Val hurried into the room Jamie was tied in, his heart nearly stopping at the damage Grimm had inflicted.

If he'd been present when Grimm had taken Jamie he would have risked everything to save her.

But he hadn't. Grimm had acted without him. Tricky bastard.

To save Jamie, Val had brought Loki to his father. The only thing he'd managed to salvage out of this whole fiasco was changing Grimm's message from a compulsion to just that: a message.

Being half-Jotun had its uses. And thank you, Loki, for stepping up to the plate and once again taking punishment you don't deserve to save someone else.

He untied Jamie, careful of her wounds, and picked her up, brought near to tears when she moaned and sucked in a deep breath. Too much longer and she would have suffocated to death, the pressure of hanging by her wrists too much for her body to bear. He cradled her gently in his arms and walked out, feeling the shiver of power in the air.

Baldur was coming. And Grimm was finally going to pay. Too bad he wouldn't be there to witness his brother being avenged.

" Val."

He looked up to see Travis, horrified, staring at Jamie, and knew there was no way he could explain it.

Not with the game he'd been playing for far too long. “It's a trap."

Travis's eyes were turning blind, never a good sign in the God of Justice. He felt the god's power wash over him, a cold breeze that slowly warmed inside him. “Tell me."

"Grimm. He's got Loki tied to a chair. He's torturing him. Now hurry. I have to get Jamie to a hospital."

Jamie groaned, distracting him. “Uncle Val?” She tried to open her eyes but they were too swollen and bruised.

He smiled down at her. “It's okay, pumpkin. I've got you.” For however long Travis would let him live, anyway. He walked away, his shoulder blades itching the entire time, waiting for a blow that never came.

Logan groaned as yet another blow landed on his side.

"Where's my daughter, you piece of shit?"

He laughed, knowing how it would infuriate Fred Grimm.

He was right. Fred freaked, digging his fingers into Logan's side, right where some ribs were broken.

Logan bit back a scream, laughing up in the other man's face. He'd been the belle of the ball at this dance before; they weren't getting anything out of him this time, either. He was in a ten by ten room with concrete floors, only one, tiny window way up high in the wall, and only one exit. Son of a bitches had gotten at least one thing right. There was no way to escape except through them. And since his one major weakness was the inability to fly in any form he took without some kind of magical assistance, he was well and truly stuck.

He glanced up at the security camera in the corner of the room. A simple twist of reality had activated it.

It had been easy to do, during one of Fred's swings. They'd been so captivated with making him hurt they hadn't checked to see if he'd done anything other than laugh.

All of the Aesir and Vanir were now privy to his torture, no doubt glued to their chairs, sitting on their self-righteous asses as he got beat with Mjolnir.

"Where's that damn snake?"

Hopefully it met a really big mongoose.

Grimm looked towards the door, his expression concerned. “I don't know.” He looked back at Fred and frowned. “Perhaps I'd better go check."

"No need.” Travis stepped through, glowing brightly, his eyes completely white.

Yee-haw, the cavalry is here. Ow. He winced as he tried to straighten up with a pained smirk. “Hey, Lefty."

"Hey, Hothead. Ready to go?"

"Oh, hell yes,” Logan chuckled painfully. “Right after you rip Grimm's testicles off. I want to stick around to see that."

He had to bite back another scream as Fred Grimm swung Mjolnir and broke his right arm.

Hell. Jordan had better stay far, far away from here. If Kir brought her with him, I'm going to be supremely pissed off. She did not need to see her father and stepfather torturing him.

"Your daughter is on the way to the hospital, Fred."

Oh, shit. That meant Jamie was in bad shape. He'd hoped that, by coming with Val peacefully, the sons of bitches wouldn't hurt her too badly.

Guess he'd been wrong. Yet another thing to set at their doors and make them pay for.

Travis's gaze remained locked on Grimm's, his arms loose at his sides. He was waiting for the Old Man

to make a move. From the look on his face, he was eager for it.

"Jordan?” Fred stepped away from Logan. His expression was filled with hope and fear.

"No. Jamie.” Travis smiled as Grimm's eyes narrowed. He completely ignored Fred's gasp. “Yes, Old Man. I found her. And I want to know one thing.” Travis's body was suddenly glowing so brightly it hurt to look at him. “Did you rape her before you beat her and crucified her?"

Logan looked at Travis and shivered as the full blast of the God of Justice's anger swept through the room. Grimm screamed, the power flowing through him, unable to stop the sheer magnitude that was Tyr in his justified wrath.

The shining figure of Tyr glided into the room, a glowing spear appearing in his left hand. Logan's jaw dropped when he saw it. It was Gungnir , the Godspear, the symbol of Odin's power.

So the rumors are true. Tyr handed Grimm the Godspear and stepped aside, letting him rule the gods. Son of a bitch. Which meant two things. Tyr was the oldest of them all. And he had the power to take back the gift he'd given Odin.

Which he'd just done.

"You may not have raped her—"

Logan sagged in relief.

"—but you tortured her. Your own grandchild. You murdered women and children, sacrificed them on the altar of your greed and lust for power. No more ."

Grimm laughed, and it wasn't a good one. “Fred. Adam. Stop him."

Fred and Adam stood there, staring between the two men, fighting the compulsion in Grimm's voice.

"He tortured your daughter, Fred. Made Jamie bleed, and now he's blaming me for it. Do something!"

Fred blinked, and slowly began moving forward towards Tyr.

"Don't bother."

Kir. Logan's eyes closed in relief. Even with his healing, the shit they'd been doing to him had hurt . And now this little side-trip into Hell could come to an end.

Kir stepped in, glowing, to stand beside Tyr. Both gods were glaring at Grimm. “Hi, Dad . Miss me?"

Grimm's eyes narrowed. “Imposter."

Fred and Adam had stopped again, turning back and forth between the three men with dazed expressions on their faces. Logan snorted.


Oh, hell no. He glared at Kir, who shrugged. “Tell me you did not bring Jordan here, Kir. Please, tell me

you didn't."

"Oh my God. Logan, are you all right?” Jordan started to rush forward, only to be stopped by Kir.

"Don't worry.” Logan grinned, knowing it was lopsided. “It's only a flesh wound.” He tasted copper and licked his lips. His split lip was bleeding again.

"Untie him right now .” Jordan growled at her fathers, her little fists clenched at her sides.

The ropes binding him came undone. He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Been practicing, have we?"

She flushed as he stood, twisting his neck to work the kinks out. “I wish, maybe I would have been able to get here sooner."

He shook his head, knowing he'd have to explain to her later the nature of their magic.

"Is Jamie all right?"

"She's on her way to the hospital as we speak,” Tyr replied. Gungnir was pointed firmly at Grimm.

Jordan glared at both her fathers. “Did they know?"

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