No problemo! Let me get right on that."

"I'm fine, Logan!"

Logan tapped his foot. “Who here thinks Jordan is just fine, raise your right hand waaaay over your head.” He raised both brows when Jordan tried, wincing as she did so.

"Oh, bite me, ass-wipe!"

Kir turned to Travis, ignoring the two bickering idiots in the middle of the hallway. “Coffee?"

"Love some, thanks."

"Follow me.” He led the way into the kitchen and started making the coffee. “Has she always been like that?"


Kir turned to see Travis studying him closely. “How've you been, Tyr?"

"Frantic, not knowing where Jordan was. And call me Travis, please; Jordan doesn't know."

"I see she rectified that situation. And she doesn't know yet . Odds are she will soon."

Travis nodded, not looking entirely happy about that. “I know."

"Logan and I will have to have words with her about contacting you without consulting us first.” He was no less pissed at Jordan than Logan was. He was just better at hiding it.

Travis's jaw clenched, but he didn't answer the taunt.

"Frankly I'm surprised you didn't come in guns blazing. Why didn't you?"

"A couple of reasons. First, Jordan asked me not to. She said the two of you were clients. She wants me to take over your case."

Before he could argue the term clients , he heard Logan move towards the kitchen. “Bullshit, Lefty.”

Logan pushed his way into the room and stood just in front of Kir. “She's not quitting, and I sure as hell don't want your help."

"Then why did you come to my agency?"

"Because we wanted Jordan. She just happened to work for you."

Logan was leering at Jordan, who rolled her eyes and stepped out from behind Travis. “Knock it off.


"Get over here, Jordan."

Her eyebrows rose slowly at the commanding tone in Logan's voice.


He could practically feel Logan vibrating between the need to protect both Jordan and himself, and having them so far apart made that impossible. “Please, Jordan.” Kir held out his hand.

She sighed and stepped forward, taking his hand. He turned to Logan with a grin. “See? I told you she likes me better."

Logan gritted his teeth and smiled. “Right now I don't like either of you."

Kir turned to Travis. “What's your other reason for being here?"

Travis took a deep breath. “I owe you both an apology. A big one.” He frowned, his gaze on Kir. “Can we discuss this in private?"

"I don't think so.” Logan was still between Kir, Jordan and Travis.

Travis nodded, looking uncertain. “I meant with you and Kir."

"Why would you owe them an apology? You don't know them.” Jordan's eyes blanked, a sure sign she was working something out in her mind. Travis grimaced just as she gasped. “Son of a bitch! "

Travis held up his hand, his expression pleading. “Now, Jordan, don't get mad, okay?"

"Travis Yardley-Rudiger? How could I not see that? That's almost as bad as Grey! ” She glared at Travis. “Don't any of you have an original thought in your heads?"

"I do,” Kir grinned, holding up a hand.


Jordan turned her glare on Logan. “Oh, really, Logan ?"

Kir smirked.

"Has anyone ever told me the truth? Anyone at all?"

The lost sound of her voice had him turning to her and pulling her into his arms. “Uh-huh."

"Yes. Of course.” Logan's hands went around her waist as he cradled her to him, front to back. “We did the day we met you, remember?” His tone had gone from angry and resentful to soft and soothing. His gaze, still glued to Travis, was anything but soft.

Travis put his hand down. “Would you have believed me if I told you?"

Jordan stared at him for a moment. “Probably not.” She pushed away from Logan and Kir and faced Travis. “But there are things you could have done to make me believe. Just like Frick and Frack here did."

"Hey!” Logan smacked her on the ass.

"Ow!” She rubbed the sore spot, glaring at Logan over her shoulder.

Kir sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. If the two of them didn't knock it off, he was breaking out the splintery stick.

"I'm surprised you didn't offer to order in pizza, or to shine his boots.” Logan sipped the extra-sweet coffee he favored and sneered at Kir over the rim of the mug. Kir was staring at Travis like he'd never seen the man before, and Jordan was sulking on the chaise, all curled up in herself and pouting at everyone equally.

"Shush.” Kir waved a hand at him, ignoring Logan's snort. “You want to tell us what's really going on?"

"I saw the video.” Travis shook his head, staring down at his coffee cup. “It was like a veil was lifted from my eyes."

Logan exchanged a quick look with Kir. “When was the last time you ate with Grimm?"

Travis looked up, confused. “What does that have to do with anything?"

"It has everything to do with everything.” Logan sneered. “Or did you think your brain just suddenly started functioning again?"

Travis's eyes narrowed. “Oh, please. Are you telling me Grimm somehow has all of the Aesir and Vanir drugged or something?"

Logan nodded. “Yup, that about covers it."

Travis looked stunned, not that Logan gave a crap. “You've got to be kidding me."

"Just don't eat anything that might possibly have apple in it.” Kir took a sip of his coffee, looking completely unconcerned.

Travis looked back and forth between the two of them. “Apple? "

"The golden apples of Idun? The ones that supposedly keep the gods eternally youthful? When the hell do you think dear old Grimm last allowed us a taste, hmm?"

Travis sat back, his brows lowered, his gaze turned inward. “He uses the apples to control the Aesir."

"Finally,” Logan muttered, “someone gets it."

"Why didn't it work when Grimm wanted Guardian Investigations bought out by Grimm and Sons? I remember you ranting that it would be a cold day in Hell, blah blah blah.” Logan looked over to see Jordan frowning.

Travis grimaced. “I'd been out of the country for a while, remember?"

"And you didn't attend any of the family dinners, and haven't been back since.” Her legs uncurled and she sat up a bit, a good sign as far as Logan was concerned.

He was still going to spank her ass for calling Travis, however. From the look on Kir's face, he would have some help holding her down for it.

"I even remember how mad he was that you refused to share a drink with him."

The two of them stared at each other in grim understanding. Travis was the first to sit back. “Fuck. He's got all of them snowed."

"And docile. Remember, shepherds love sheep."

Travis stood and went to the laptop, Logan right on his heels. He wasn't having Travis messing around with their computer files and maybe finding out some things he wasn't ready for anyone, namely Jordan, to know yet.

Travis opened an internet connection and hopped over to YouTube, bringing up the video Logan and Kir had made. He frowned and clicked on something. “Seems like Grimm is trying to take your video down."

Logan snorted. “Yeah, good luck with that, Old Man."

Travis stood. “I gather you have some sort of spell on the video?"

Logan shrugged. “Of course.” He took a sip of his coffee, staring over the rim at Travis. He wanted the other man to understand that, as far as Logan was concerned, he was still here under protest.

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