Kir opened his mouth to say the words and found them stuck in his throat. “Damn."


"How the hell did that happen?"

"I don't know, but it did.” Logan was frowning again, this time in confusion. “It's like we've found something we didn't even know was missing. But if you asked, I would walk away from this. You know that.” For the first time, Kir saw Logan's uncertainty peek through, reminding him of the broken man Loki had been after Baldur freed him from the mountain. The reckless youth he was had been burned away by the snake's acid, leaving behind a damaged man who tossed and turned at night, screaming denials as he relived everything over and over again. It had taken Kir a long time to ease his lover's torment. He also knew their relationship was the foundation the now confident, cocky man who was still inclined to take risks stood on.

Which was why he'd been so upset about his reaction to Jordan. But knowing that Logan felt the same eased that guilt

Kir thought about taking Jordan and making her theirs. Thanks to Logan's ability to shift genders as well as shape, Kir had been happily bisexual for centuries now. He'd felt no need to go outside the relationship when Logan could, literally, be everything and anything he needed. Logan, on the other hand, hadn't been able to explore that side of himself with Kir, since Kir couldn't change his shape. He knew that sometimes Logan longed for soft, scented flesh, rounded breasts and bellies, all of the things he'd given up when he'd pledged himself to Kir. But Logan, for all his wild youth and unhappy marriage,

hadn't cheated on him once. And not once, through all of the long centuries, had either of them had the urge to add a third to their relationship.

Now, with the advent of one small, half-human woman, all of that was about to change. He could give the touch of a female back to his lover, and have them both for himself. He thought back to the odd feeling he'd had on the beach, that something was about to happen that would change them, and felt that sensation once more before it settled into a comfortable purr.

He saw the relief on Logan's face as he nodded his acceptance.

Jordan was theirs. Now they just had to seduce her to them.

Chapter Four

Logan was surprised to receive a phone call from Jordan two days later. “Hey, Logan, sorry I haven't gotten back in touch with you."

He leaned back in his chair, delighted to listen to the sound of her voice. She'd been unavailable for the last two days, despite numerous attempts to reach her, and he'd started to worry. “Where were you?"

There was a pause, and he just knew he'd sounded like a possessive idiot. “I was finishing up a case so I could concentrate on yours.” He could hear the sounds of papers being shuffled around.

Logan frowned. “Was it dangerous?” Okay, make that a possessive and overly protective jerk. Way to win her trust, Saeter.

"No, Daddy. And I made sure to drink a full glass of juice this morning, too. I even took my vitamins."

If he had his way, that smart mouth of hers was going to get quite a workout. “How about if Daddy and Mommy come over and give Jordan a bath, hmm?"

She gasped.

"Do I get a kiss goodnight afterwards?"


"Hey, you started it."

He was leering at the wall when Kir wandered into the office, his brows raised way up. “Is that Jordan?"

He punched the speaker button so Kir could listen in. “Yes, and she wants us to come over and—"

"Don't you dare, Logan Saeter!"

He laughed. “Oh, I'm in trouble now! She used my full name! "

Kir shook his head, his lips beginning to turn up in a grin.

"Smart ass.” He could hear the laughter in her voice.

"Better a smart ass than a dumb ass."

"That whole line was asinine."

"Ooh, good one.” He winked at Kir, who shook his head at him.

"The reason I called was to ask if you wanted to get together to go over the YouTube video."

Logan thought about what he'd have to do to get the condo ready for a date. Kir could clean while he got the makings for a meal. He looked over and saw Kir nodding as he headed out of the den. They'd been together long enough that they could practically read each other's minds. He smiled to himself when he heard Kir rummaging around in the closet where he kept all of his cleaning supplies. “I think we can swing that."

"What time?"

"Tonight, at seven?"

"Sounds good."

"Don't eat anything; we'll make it a dinner meeting.” Logan knew one of the ways to a person's heart, male or female, was a well-cooked meal, and he planned on wowing her tonight. He picked up a pen and paper, all ready to write down what he'd need.

"More pizza? Yum! Especially if you order from the same place as last time."

Logan mentally rolled his eyes as he jotted down a quick menu. You and Kir are going to get along just fine. “I was thinking of cooking, actually."

There was silence for a moment. “Pizza's good."

One eyebrow twitched up in disbelief. “Hey, I'm a good cook."

"Um. Okay."

He frowned. “What's up?"

"It's just, this guy I dated said he could cook, too."

"So?” What if she has a boyfriend? He tried to ignore the shaft of jealousy as the thought occurred to him, but couldn't quite manage it. He could feel his teeth grinding. He would soon be an ex boyfriend if he and Kir had anything to say about it.

"So he set dinner down on the table."


"And his cat tried to bury it."

Logan blinked, the tip of the pen arrested on the paper. “The cat what?"

"His cat hopped up onto the table, neat as you please, and tried to bury the food."

Logan tried to stifle the laugh, but knew he sounded strangled. “Was the cat right?"

"Hell, yes.” He could hear the creak of her office chair as she leaned back. “A buzzard probably would have passed it by. The biscuits alone were prime building material."

Logan started to laugh.

"For some reason, he never called me back after that. Might have had something to do with me asking if he could make some more, since my mom really wanted to build this stone water feature out in her backyard."

Logan leaned back in his own chair, grinning like a loon. “Let me guess, they matched her siding or something?"

"Something like that. I got the impression I'd insulted him."

"Some guys have no sense of humor."

"Tell me about it."

Jordan bit back a moan as the last bite of tiramisu slipped between her lips. He's gorgeous and he cooks ? I'm in so much trouble. “You, sir, can make me a meal anytime."

"I plan on it.” Logan was smiling at her over the rim of his coffee cup. She felt her face heat up at the intensity of that smile. He'd been flirting with her off and on throughout the entire meal, and damn if she wasn't responding to his teasing touches and lingering glances.

Kir, on the other hand, had watched the two of them with indulgent amusement and a hint of heat, like a lazy cat basking in the sun, waiting his turn to play with the little mouse toy. And that's kind of how she felt. She was the small prey to their mighty hunters. The sad part was it was working. Her panties hadn't been this damp since her brother Magnus pushed her, fully dressed, into a lake when she was twelve.

Time to get things back on track before I leap across the table and do something foolish with my stupidly raging libido.

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