Before Logan could react, light flashed, thunder sounded, and Magnus was flying across the room. His unconscious body slammed into the wall, cracking the drywall. A blackened spot on the maple floors attested to where the lightning had struck, only inches away from Magnus.

Fuck. He'd never seen Kir do that .

"Don't ever touch Logan again.” Those stormy eyes drifted back to Morgan. He looked coldly indifferent. “Care to take a turn?"

"Kir?” Logan got between them again, knowing how close his lover was to losing it. Kir wasn't a killer, and Logan wasn't about to allow him to become one now. “We're safe now, blondie."

Kir shook his head slowly. “No, we're not. The wards are down."

Logan blinked and looked over Kir's shoulder. “No they're not.” He blinked again and frowned. “Yes, they are."

He turned slowly and glared at Jordan, who looked confused. “What?"

"You took the wards down."

"I did not!"

Logan snorted. “You did so."

"Did not!"

"Children.” Kir's voice was lazily amused. “Play nice."

Logan started to turn and answer him when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Morgan lift a gun.

The barrel was aimed right for Kir.

"No!” Logan dove, trying to get between Kir and the bullet.

Everything seemed to happen at once. Morgan went flying back, the bullet missing Kir by a good foot.

Jordan screamed again as Travis let go of her. His hand was out, fingers spread, encasing both Morgan and Magnus in cages of force. The larger man was also glowing.

Travis turned glowing, blind eyes on Logan and Kir, his gaze unfocused. “Justice has been a long time coming for the two of you.” He grinned, a self-mocking expression that Logan was all too familiar with.

He'd seen it in his own mirror one too many times. “But I'm here now.” He turned to the two young men groggily getting to their feet, identical expressions of hatred on their faces. “Don't worry about these two; I'll take them off somewhere where they can get over the effects of Grimm's drugs, then I'll do my best to pound some sense into them."

"Um, Travis?"

"Yes, Jordan?"

She gestured towards her eyes. “You might wanna, you know, wear your sunglasses when you leave.”

The men looked at her, and she shrugged. “What? I'm just sayin'.” She took a deep breath and turned to Kir with a shaky grin. “Want to order in pizza?"

Logan exchanged a look with Kir, grateful to see his eyes had returned to normal. She'd seen almost all there was to see of them, and she wasn't afraid.

He was done waiting. As soon as Travis and the others left, her ass was theirs.

Chapter Seven

The door shut quietly behind Travis, with Morgan and Magnus in tow, magical leashes around their necks and wrists. Logan leaned back, studied the door intently, and made a few graceful gestures with his hands.

Something glowed on the edges of Jordan's vision, settling back down into nothingness when Logan was done.

It never failed to amaze her when they used their powers around her. They were so ordinary otherwise that, when they did act otherworldly it was a bit of a shock. Kir's “temper tantrum” of a storm was still raining all over the city, and there were fresh scorch marks in the wood where Logan had been standing.

Logan turned and exchanged a look with Kir, his head leaning against the door. The way Logan was shaking his head worried Jordan. His shoulders were tense, but she could just see the corner of his mouth, and it was turned up.

Kir wasn't much better. He was leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed. His expression was hungry as he stared at her. The heat in his gaze nearly burned her. She licked her lips, her heart beating faster as his gaze locked on her mouth.

Logan turned around, leaned against the door, and crossed his arms over his chest. If Kir's expression was hungry, Logan's was predatory.

Her gaze darted back and forth between the two men, reading trouble there. She knew how difficult the last few weeks had been on them. The men hadn't sought relief with one another, despite how hot they'd all made each other. She also knew they weren't truly angry with her. She'd been here long enough to see how both men reacted when they were pissed, and this wasn't it. From the looks of things, they were definitely more horny than irritated. Looks like my time's up. An erotic shiver went down her spine. She still couldn't believe she'd lasted as long as she had. Maybe part of her recent bitchiness was her own frustration peeking through. Truth be told she was just as tired of waiting. “Uh, guys?"

"You took the wards down.” Logan started forward, his arms moving easily by his sides. His stride was lazy, his gaze hooded as he stalked towards her.

She shook her head. “I really have no idea what you're talking about.” She started to inch back as Kir pushed off from the wall and began circling towards her. He glided around the chaise and the ottoman, his eyes never leaving her.

She felt the brush of Logan's fingers against her cheek and yelped. She whipped around to find him right on top of her. “I think I know which one of my gifts you received.” He took her arm and began steering her backwards towards the chaise. “How badly did you want to see Travis?"

Pretty damn bad, but she wasn't about to tell them that. “He's my friend as well as my boss. And I called him here."

"You didn't just create a pass-through for Travis, Jordan; you took all the protections down."

She gulped. “I don't know magic, Logan. How would I do that?"

Logan grinned, the expression all teeth. “I'll explain later. First, Kir and I are going to make sure you're too damn busy to email anyone else.” He leaned in close, nearly distracting her from Kir, who'd come up behind her.

Kir's hands settled on her waist, his lips teasing the side of her neck. His lips slowly moved up her neck to lick delicately at the shell of her ear. She could feel her brain shutting down as images of her in a heavenly sandwich began overriding everything else. From the look in their eyes, her days of putting them off were officially over, and while her mind said wait a minute , her body was singing the Hallelujah

Chorus. “Uh, are the wards back up?"

Logan's hands began unbuttoning her blouse. “Yup.” The feral heat in his eyes had her heart pounding.

“Don't worry, sweetheart. We won't be interrupted."

He pushed her shirt off her shoulders, Kir taking over to pull it off her arms. “No?"

"No.” He took her mouth in a kiss designed to set her soul on fire. She felt Kir gripping the back of her head, pulling her gently to the side. Logan moaned in response.

"My turn.” Kir's mouth descended, ravaging hers in a kiss that rivaled Logan's. He broke off, licking his lips. “Sweet."

"Mm-hmm.” Logan hummed his response against the curve of her breast as he nibbled down towards her nipple.

When did I lose my bra? Wait. When did I lose my shirt?

She felt Kir kneel behind her, taking her jeans and panties with him. When he nipped at one of her ass cheeks she gasped.

"Like that, sweetheart?” Logan took her nipple gently between his lips and sucked, the sensation rocketing down to her clit.

"Oh God,” she moaned, arching into the gentle bite of Logan's teeth.

"Yes?” the two men chorused.

She stared up at Logan, who was looking down at her with something more than just heat. She turned her head slightly and felt Kir rub his cheek against hers like an affectionate cat, the whiskers of his five o'clock shadow abrading her skin.

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