He stared up into Fen’s golden eyes as the wolf slowly jacked him under the water. Just the sight of those eyes had him close to coming. “This is not good.”

“No? How about this?” Fen twisted his wrist, adding a little something extra to the hand job, and Jeff hissed his pleasure. “Better?”

Jeff couldn’t speak. He was too busy trying not to come all over Fen’s hand.

“What are you doing to me?”

The grin would have been wolfish without the sharp teeth. With them, it was downright scary. “Claiming you.”

Jeff grabbed hold of Fen’s wrist but only succeeded in adding his own motion to the wolf’s. Trying to stop Fen when he had a firm grip on Jeff’s cock was like trying to stem the tide with a stern talking to. “Most men go on dates before—oh hell.” Fen was licking the side of his neck, nuzzling at him until Jeff tilted his head to Fen’s satisfaction. The feel of Fen’s whiskers dragging against his skin sent him that much closer to orgasm. The only reason he hadn’t come all over the other man’s hand was the Road Kills still in his bloodstream. They were keeping him barely mellow enough to hold on.

He could feel Fen’s hard cock nudging his hip as the wolf pressed against him. Fen was bigger, taller, just plain old more than Jeff had ever had before. He wasn’t sure what to make of it all. One minute he’s chasing down cheating spouses, the next he’s got a wolf in the shower with him, claiming Jeff belongs to him.

“You think too much, elskede. Stop. Just feel me. Feel us.”

Fen’s wrist did that twisty thing again, and Jeff was positive he’d never be capable of rational thought again.

“Let me in, elskede. Let me inside you.” Fen whispered against his neck, his breath brushing over his skin.

Jeff shivered. Fen’s cock was so hot against him, despite the cool water. As good as Fen’s hand felt against him, he longed to know what it would feel like if the wolf took him against the wall, filled him, made them both howl.

“That’s it. Let me in.” Cool, slick fingers probed Jeff’s ass, sinking in past the ring of muscles guarding his entrance. He hissed at the distant sting and tried to pull away, but only succeeded in thrusting his cock through Fen’s fingers.

He didn’t want to know what Fen was using for lube. Had he grabbed the olive oil off the kitchen counter? Was he using Jeff’s shampoo? Did he even know what lube was?

“Again, you’re thinking. I’ll have to try harder.”

Jeff whimpered. Any harder and, Road Kills or not, he was a goner.

“Tell me where, elskede. Tell me where to touch you.”

Jeff couldn’t speak, something none of his family would believe possible. He always had something to say, even if they didn’t want to hear it. He reached up and tweaked his nipples. Within seconds Fen had brushed one of his hands away with his chin, taking Jeff’s nipple into his mouth and suckling on it until Jeff was reduced to needy moans.

He had to have Fen inside him. He had to. “Now. Fuck, now, Fen.”

Fen’s hand left his cock, and he heard the unmistakable sound of squishing as Fen lubed himself up. Fen lifted him by his thighs and lined himself up with Jeff’s hole. “Mine.”

He thrust, and Jeff saw a whole galaxy of stars. “God,” he choked, clinging to Fen’s shoulders. The wolf pounded into him, intense, feral. Jeff had never had a lover like him before. “More.”

“More you shall have.” Fen powered into him, sending Jeff screaming over the edge, the orgasm so strong Jeff’s world went white. Before he knew it his head was buried against Fen’s shoulder, his breath coming in pants as the wolf growled out his own release.

“Jesus Christ on a pogo stick.” He ignored Fen’s questioning sound. “Had a little pent-up sexual tension there, huh?”

“It has been a while.” Fen’s voice was low, growly. Sleepy. His accent had thickened, turning Ws into Vs again. “Water is cold.”

“Uh-huh.” Jeff nuzzled closer to Fen and Fen chuckled. “Gotta dry my hair.”

Too bad he couldn’t figure out how to pry his eyes open.

Fen reached around and turned off the water, somehow still keeping a hold of Jeff and not dropping him on his ass. The man had talent, that was for sure.

“Bed, elskede?”

“Mm-hmm.” He’d ask Fen what that word meant tomorrow. After he’d slept off the Road Kills and incredible sex. “Still need to dry my hair.” His ass hit cold marble and a towel was dropped on his head. Fen briskly dried off his hair, practically imbedding cotton into Jeff’s skull in the process. When he emerged from the towel he was semi-awake and glaring. “Not like that. With a blow dryer and gel and stuff.” He blew his bangs out of his eyes.

“Gel?” Fen’s fingers danced across his ass.

“Think out-of-control curls.” If he didn’t get them under control he’d look like Ronald McDonald after a week-long bender in Vegas—big grin, bad hair.

Fen ran his fingers through Jeff’s hair. “I think you should grow it longer.”

“Uh-huh. Sorry, I’m already a bottom, I don’t need to be a flaming bottom.”

At Fen’s inquiring look, Jeff explained, “I don’t want to look female.”

Both of Fen’s brows rose as he flipped back his own shoulder-length locks.

“Do I look feminine to you?”

“Hell no, but for you it’s different.” Jeff yawned and, before he knew it, he was sprawled out on the bed with a wolf draped over him like a living blanket.

Not that he was going to complain about it. “You have the whole bad-boy thing going on. People look at you and think tough. I grow my hair out, and people look at me and think of Charlie Brown’s redheaded girl.”

Fen wrapped his hand around Jeff’s cock. “Trust me. You are not a girl.

Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.”

Jeff yawned again wide enough his jaw ached.

“Sleep, elskede. I will be here when you wake.” A soft kiss landed on his cheek.

Well, hell. Why did that make him feel better? Jeff snuggled closer to his wolf and drifted off, held in Fen’s arms. His last thought was that maybe giving himself to the wolf wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

Chapter Five

Fen awoke the next morning to a mumbling armful of red-head. Jeff was muttering to himself, the sound cranky and oddly endearing. He felt the man leave their bed and stumble toward the bathing room. He settled back down, knowing his mate was safe and not going anywhere. Jeff was going to relieve himself and use that awful toothpaste stuff he insisted on. Fen shuddered. If his mate insisted on using it he’d have to find something that didn’t taste quite so awful.

Fen sat up and rubbed at his eyes, stretching and yawning. He ignored the curses flowing from the bathing room. He did not hear his name, so the anger was not directed at him. He scratched his stomach and headed for the bedroom door. He would have his mate’s coffee brewing before he left the bathing room.

The brown liquid, or “liquid gold”, as Jeff called it, would put his mate in a considerably better frame of mind.

The whistle coming from his couch had him turning, claws ready to protect and defend.

“Morning to you too.”

Fen understood now why his father called Jamie a pita. She could certainly be a pain in the ass at times. “Good morning, sister of my mate.” He frowned.

“Why are you here instead of with Tyr?”

She shrugged, looking uncomfortable. “We had a fight.” She eyed him up and down, the look curiously clinical. “Could you go put some clothes on?”

Fen looked down at his nakedness. Jeff would throw one of his fits if he knew Fen was naked in front of his sister. “If you will put on coffee for Jeff.”

“Done.” She stood, grinning at him. “Did you two have fun last night?”

With that evil grin on her face he’d have thought she was a daughter of Loki.

“Yes, we did.” He shut the door on her laughter and grabbed the pants his mate handed him. “Jamie’s here.”

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