He ran one finger up and down her slit, moistening it in her dew. The mattress dipped, the rustle of his jeans against the sheets indicating that he was moving up from her feet to her side. The feather duster once again began dancing lightly over her nipples. “Maybe we’ll get these pierced, kitten. What do you think?”

Shock bowed her back up at the thought of getting her nipples pierced. “Nuh-uh.”

Leo laughed, rich and dark, and flicked one finger against her nipple.

A non-existent nipple ring was pulled and twisted, sending spirals of heat straight to her clit. “Are you sure?”

“Uh…” Ruby arched up into the incredibly erotic pain as Leo leaned down and pulled on it with his teeth, catching her nipple and worrying it. “No, no, I think I can live without that,” she whimpered.

Pleasure yes, needles no!

He licked the tiny pain, making her hiss in pleasure. “Pretty little rubies to dance on your skin,” he whispered against her, his breath hot on her moist, tight flesh.

“They make those non-pierced, you know.” She felt him still above her and damned the blindfold. She didn’t know if he was laughing or not, but there was no way in hell anyone was getting near her nipples with a needle. “No. Seriously. I saw them on this website—”


“Hmm?” She relaxed. His voice was filled with rueful amusement. The sound of his zipper being pulled down was loud.

“Shut up, sweetheart.”

“Um. Okay. But no needles near the nipples, right? I mean, that totally kills the moommmfff…”

A buzzing noise started at the same time Leo slipped his cock between her teeth, rocking back and forth into her mouth. She considered nipping him in protest. The buzzing sound became a vibrating sensation against her clit that sent her arching upwards with a surprised howl of pleasure.

“Like that, do you, kitten?” Leo continued his unhurried pace, his cock shuttling back and forth between her lips. He settled the vibrator between her pussy lips, the sensation almost ticklish. “How about this?”

He leaned over slightly and something soft and round pushed up inside her. The red penis must be a vibrator.

“You’re going to feel the vibrations even more intensely now, kitten,” he whispered as he settled the vibrator deep inside her. Something brushed up against her clit as he began fucking her with it, something that sent delight screaming down her spine. “Those are called the rabbit ears, love. How does it feel?”

She moaned when the “ears” once again brushed her clit.

“Now, don’t forget about me, kitten.” He grasped the back of her head, angling her mouth where he wanted it. He began fucking in and out of her mouth with increased speed, the hand holding the dildo matching him stroke for stroke. Her hips arched up to meet it, driving it in deeper. She let him know of her pleasure the only way she could, moaning around his iron hard flesh and licking him frantically until he groaned.

With an audible pop he pulled out of her sucking mouth. She felt his mouth brush hers lightly before he began kissing his way down her body, pausing long enough to suck on her sensitive nipples. With a twist of his wrist he ground the ears of the vibrator up against her clit and sent her screaming into her first orgasm.

“Oh, yeah, that’s what I like to hear.” Leo’s satisfied voice held an unmistakable hunger in it. The bed began to jiggle again. She could hear cloth rustling and figured he was finally removing his clothes. Her guess was proven right when she felt his hot skin alongside her own, his hand caressing her still quivering flesh. “So, how do you like the vibrator, kitten?”

She thought about it for all of three seconds before she began purring deep in her throat.

“Oh, kitten, you’re in trouble now,” he laughed. He reached over her body for something, the bed dipping, her body swaying with his movements. She wished he’d take the blindfold off. “Ready for your next experience?”

Since he’d begun licking her nipples as he asked the question, her only response could be a small moan.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he muttered, pulling one tight bud into his mouth and suckling, laving the tip with his tongue until she was writhing on the bed.

She felt him insert the vibrator into her and waited for the delicious sensations to brush her clit again.

When those sensations brushed her ass instead, she jerked, not at all certain she liked it.

“Relax for me, kitten. If you don’t like it, I promise I’ll stop. Only pleasure, love.”

“You haven’t come yet,” she muttered, twisting against the strange sensations shooting through her anus. The vibrations echoed distantly in her clit. The fake cock inside her vibrated in time to the ears on her anus. She licked her lips, wanting something, anything, to ease the ache building inside her.

“No, I haven’t. I’m saving it for something, something special.”

She froze. “Special? Should I be afraid?”

He leaned down and kissed her soothingly. “No, sweetheart, nothing to be afraid of.” She heard the cap of the lube being flicked open, the plastic sound loud in the air. “I’m just going to get you ready so I can ream your ass, that’s all.”

He said it so matter-of-factly that it didn’t register at first. “Uh, Leo?”

“Hmm?” His voice was distracted as he pulled the fake cock out of her pussy.

“I’ve never… I mean, I’m not sure…”

“Shhh. I am. Trust me, kitten.”

She did trust him, or she wouldn’t be tied to the bed. Besides, the vibrations against her anus were beginning to feel good. “I am so going to regret this, aren’t I?”

She felt him lean over her body, one slick finger rubbing lube over the pucker of her ass. It glided into her ass, the feeling causing her to clench around him in alarm. “Double-dog dare you.”

Aw hell.

Ruby blew out a rough breath. “Fine, shove whatever it is up my ass!”

“You need to relax, Ruby.”

“No, actually, I don’t.” She sniffed, thoroughly miffed. How could he double-dog dare me on that?

“Yes, you do, or it will hurt.”

She could feel the muffled amusement in his voice as she did her best to do a naked, tied up huff.

“Fine, see? All relaxed.”

She felt him sigh and still the finger inside her. “I won’t hurt you, Ruby.”


“You don’t trust me, not yet, but I swear I will do nothing you don’t want. So tell me, kitten. Do you want this?”

She sighed, all her half-fun outrage demolished at the seriousness of his tone. He would stop if she said so. “Leo?”

“Yeah, kitten?”

“I trust you.” She forced her body to relax back against the mattress, turning her blind eyes to his voice.

“You sure, kitten? You don’t seem particularly enthusiastic about the prospect of anal sex.”

She shivered. “Limited experience, remember, Leo? How will I know if I like it if you don’t show me?” She could almost feel the wheels turning in his head and shrugged. “Of course, I could go somewhere else for my education.”

She could feel the outrage pour off him, even with the blindfold. “Like hell!” His mouth descended on her breast and suckled her fiercely. His finger soon began shuttling in and out of her body as he switched to the other breast. The hand that wasn’t busy learning her ass moved to her bare mound, his thumb dipping down to begin massaging her clit.

Very quickly Ruby found her hips moving in time to his strokes as his mouth swooped down on hers in a devouring, conquering kiss. There was nothing gentle in his mouth as he laid claim to hers. A second slicked finger joined the first in her ass, stretching her out as he fucked them ruthlessly in and out of her.

“You are mine,” he ground out against her lips, and Ruby began to realize what her teasing had unleashed. “No one else will touch you. No one else will have you. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, Leo.” She reached up and brushed a light kiss against his jaw, instinctively trying to soothe the beast she’d unwittingly unleashed.

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