She felt so comfortable around them both, like she could just let go and fly and they'd be there to catch her when she came back down. There wasn't anyone else she felt that way about, and it still had the power to frighten her.

She knew they were using her recovery time to win her over, and she also knew she was allowing it. If she wanted to leave, she knew she could, godly powers be damned. While they would try to persuade her otherwise they wouldn't try to stop her. No, she was staying as much for herself as for them. She wanted to see where this would lead, even if that meant she'd wind up with two men in her heart and her life.

And who the hell am I kidding? They're already there. She might lie to others, but she'd learned a long time ago not to lie to herself.

"And then I said, suck my cock, and he did."


Jordan took her gaze off of his hands (and his dick) to see Logan smirking at her.

"Have you heard a single word I've said?"

Well, I heard ‘suck my cock', but somehow I don't think it's wise to mention that. “Maybe?” She grinned and batted her lashes at him.

Logan snorted. “Right.” He patted her on her rear. “Get me the green, yellow and red peppers out of the fridge, will you, sweetheart?"

She got the peppers, glad when she heard the water stop. “Are you going to take a shower now?"

Logan grunted. “Fucking tease."

She giggled as she dropped the peppers next to the onion.

The tangy smell of chili was beginning to fill the air as Kir came into the kitchen. He gave each of them an absent peck on the lips before lifting the lid off the pot. “Chili? Cool.” He turned to Logan and bit his lip.

“Shower's all yours."

Jordan couldn't help it. “You keep rubbin’ at it it's gonna fall off."

She heard Logan choke on the beer he'd just opened.

She squeaked as Kir pushed her up against the countertop and took her lips in a wild, erotic kiss that curled her toes. “Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm a fertility god.” He leaned forward just enough so that the next words were whispered against her lips, arching his hips so that his erection brushed against her in light, teasing strokes. “It's not going to fall off.” He pulled away from her, winked, and sauntered out of the kitchen.

"Damn.” She locked her knees to stop from hitting the floor.

"Amen.” Logan leaned against the counter next to her, peering around to watch Kir as he sat at the dinette table. “My turn to get squeaky clean.” He leaned in for his own kiss, and Jordan couldn't resist accepting him any more than she could have resisted Kir.

She pulled away from the kiss with a low laugh. “You are both so bad."

"Mm, but you love us anyway.” It was his turn to saunter off, arrogance written all over his stride.

Damn. She hated it when arrogant men were right.

Grimm leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile wreathing his face. It had taken him a while to unravel Loki's spell, but he'd finally succeeded. Now all he had to do was place his own spell on the video, and he'd have Loki right in the palm of his hand.

And when he had Loki, he'd have Baldur right where he wanted him.

Victory was going to taste oh, so sweet.

The knock on his door distracted him. He shut down the program and called, “Enter."

Val stepped into the room. “Sir, there are some security issues we need to deal with."

"Baldur and Loki?"

Val, the idiot, thought he could hide his emotions from his father, but the swiftly hidden grimace told its own tale. “No, sir. Simply business."

He settled back and listened while Val droned on, approving what the boy wanted with an impatient

wave of his hand. No matter how incompetent the boy was in other areas, when it came to personal security Val was the best he'd run across. “Very well, implement the changes.” He leaned forward, an eager smile on his face. “And prepare the special basement rooms for an extended visit, would you?"

The boy nodded, too swiftly for Grimm to get an accurate gauge of his feelings. “Yes, sir.” He bowed his way out, not bothering to await further instructions. After all, the boy knew exactly what he wanted.

Grimm reopened the video and began weaving his own compulsion spell around it. He couldn't wait until Loki saw it. Once he did, Grimm would have him, and Baldur, in the palm of his hand.

Val stepped into the basement with a shiver. Here was where his father took care of problems that couldn't be handled with his “secret weapon". He only wished he knew what his father's secret weapon was; without that knowledge, he was helpless to stop whatever Grimm did to get the Aesir and Vanir to follow him so blindly. But the old man had made sure Val had no way to discover his secret.

Val reached out and stroked the side of the wooden cross, hoping against hope that whatever it was Grimm had planned, failed. He had to figure out what Grimm was up to, and he had to do it fast .

Because if Grimm got someone into these rooms, they were never coming out again, except in a body bag.

A very small one.

"It's been two weeks. I think I can go home now."

Kir didn't even look up from his laptop. “Uh-uh."


She sighed and began pacing again. “I need to go to work."



She growled. “I'm bored out of my tits and I'm going to start hurting people, especially people named Kir and Logan , if I don't get to do something!"

Kir kept his head down; no way did he want to get in the middle of the fight he sensed was brewing between his two lovers.

If they didn't stop bickering soon, though, he might be forced to kill them himself. Preferably with something dull and full of splinters.

"Play solitaire."

Her lip curled. “No."

"Go online and check your email."

"Kir has the laptop. That, and I already checked it today. Five times ."

"Watch TV."

"Do you want to watch soap operas or home improvement shows? Because I don't."

"Fine. Jump out the window and see if you can fly."

Silence. Kir looked up to see Logan and Jordan glaring at one another.

"Are you two done?"


Kir pinched the bridge of his nose. They were giving him a headache. There had been no activity from Grimm and it was driving the two of them crazy. Add in the fact that Jordan was feeling better, and pushier, by the day, and one of them was going to snap.

When they weren't fighting, however, they were a blast to be around. Logan had decided to teach Jordan how to cook, with somewhat mixed results. Jordan's idea of a home cooked meal was a TV

dinner with mashed potatoes in it. Truthfully, Kir wasn't much better. As far as he was concerned, pizza was the perfect food. And if you got the right toppings it hit everything on the food pyramid at the same time.

How could you go wrong with that?

They'd cuddled together, kissed each other ... yeah, for the most part, things were going really well.

They'd teased her with little flares of power, hoping to ease her into accepting that they weren't really human. Kir started it by bringing in a pot of mums and making them bloom just to make her smile after a really tough, painful day. Logan toasted marshmallows on little wooden skewers, using his inner flame and his fingers to brown everything to perfection.

They'd managed to turn bedtime into the best time of the day, despite the fact that they weren't having sex yet. Watching Logan and Jordan horse around in their huge bathroom, jostling each other for a spot at the same sink, was a hoot. Hips got bumped, asses got whacked with towels, and a tickle fight usually ensued. Logan was careful of Jordan's shoulder, too, stopping everything the minute she winced.

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