He looked down, groaning as he saw his ass hanging out of the sheets. He covered himself up, pulled Jamie into his arms, and buried his face in her curls.

It took him a long time to fall asleep, the memory of her convulsions haunting him. Thankfully when he did it was dreamless.

Grimm stared in satisfaction at Tyr’s house. He sat in Rina’s car, his eyes glued to the house. Rina’s blonde head bobbed in his lap, almost distracting him from the task at hand. He had to admit, she was a world-class cocksucker. He hadn’t yet found anyone else who equaled her, though some came close. He clenched his fist in her hair, slowing her movements, hissing as she laved the head with her tongue. He wanted to savor this moment. It was such a small thing, compared to what he wanted to do, but it was the first step in their plan to regain Gungnir.

Tyr would hardly be able to ignore this. He would be forced out of hiding to deal with the damage, and when he did, Grimm would have him.

Grimm could feel his balls tightening, his muscles clenching off and on as Rina’s talented tongue edged him closer to orgasm. He laughed as his orgasm raced through him, erupting out of his cock and into his lover’s willing mouth.

He sighed in satisfaction as the last of his come was sucked out of him by Rina’s warm mouth. In the distance, the windows of Tyr’s house were an inch thick in ice, glittering beautifully in the streetlights. He could just barely hear the first of the pipes bursting inside.

Rina lifted her head from his lap and nibbled gently on his neck. She practically purred against him.

“Nicely done, my dear.” He nipped her ear, savoring her shudder. “I must say it was a pleasurable addition to such a simple spell.”

He could feel her smile against his neck. “I live to please.”

The strange thing was she was telling the truth . Grimm hadn’t fed an apple to Rina in over a month.

Any effects they might have had over her were gone. Instead of diminishing her passion for him, she’d become even more devoted to him.

She’d even come up with a way to pay Val back. Her errant son was in for a world of hurt when his pissed-off mother got a hold of him.

Grimm pulled Rina off his neck. “Time to go.”

“And then time to come?”

He enjoyed the sexy smirk on Rina’s face as she caressed his spent cock. “Anything for you, my sweet.” He put the car into gear and pulled away from Tyr’s house, uncaring that his cock was still exposed. After all, if he got stopped, he was confident he could talk himself out of a ticket.

Chapter Seven

Toni Mancinelli sat eating a pint of Chunky Monkey and watching Project Runway reruns on Bravo, but she was having a hard time rooting for her favorite designer. Her mind kept returning to the Grimm case.

Why is this not meshing for me? Something about the way Danny had presented the evidence just didn’t sit right with her, and she couldn’t put her finger on why. The DA loved it, Cap loved it, the judges loved it. Hell, at first even she had loved it.

But the more she studied it the more she didn’t trust it. Every instinct she had said she was being snowed, and by an expert. She planned on keeping a closer eye on Danny-boy from now on.

Still, if anyone could fuck around with cops it would be Travis Yardley-Rudiger. He’d worked with them often enough to know how they thought. Planting evidence at a scene would be no big deal. She’d just have to see what the test results came back with. If they confirmed what Danny had told her, good enough.

If they didn’t, there would be hell to pay.

She took another bite of ice cream, rolling her eyes and muttering under her breath as Sissybear was once again robbed of his time in Bryant Park. All because of some human hair?

Puh-lease. Grow a pair, people. I still want that retro jacket.

 Jamie stretched, smiling in the early morning light. “Mmm.” Every muscle felt loose and liquid, just the way she liked it. She was warm and cozy, and best of all, no alarm clock was going off. Must be Sunday. I love Sundays. She yawned, opening her eyes.

She frowned. She didn’t recognize the room she was in at first, but then memory came back in a horrifying rush. She rubbed her eyes with her hands, trying to take in everything that had happened last night.


She stifled a shriek. “Good morning, Travis.”

“You forgot I was here, didn’t you?”

She peeked from between her fingers. “I knew.”


She sniffed. “Is Logan making breakfast?”

“Nice subject change, and yes, I think he is.”

She stuck her tongue out.

He laughed, pulling her into his arms. “Can I have a good morning kiss?”


One dark blond brow rose in disbelief. “Ew. I ask for a kiss and get an ew?”

She wrinkled her nose at him. “Morning breath.”

“Your breath smells f…hell, woman, what crawled into your mouth and died?” He laughed as she began beating him with a pillow. “Uncle! Uncle!”

“Hah. Big bad warrior dude felled by tiny female with a pillow. Take that, sexism!”

“Don’t forget the hideous breath weapon you wield.” Travis laughed again and hid behind his arms when she raised the pillow, snarling at him.

“That’s better.” She lowered the pillow, settling back against his thighs. His erection throbbed between her thighs.

Wait. When did I crawl into his lap? She looked down at him, startled. Her legs were curled up on either side of his hips. She raised and lowered herself carefully, her movements becoming bouncier as she realized there was no pain. She scrambled for the edge of the nightgown, pulling it up to reveal a perfectly smooth stomach. She touched, unable to believe her eyes. “The scars are gone.” She looked down at him, knowing she was grinning like a loon. “My scars are gone!”

He nodded, his smile growing as his hand joined hers on her stomach. His touch was warm and soothing.

“Did you do this?”

He shook his head. “That’s one of Logan’s powers.”

“How pissed do you think Jordan’s going to be when I offer myself up as his love slave?”

She was on her back so fast her head was spinning. “Care to repeat that?” Travis lowered his body against hers, his hips pinning hers to the bed.

“Breath of death, remember?” She grinned weakly. She blew at him, laughing reluctantly when he gagged and fell off her, curling up on his side. His hand was at his throat as he gasped for air.

She got out of bed with a sniff.

“Aw, c’mon. Come back to bed? Please? Just keep your face away from mine and everything will be fine.”

She slammed the bathroom door shut, ignoring his renewed laughter.

He came in just as she finished brushing her teeth. “Are you done yet?”

She turned off the water. “Mostly. I still need to brush my hair, wash my face, put on my makeup, what are you doing?” She watched as, naked, he bent over the tub.

“You ask me that a lot. Have you noticed that?”

Dear God, he had the most incredible ass. He turned on the water before turning to the toilet. “I gather you want a shower?”

He lifted the seat. “Yeah, don’t you? Where are you going?”

She ignored the sounds of him relieving himself and left the bathroom. She’d just go ahead and get dressed while he did his, um, morning stuff.

She pulled the nightgown over her head and tossed it on the bed. She leaned down and pulled her panties off, adding them to the growing pile of dirty laundry. She’d need to get to that sooner rather than later. Relying on the men to take care of things was getting old, even if Kir was a fairly decent housekeeper.

She missed her apartment, more than she’d thought she would. The freedom to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted was something she’d cherished after living with her overbearing father. But she had the feeling that freedom was a long way off for her now. Until Grimm was stopped permanently none of the men were going to be willing to let her out of their sight.

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