Not even Sigyn, who'd claimed to love him and left him when he'd fallen for Kir, had ever bled for him.

And Kir couldn't bleed for him, though he'd thrown himself in front of Logan more than once in their long lives.

He never wanted her life endangered ever again. The very thought sent twin snakes of fear down his spine, and was the reason he'd barely slept in the last eight days.

His eyes narrowed as the blade cut into the palm of his hand. Blood bonding with Odin had given the god the power to shift his shape; maybe bonding with Jordan would give her the fast healing Logan enjoyed.

He cut her palm quickly, ignoring her hiss of pain as he slapped their hands together. He closed his eyes and focused on their joined wounds.

"What the hell?"

Jordan's sleepy, angry voice couldn't drown out the pounding of their hearts in his ears. He willed the blood to mingle, hers to him and his to her, each flowing into the other's veins.

Her gasp echoed his as their blood merged for all time.

"Ow, dickhead! What did you do that for?"

He opened his eyes and turned her hand over, eagerly checking to see if the wound had started closing.

It hadn't. Fuck. So much for research. His own wound was slowly closing before his eyes. “Shit."

"Wow. How are you doing that?"


Logan turned to see Kir peering over his shoulder at their bloody hands. “It didn't work."

"What didn't work?” Jordan was looking back and forth between them, obviously confused.

"I was trying to speed up your healing."

She looked down at the bloody cut on her hand. “You're right. It didn't work."

"I'll get the medical kit.” Kir headed into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry.” Logan brushed his clean hand through her hair. “I was really hoping this would fix things."

Her face softened. “You meant well. I think."

He sighed. “When I became Odin's blood brother, he gained my ability to shift shape. I gained his immortality. I was hoping the bond would grant you my ability to heal quickly."

"Would that work on a human?"

He smiled. “You're not human, remember?"

" Half human, then.” She looked down again at her hand, concerned. “If I didn't get healing, what did I get?"

He shrugged. As far as he was concerned she was welcome to all of his powers. “We'll have to wait and see."

Kir returned with the first-aid kit. “Give me your hand.” He checked her cut, cleansing it with a washcloth. “It looks clean, and I don't think you need stitches.” He bandaged it quickly, pressing a kiss to her knuckles when he was done. “All better."

"Thanks, Mom."

His expression turned wicked. Logan knew that look, and felt his cock harden in his jeans. It was the look Kir used when he was in the mood to play.

"Any other boo-boos you'd like me to kiss?"

Logan grinned as Kir waggled his eyebrows outrageously.

As Jordan giggled, he leaned over and brushed his lips over Kir's. Time to see if she can handle the three of us together. “I have a boo-boo you can kiss."

"Ugh. Get a room, guys. Some of us are trying to sleep."

He looked down to see embarrassment written all over her bright red face. She'd screwed her eyes shut tightly, but the curve of her lips let him know she was amused. No disgust; that's good. And is that...?

Yes! Ah, the sight of an aroused woman. Her nipples were perky, pushing up against the fabric of her top.

"Tell you what. I'll kiss your boo-boo and Kir can kiss mine."

When her eyes popped open his lips were already on hers. He stroked his tongue against her closed lips, silently asking her to let him in. Please, let me in. He was dying for a taste of her.

Kir's mouth began a slow exploration of his neck, his hands pulling the shirt from Logan's jeans. He lifted from the kiss long enough for Kir to finish pulling the shirt from his body.


"Hmm?” Logan leaned down and licked a line from her neck to her chin. Her shiver filled him with the need to see what else he could do to make her quiver like that.

Kir's fingers reached around Logan and began tugging on Jordan's shirt buttons.

Good idea. Logan began helping him, ignoring Jordan's feeble attempts to bat their hands away.



Kir sounded as distracted as he was. They were both busy staring at Jordan's exposed breasts. They gave identical happy sighs. Mmm ... no bra. Rosy, hard nipples were exposed to their delighted gazes.


Logan blinked. No?

"No?” Kir sounded shocked.

" No."

Logan stared at Kir. “She said no."

"Shit.” Kir looked back down at Jordan. “Why?"

"What do you mean, why?” She pulled her shirt closed, holding the pieces together with one hand.

Logan's frown was fierce. “We want you. You want us. We plan on keeping you. I blood bonded you .

So, yeah. Why no?"

"More importantly, why yes?” Jordan stared at both of them, her brows drawn down in a frown.

It was Logan's turn to be shocked. “Why yes ?” Hadn't they done everything in their power to show her how they felt over the last week? Just dealing with her pint-sized, psychopathic sister should have gotten them brownie points galore!

She sighed. “You two are a couple. You've been together for so long I can't even begin to imagine it.

Why on earth would you bring someone else into your bed? Unless you do this kind of thing all the time?” Her frown had become ferocious. Logan could easily read the jealousy she was trying to hide.

Apparently they hadn't proven to her how they felt. “No!"

"Uh-uh. Don't be absurd.” Kir sat up, looking offended. “I haven't slept with anyone other than Logan since that day at the Thing!"

"Ditto. Other than trading ‘Logan’ for ‘Kir', that is."

Her jaw worked as the jealousy was replaced by confusion. “Then why would you put me into bed with you two?"

Logan and Kir looked at each other and grinned. “Because we want you."

"Because we need you."

Kir moved to her left side and stretched out next to her. “Because we have to have you."

Logan lay down on her right and grinned. “Because we love you."

She gasped. “That's not possible. We've only known each other, what? Two days?"

"More like a week."

She glared up at him. “Barring the time I was unconscious. Or drugged."

"Damn. One of the reasons we fell in love with you was your stunning rendition of Volare ."

Logan snickered. “Kir!"

Kir winked at him, then turned back to Jordan. “Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?"

"Yes, I have, but both of you at the same time? Aren't the odds of that just a smidge on the high side of impossible, despite my stunning singing voice?” She held her hand up, thumb and forefinger a millimeter apart.

Logan snorted. “You're funny, you're brave, and you're beautiful. You're smart. You believed us when no one else did."

"Look, flame-boy, it's kinda hard to ignore the Incredible Igniting Man, ya know?"

The South Philly twang was back in her voice. He was coming to love that accent. He felt that wicked grin cross his face as he nestled in closer to her. “Why, thank you, ma'am.” He let his hand rest on her stomach and flexed his fingers experimentally. “What else would you like to see me ignite?"

She rolled her eyes and turned to Kir. “Seriously. How do you put up with him?"

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