination. “Leo. What do you mean, ‘our’ plane?” She was proud of the fact that her voice wasn’t shaking.

“You’re going with me to Nebraska.”

“I’m going home to my apartment, changing clothes and doing laundry. You’re going to Nebraska.”

“Don’t fight me on this, Ruby.” His voice matched his face, hard and uncompromising.

“You can’t just up and take me to Nebraska, Leo! A, it’s a federal crime to kidnap somebody, because I said no. B, it doesn’t matter, because I said no. Besides, what about Cliona?” Her hands went to her hips, her toe tapping on the thick, soft carpet. Sort of like it wanted to tap on his thick, soft head.

“Taken care of. Mandy’s agreed to watch out for her.”

Ruby’s jaw dropped again, this time in anger. “What?”

“Your bags should be packed by the time we get there. Megan has been very helpful.”

“You had no right!” He’d rearranged her life without even consulting her. Well, at least I don’t have to call my boss and tell him I won’t be in tomorrow.

He didn’t pretend not to understand her. “I had every right.”

“Leo—” she protested, only to be cut off when he put his fingers over her mouth.

His jaw clenched, pain leaking through the determination on his face. “I need you with me. Don’t ask me any more questions than that. I can’t explain it yet. Just… I need you to trust me. Please. I need you.

And that, she knew, was what had done it. Strong, arrogant Leo Dunne had practically begged for her support. So here she was, winging her way to Nebraska, of all places, to stand by Leo’s side and help him through this.

I’m an idiot. An idiot on a plane.

His head was back against the seat, his eyes closed, but she knew from the way his fingers were clamped around her hand that he was far from asleep. His thumb occasionally stroked hers. She couldn’t tell if he was trying to soothe her or himself. She could feel from the tension in his body that he was far from calm, and wondered why it was that he wanted her with him so badly. She sighed deeply, squeezed his hand, and turned back towards the window, hoping she would be able to be what he needed.

Leo stroked Ruby’s hand and tried desperately to stay calm despite the fear eating a hole in his stomach.

He couldn’t believe she’d agreed to come, but was eternally grateful he hadn’t had to force the issue.

If necessary he would have used his magic to get her on board this plane, and damn the consequences.

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