He stared at her. How exactly do I want to answer that?

She rolled her eyes before he could come up with a response. “Never mind. God, I feel like such an idiot for even asking.”

“Oh, no, let’s get that one settled right now.” He forcibly walked her over to the bed and sat down, pulling her down onto his knee. He wrapped his arms securely around her waist. “Care to repeat that question?”

She punched him, hard enough to earn a grunt. “Leo! What if they hear us?

“First of all, I’m not twelve years old.”

She mumbled something under her breath, but he decided to let it pass.

“Second of all, you’re not twelve years old.”

She glared up at him through her bangs, looking mutinous.

“Kitten, if it bothered them, Dad would have put us in separate rooms. Do I hear an echo in here?

Ow.” Leo rubbed the sore spot that was rapidly developing on his chest. I have got to find a better use for her hands. “What is the problem here? You came with me, you’re here for me, and they put us in the same room because they know you’re mine. Do you want to sleep in my sister’s room? Because if you do, I’ll just sneak in there, and you’ll be naked with an audience.”

She sighed. “Leo—”

“I need you with me, Ruby.” He stared into her eyes, trying desperately to convey with a look what he couldn’t yet put into words. It was too soon, too much else was going on, and there were things he still hadn’t told her. Things he knew he should tell her, but he wanted to talk to his parents first. “Please.”

Again, it was the please that won the day for him. That, and the fact that he’d actually argued about keeping her with him. “Okay.” She cuddled up against him and he held her, stroking her hair. The part of her that was starting to seriously fall for him was glad she hadn’t insisted on moving out of the room despite the oddness of having his parents right down the hall from them. “But I’m still not sure about the whole nookie thing.”

“Nookie?” His shoulders quivered under her hands. He sounded like he was trying not to laugh.

Her head tilted to the side and she bit her lip. An idea had occurred to her, brought on by the thought of both getting clean and getting some Leo. She just hoped she was up for it. It had been a really long day and she was starting to wind down, but she was tired of fighting something they both wanted. “Didn’t you want to take a shower?” She peeked at him out of the corner of her eye. “We could always take one together. With all that running water, they might not hear anything.”

She scraped her nails along the nape of his neck, enjoying the shiver that moved through him. He leaned down, his expression smoldering. She barely suppressed her own shiver when he began nibbling at her ear, taking the lobe between his teeth and doing things that made her wish dinner wasn’t in less than an hour.

“Um. Sounds…delicious.” His voice was a low growl. His nibbling had migrated to her neck and was lazily heading south. By the time he reached the sensitive juncture of her neck and shoulder she was ready to melt into a puddle of goo. When he reached up and began tweaking her nipple through her shirt she did melt into a puddle of goo.

With a low groan he pulled himself away from her long enough to yank her shirt over her head. He bent over her, pulling her in close for a kiss.

“Leo Dunne! If I don’t hear water running in five minutes you’ll know what’s what!”

Ruby looked up at Leo. His eyes were wide and bright with suppressed laughter. “Now you know why I ran away from home.” He leaned in and planted a swift kiss on her smiling lips. “Yes, Ma,” he yelled, loud enough to make Ruby wince.

“Should I make sure you wash behind your ears?” Ruby giggled. She hadn’t felt like this since she was a teenager.

“And other places?” His puppy-dog hopeful expression had her hiding her face in his shirt, overcome with the giggles.

He picked her up easily and carried her into the shower. “Let’s conserve water, shall we?”


Leo slipped quietly out of the room. She’d been too tired to make love before nodding off. His kitten was totally exhausted. She’d slipped on a tiny, silky little cream colored thing that she swore was a nightgown and he swore was a wet dream come true. She’d crawled into bed and passed out soon after dinner, curled up around him like the kitten he’d named her. The shower gymnastics he would have loved to indulge in had been interrupted by his pest of a sister, banging on the door and yelling for all she was worth that dinner was ready and he’d better get his Fae butt down the stairs before his mother came up for him. Perhaps it was just as well. He doubted she would have lasted long enough to eat if they’d made love.

He’d just have to make sure he took better care of her from now on. He didn’t like it when his little kitten was all tuckered out for the wrong reasons.

He hadn’t understood why Ruby had glared at his sister when they’d finally headed down, until he’d heard her mutter under her breath that his butt was fine, thank you very much. He’d nearly burst out laughing.

Dinner had been a unique mixture of tension and curiosity. No mention was made of Shane or his kidnapping at the table. Instead everyone had focused on Ruby. They’d done their best to make her feel welcome, but there’d been no denying the gentle inquisition his parents had put her through. But his kitten was tough. She’d answered each question with dignity and a light touch of humor that had won over both of his parents. He hadn’t needed to see his father’s nod of approval or his mother’s smile to know they’d both liked her tremendously.

Moira, however, seemed to be reserving judgment. Oh, she liked Ruby, and made that plain. Yet in that odd sisterly sort of way she’d managed to convey that she wasn’t certain that Ruby was good enough for him. He wondered if he’d be as big a pain in the ass when she brought her mate home to meet them one day, and shuddered. The thought of his baby sister letting a man touch her made him want to punch something.

His family was waiting for him in the kitchen, Mom making a pot of coffee, Dad chatting quietly with Moira. They all looked at him when he entered, and suddenly he knew how Dad, and to some extent Shane, felt during these family meetings. Each of them was staring at him like he could somehow make everything right. He took his seat, accepting the coffee his mother handed him with a small smile.

“Is Ruby settled in then?”

The lyrical notes of his mother’s tongue flowed over him, soothing something in his spirit he hadn’t even realized had been abraded. “Aye, Mum. She’s sleeping peacefully.” The language, so long unused, came to him easily, surprising him.

“You’re sure she’s the one, then?” Moira’s question, though not unexpected, still grated.

“Aye, I’m sure. Everything about her calls to my senses in a way no other woman ever has.”

The confidence in his voice had Moira sitting back, nodding thoughtfully. “Does she know of us?”

“You mean does she know that when we aren’t glamoured we sprout pointy ears and speak in Sidhe?

No, I haven’t told her that yet, considering I just finally got her into my bed last night.”

Moira unconsciously fingered the delicately tapered point of one ear. “When do you plan on telling her? Before or after the ceremony?”

“Moira. Enough.” Sean’s voice was stern. “Ruby’s human. Leo will need to lead her up to it.”

“Rent Lord of the Rings first, it might help.” Moira grinned at him, that cheeky one that never failed to worry him. She leaned forward. “Ask her if she thinks Legolas is hot.”

“I can’t wait to see who you mate, Moira. I hope he’s human.” Leo bopped her on the head with an oven mitt, making her giggle. “Maybe he’ll think Legolas is hot.”

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