Kir handed Jeanne a coffee mug. “How could he mistake you for Fen? No offense but you’re a lot redder.”

“He said Fen had been under dirt and filth for so long he couldn’t remember what Fen’s original color had been.” Jeff twisted in his arms, trying to get closer to Fen’s neck. Fen felt Jeff wince at the movement, but it didn’t stop the man. He just moaned and licked Fen’s neck. “You taste good.”

Jeff wanted to mate. If Fen let him, the other man would bite Fen’s neck and the mating cycle would be complete. He would belong to Jeff forever.

Fen’s eyes went wide. Could it be that simple?

“Down, boy.” Logan patted Jeff on the head. “You’re in no shape to do what I think you want to do.”

“I think he needs to.” Fen held Jeff’s head to his neck. “Bite me.”

“Oh no.” Logan hauled Fen to his feet, jarring Jeff in the process. “No blood on the white sofa.”

Jeff snarled. His hazel eyes turned gold as he glared at Logan’s hand on Fen’s arm. Fangs peeked below his bottom lip.

“Right.” Logan took his hand off Fen’s arm. “Good boy. Good boy. No marking Logan’s sofa, ’kay?”

“The mating. It’s incomplete.” Fen grinned. From the looks of those around him it was just as feral as his lover’s snarls. “That’s why he’s not healing. That’s why he’s still mortal.”

“Shit.” Jordan pointed. “Get out of here and fix that.”

Fen didn’t need to be told twice. He picked up his mate, headed right for the front door and prayed for the first time in centuries.

Fire coursed through Jeff’s veins. The scent of his mate was so strong he couldn’t help but nuzzle close, burying his nose against his mate’s neck. The urge to bite, to mark Fen as his own, was overwhelming.

The wolf wanted his mate, and Jeff was all too willing to oblige.

He licked Fen’s neck from his shoulder to his earlobe, taking the tender piece of flesh between his teeth and nibbling. Fen’s groan was almost drowned out by the slamming of the bedroom door. “Yes, elskede.” Fen’s back hit the door. He tilted his head, giving Jeff as much access as he wished. “Mark me. Make me your own.”

Jeff bit his lover, his fangs sinking in deep.

Fen howled his approval.

“Bed,” Jeff muttered. His mouth was still against Fen’s neck, but now that he’d bitten Fen he had the powerful urge to get fucked, despite the pain.

“You will not hurt yourself.” Fen carried him to the bed and placed him gently down. “You will hold still while I pleasure you.”

Jeff’s cock was so hard it hurt. He nodded so fast his head spun. Fen took about two seconds to take off his clothes.

It felt like it took him two hours to remove Jeff’s.

Fen was beyond careful as he took off Jeff’s clothes. Each piece had to be maneuvered off his body in the gentlest way possible. Fen stroked each bruise, kissed each cut, until Jeff was ready to howl himself. He was stroking his cock long before Fen tossed his underwear on the floor, ready to bring himself off if Fen made him wait one. More. Second.

Fen batted his hand away and took Jeff’s cock in his mouth. It felt so good Jeff nearly shot his load, but he held on. He was rewarded by a strong suck that nearly blew the top of his head off.

Fen’s head bobbed, taking him deeper and deeper into his throat. Jeff threaded his fingers into Fen’s hair, the warmth of it flowing over his skin.

Staying still had never been so difficult. “So good.” Fen moaned his approval, the vibrations racing up Jeff’s cock and through his balls. “Oh shit, babe.” He was going to come, and not even God himself could stop him.

Then Fen did something that halted his orgasm in its tracks. He lifted his head, his beautiful eyes gleaming with mischief, and reached for the lube.

Oh yeah, Happy Hour is finally here! Jeff grinned, ready to be pounded through the mattress. Didn’t they say orgasms were good for pain?

Jeff intended to find out.

But Fen didn’t start lubing up Jeff’s ass. Oh no. The sneaky, orgasm-stealing son of a bitch began doing something Jeff would never have believed if he hadn’t seen it himself.

He began to lube his own ass.


Fen grinned at him. His arm was still between his legs. Jeff could see him moving, thrusting fingers in and out of his ass. “Yes, elskede?”

When he added a third finger Jeff was entranced. If stretching himself out for Jeff’s cock hurt Fenris at all he didn’t show it. If anything, the pleasure on his face was extreme. He clearly loved every minute of it. “Hmm?”

The dark chuckle didn’t surprise him. Fen straddled Jeff’s hips and took Jeff’s cock in his hand. He poured a liberal amount of lube over the head and smeared it around with his palm.

“Shit!” Jeff reached out to stop him because, damn, that felt good, but the pain of moving nearly had him going limp.

Fen let go of his cock and leaned over him until they were nose to nose. His golden wolf’s eyes glared down at him. “Stay.”


Fen shook his head and slowly lowered himself on Jeff’s cock.

This has to be the second best moment of my entire fucking life. He watched as his cock disappeared into his mate’s muscled ass. The tight warmth had him back to DEFCON One in seconds. “You’d better catch up, because I’m going to blow if you so much as twitch.”

Fen began stroking himself. “You will wait for me.” His accent had thickened until he was slurring his English. Fen rotated his hips and hissed. “I may be riding your dick, but that doesn’t mean I’m not alpha.” He leaned over until they were nose to nose again. “Understood?”

Jeff stared into his mate’s eyes and nodded. His dick was never going to forgive him for this. He wouldn’t be surprised if it staged a revolt and stayed in Fen’s ass when they were done.

Hell, if he had a choice, he’d live in Fen’s ass too.

Fen’s movements were cautious, but he slowly began to ride Jeff. Not once did his ass land on Jeff’s thighs. His wolf was too aware of the damage to his body. If Jeff so much as shimmied his hips Fen would stop, growl and wait for Jeff to settle down. Jeff figured if he ever wanted to get off he’d better play statue, but it was damn fucking hard to stay still when Fen moved like that. But he had to. He had to come. He had to…

Mark his mate. Make sure his scent was so deeply imbedded in Fenris’s body that not even death could remove it.

Lightning shot down his spine. “Fen. Please. Now.” He was going to erupt and there was no stopping it.

Fen’s hand was moving at lightning speed over his cock. His features were twisted with pleasure, his forehead resting against Jeff’s. They breathed each other in. “Now.” Fen’s ass clenched around him. “Now!”

Jeff let go, exploding in his mate’s body, filling him with his seed. Hot liquid splashed over his chest as Fen came with an anguished howl.

Neither of them could breathe when it was over. Fen barely kept from collapsing on top of him, his elbows landing on the mattress on either side of him. His powerful arms shook with the effort of holding himself up.

Jeff licked his lips and sighed. His dick was still root-deep in his mate, and he was a happy man. He pursed his lips and closed his eyes, smiling through the kiss Fen immediately granted him.

Fen slid off his body, dislodging Jeff’s cock from its happy home. He whimpered at the loss of heat. Fen chuckled and touched Jeff’s chest. “Look, elskede.”

Jeff stared at the rapidly healing wounds on his body. “Holy fuck.”

“Exactly.” Fen grinned, his expression one of lazy satisfaction. Apparently he thought his ass really was sacred.

Jeff rolled his eyes but his heart wasn’t in it. He was too fascinated by the way his body was once more becoming his own. By the time the process was done he had faint, pinkish scars left where the terrible wounds had once been.

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