She put one hand on her hip, the other half in and half out of the sling the doctor wanted her to wear.

“When I'm done.” She glared at him. “Oh, and by the way, I'm still not sure why you guys brought me here instead of to my apartment, other than the fact that you think Uncle Val will come after me there.”

She turned back to the equipment, muttering to herself.

When she hissed in pain, Logan decided enough was enough.

He looked at Kir, who nodded. Together the two men moved on Jordan, Kir in the back, Logan in front. They sandwiched her between them before she knew what they were doing.

"Guys, this isn't funny— hey! "

Kir held her arms while Logan picked her up. Together they two-stepped her into the bedroom.

Ignoring her protests, Logan kicked the door shut behind him. The two men carefully put Jordan down on the bed.

Logan stood and pointed a finger at her. “Stay."


He narrowed his eyes. “I mean it."

"Yes, Daddy."

He raked his eyes up and down her figure, allowing her to see the heat in his eyes. “Set one pinky toe off that bed, and Daddy will give you the spanking you deserve. Got it?” He grinned. “And don't think Mommy will stop me, either."

"Asshole,” Kir muttered. He handed Jordan a glass of water and a pain pill. “Here. Don't worry about the video. Logan and I will take care of it."

She made a face at them, popped the pill, and settled back down against the pillows. She looked like a pissed-off kid who'd been told to take a nap. “Do you have any idea what you're going to do for the


The look on Kir's face reminded Logan of a naughty little boy. “I have an idea or two."

Jordan stared at the two men blearily and wondered what they were up to. They'd exchanged a long look over her body before Kir pulled the comforter over her, careful of her shoulder. “An idea or two.

Why am I not reassured?” She yawned as the pain pill began working on her.

"Don't you trust us?"

Two identical, angelic looks, neither of which she trusted. “Hell, no."

Logan started to laugh. “Smart girl."

Kir just shook his head. “Get some rest, and let us worry about the video, okay?” He leaned down and gave her a kiss. She tried to stop him, hissing in pain when she tried to move her bad arm. Kir stopped her, gently pressing her arm back down. “Don't do that."

Logan leaned over her, taking Kir's place. “Aren't you the one who said you don't like pain?"

She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry at him.

He kissed her quickly, before she could pull her tongue back in.

"What is up with all of the sudden sucking of face?” She was yawning before she even completed the sentence.

Logan turned and sauntered out of the bedroom. “I'll wake you in time for dinner, sweetheart."

Sweetheart? She turned to Kir, who was smiling down at her. He was wavering in and out of focus.


He brushed her hair away from her forehead. “It's simple. We've decided to keep you."

She blinked up at him sleepily. Damn, those pain pills are good. She watched him walk out of the bedroom door, gently shutting it behind him. I could have sworn he just said they're keeping me...

She drifted off to sleep before she could finish the thought.

Kir waited until he knew for certain Jordan was asleep. “Got the camera?"

"Yup.” Logan hefted the bag. They'd quietly dismantled all of the equipment, trying their best not to disturb Jordan. Kir's idea was a great one, but they had to head into Rittenhouse Square to make it work. Luckily he'd calmed down enough for the rain to stop, or they would have had to wait since the camera wasn't waterproof.

Logan set up the wards while Kir made sure everything was locked up tight. Logan had had to adjust them due to Jordan's presence, but the extra step hadn't seemed to faze him at all. “All set."

They headed for the elevator and made their way outside. They walked quickly to a secluded part of the park, shivering in the early spring air. They ducked behind the statue “Lion Crushing a Serpent,” by the

French sculptor Antoine-Louis Barye; the area was small and surrounded by bushes on three sides, perfect for what they wanted to do. At this time of night the kids who liked to climb the lion were already home, safely tucked away in bed. Logan set up the camera while Kir prepared the pot of soil he'd brought with him.

Kir took a deep, calming breath, and let it out slowly. “Ready when you are."

Logan's warm smile helped ease his jitters. Here goes nothing.

Chapter Five


"He's alive, Oliver."

Grimm blinked, the blood rushing to his head as his temples throbbed. “Frederica, what are you talking about?"

"Our son, Oliver. Baldur is alive ."

He sighed, trying his best to sound weary while his mind scrambled on how she could know the truth after all this time. “Darling, you know he's not. Hermod himself confirmed it when he saw Baldur in the Underworld.” And wasn't it a relief that Hermod was as stupid as he was gullible, or he would have noticed that Baldur was breathing .

Hermod was also known to be honest to a fault. He'd seen Baldur in Hel; therefore, Baldur must be dead, reinforcing the lie he'd told.

Good old Hermod. Grimm wondered if he was enjoying the Underworld as much as Hodr was.

"Have you had your tonic today, sweetheart?"

She paused, her breathing harsh over the phone. “No."

The extra-strength potion he'd made for her to take while Baldur and Loki were so close to his home territory would take the edge off her nosiness. “Take some, before you make yourself ill over this travesty of a hoax. I'll deal with Loki myself. I promise you that."

She paused again, then meekly said, “All right."

He heard her sipping and smiled. Stupid cow. Keeping her docile had been remarkably easy once he figured out the secret of the apples. “Now, go rest, and allow me to deal with Loki's treachery."

"I've sent you the link to the video he made, Oliver.” He could hear her stifling tears. “It looks so much

like our Baldur, right down to the eyes."

Grimm's blood ran cold at the thought. “I'll take a look, my dear. Go rest."

She sniffed. “Will you be home tonight?"

He thought of Rina, and the silken present she'd promised him that night. “No, dear, I think I'd better take care of this problem as soon as possible. Don't you think?"

She sighed. “Of course."

In his most loving, caring voice, Grimm said, “Get some rest. I love you.” He practically gagged on the words.

"I love you too."

He hung up, and opened the email Frigg had sent him.

By the end of the video, his entire office was covered in frost.

Val clicked open the email link his father had sent him. Deal with this! had been the subject line. Val had no idea what had the Old Man's briefs in a bunch this time...

His jaw dropped open in shock as Baldur's face took up his screen. He clicked on the “play” button.

"Hello, Aesir and Vanir.” Baldur's beautiful voice purred in Old Norse. Those pale eyes were cold as ice. “I think you all know who I am. Or maybe not.” Baldur moved back, smiling gently as he did so. Val shivered. “After all, you've been trying to kill me for centuries now, haven't you? Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of it."

The sudden deepening of his voice had Val leaning forward in his chair. What are they up to?

"Ever since that day in the Thing, you have hunted us and hounded us. You have given us no peace. You have murdered wives and sons, turned brother against brother, and destroyed lives in your quest to destroy my lover. But enough is enough. I will tolerate no more.

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