“Oh, hell.” Ruby ran forward, pushing in front of Moira. “Leave her alone, Bunnicula, I’m here.”

Jaden blinked, accidentally breaking his thrall on Moira. “Bunnicula? Bunnicula? Do I look like the type to suck on carrots?”

Moira shuddered and stepped back. “I don’t know. Bunnicula seems pretty appropriate. How many carrots have you sucked on?” And she smirked in that annoying way that men everywhere recognized.

“Women.” Jaden shook his head sadly. “They don’t pay me enough for this shit.” He glared at Ruby.

“Come on out here and let’s get this over with.”

“No.” Moira pulled Ruby back, once again standing in front of her.

Jaden sighed. Damn. Now I’m going to have to bruise that porcelain skin. “You know, I tried to do this nicely. Now I’m just going to have to do it the other way.” And with that, he stepped over the threshold, his eyes once again glowing red.

“Um, I thought he couldn’t come in here without an invitation.” Ruby backed up warily.

“Wrong kind of vampire, apparently,” Moira breathed, backing up along with her.

“Apparently.” Jaden crooked a finger at Ruby, allowing the nail to grow into a long, black claw. He had no intention of actually using his claws on either girl, but damn if they weren’t great for intimidation.

He only hoped they worked. “Come here, girl. Someone wants to see you.”

“No!” And Moira rushed him, determination in every line of her small body.

Moira knew some kick boxing from the way she used her feet. Jaden was beyond impressed. She lashed out with a spinning heel kick that would have knocked the head off a lesser being, one not meant to be a soldier in the Dark Queen’s army.

Fortunately, thanks to his son-of-a-bitch sire, her ploy didn’t work. All it did was rock his head on his neck. He moved to block her next strike, holding his greater strength in check. It had to be obvious to Moira that she was going to lose. He could see it in her face that she knew she couldn’t defeat him, but that rock solid determination to keep him away from her sister-in-law still burned brightly enough to really impress him.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ruby dash out of the house, screaming for lover-boy at the top of her lungs.


Time to end this. Jaden put Moira down as gently as he could, knocking her out with the least amount of damage he could inflict.

He stared down at Moira with a wicked smile. “Beautiful, brave Moira.” He brushed his hands through her hair, reluctant to leave her behind.

She’d proven herself to him. Now he was going to prove himself to her.

He pressed a soft kiss to her lips just before he sank his teeth into her neck.

That kiss promised that they weren’t done. Not by a long shot.

“You shouldn’t have interfered, beautiful.” He stroked her hair away from her forehead, his expression hot and possessive. He licked her sweet leprechaun blood from his lips. He’d forgotten that about her, though he’d never forget it again. He pressed a soft kiss to her unresponsive lips. “I’ll be seeing you soon.”

“Leo! Leo! Help me!” Ruby ran screaming, knowing somehow that hiding wouldn’t work against the creature that pursued her.

Ruby felt a strong wind pass her by and she stopped, hoping against hope that Sean was heading back to the house.

The roar that came from the Dunne house had the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. The ground beneath her feet buckled and heaved. Sean was letting loose his anger in a very visible way. Ruby gasped out a sob and turned back towards the house, every fiber of her being calling out for her mate.

“Ruby?” She turned, nearly falling. Leo’s arms came around her, protecting her. “Shhh. It’s okay, kitten, I have you.”

“There’s a vampire in the house with your mother and sister,” she gasped out, falling against him and hugging him to her so tightly she was surprised his ribs didn’t crack.

She felt him stiffen. “Vampire? In Dad’s house?”

She nodded, still gasping for breath. Running was so not her forte. “Uh-huh. Moira fought him.”

“Holy hell.” And Leo took off running towards the house.

Leaving her alone on the dark driveway, half a mile from the house. “Oh no.”

A dark figure stepped onto the driveway, its eyes glowing an eerie red. “Hello, beautiful.” The vampire sighed, his voice pulling her into his arms.

“Ruby!” Leo ran back down the drive, horrified. His mate was in a strange car, being driven away.

Being taken from him. The ground at his feet rippled with his anger. If he’d been faster, he could have stopped the vampire. But this wasn’t his land, and what little leprechaun blood that did run through his veins wasn’t enough to save her. Leo gritted his teeth, knowing his own stupidity in leaving her in the driveway had led to her abduction. He began running back towards the house and his car, his only thought to get to his wife.

The vampire would pay for taking what was his.

Jaden looked at the woman sleeping next to him and grimaced. Leo was going to take his head off his shoulders for drugging his bondmate, but it was the only way he could think of to get the woman to Kaitlynn without hurting her. Her mind was fairly strong. Getting her to walk calmly off Dunne land, without alerting Sean Dunne to his presence, had taken most of his strength. He’d had just enough left to get her to swallow the roofie he’d brought with him before seating her in the car and taking off.

Thank the gods he’d had a taste of sexy leprechaun before leaving the ole homestead, or he would never have pulled it off.

Damn, but Moira made him hot. Just picturing her lips in that maddening sneer gave him a hell of a hard-on. Add that glorious red-gold hair, that pale, smooth complexion, and blue eyes a man could drown in, and you had one happy, horny vampire. She fought like a she-cat to defend her sister-in-law and mother, something Jaden could admire even as he deplored the need for it.

Damn Kaitlynn for making him meet a woman like that under circumstances like these. He wished he could tell her he was on her side, but he couldn’t.

Not yet.

He could feel, through the light blood bond he’d established, that Moira was well. He could feel her irritation at being fussed over, her fear of what he’d do to Ruby, and did his best to send his reassurances down the light link he’d established with his bite. He’d keep Ruby safe, if only because she meant something to the feisty redhead.

If Duncan didn’t come back soon Jaden was going to kill Kaitlynn personally and damn the consequences. Either way, he had every intention of coming back to Dunne land and finishing what he’d started with their daughter.

With a grin, Jaden wondered how Duncan would react to his blood-bonding the leprechaun. He couldn’t wait to find out.

He had the feeling the two of them were going to like each other.

By the time Leo made it back to the house, Shane had arrived. The vampire had told the truth about that, at least. Once they had a weary, battered Moira and an equally weary Shane settled in the kitchen, the vampire was well away from the farm. But at least Leo now knew where the vampire had more than likely taken his wife.

Leo, his eyes filled with equal measures of fury and fear, dialed the number his mother handed him.

“Duncan Malmayne? My name is Leo Dunne. I’m going to kill your sister.” Leo quietly shut the phone, ignoring his mother’s gasp. He turned on his heel and headed towards his car.

Kaitlynn Malmayne had gone too far, and now she was going to die.

Chapter Nine

Using the directions Shane had provided, Leo made his way into Omaha. His blood was boiling with fury and guilt despite Moira’s weird assurances that somehow she knew Ruby was currently safe. When Leo asked her how she could be so sure, she’d blushed and refused to answer.

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