He braced his hands on either side of her and brought his mouth down onto hers. Lust and need and fire blazed through him, yet he took her lips in deep, searching strokes. Her fingers tightened against the back of his neck as she pulled him closer. He tasted the wine, and her, and the sensations expanded within him in hot, heavy pulses.

He felt her other hand tugging open his coat, her fingers slipping beneath his waistcoat to grip his shoulder through the thin fabric of his shirt. She, too, shook, and it unnerved him a little to know how much they wanted each other. No veneer of sophistication, no cultivated distance. They revealed themselves with every touch and exhalation.

It took forcible effort to break the kiss long enough to lean back and pull off his coat. As he did, Livia helped by undoing his waistcoat buttons.

For all the heat in her gaze, she took her time, slowly tugging open his waistcoat, allowing her nails to scrape against his torso. Each scratch shivered through him.

“Witch,” he murmured.

“More powerful than a witch,” she answered. With his coat and waistcoat tossed aside, she bent forward and bit him through his shirt, just beneath his collarbone. “This is the feast I want.”

He moved away long enough to tug off his boots and disarm himself. Yet he kept both his pistol and sword close, both of them just beside the couch.

No sooner had he divested himself of these cumbersome obstructions than he lay fully on the bed, stretching out atop her. She purred as he settled himself between her legs, one arm wrapped around her shoulder, the other moving in heated exploration of her clothed body. She held his shoulders, stroked down his arms and back—all the while they kissed with a building, insistent hunger.

He learned anew her mouth, her flavor, her need as covetous as his own. She whispered against him, words that could have been a prayer or incantation or demand. Whatever it was she asked for, he was more than eager to give it to her. As her hands shaped over his straining back, he slipped from her mouth to graze his teeth along her jaw and down her neck. He inhaled her scent and warmth, and when he bit lightly at her collarbone, she arched up, moaning.

“Need to feel you,” he muttered thickly. He pulled at the fastenings of her gown, hands clumsy with desire. He knew his way around women’s clothing, yet suddenly everything became a mystery, an obstacle to her flesh.

She tried to help, though she knew the way of these garments far less than he. “Curse these modern fashions. Sewn by fiends.” She tugged at the ties beneath her stomacher, and the hooks attaching the skirt to the bodice.

“Let me.” He urged her up. With single-minded purpose, he stripped her from her gown and threw the whole thing aside in a flurry of peach fabric.

He allowed himself a moment to admire her in her stays and chemise, delighting in the contrast between the white cotton and the olive shade of her skin. Yet he could only admire for so long before he needed more.

He turned her around. Rather than immediately unlace her stays, he ran his mouth down the length of her neck, and lower, between the wings of her shoulder blades. The stays prevented him from moving farther down, so he traced the exposed flesh of her back with his lips, murmuring formless words against her skin.

“Please,” she gasped. “Free me from this cage.”

Quickly, he unlaced the stays, the stiffened material spreading apart until he was able to pull it off and cast it onto the discarded gown. She tugged off the chemise, dropping it to the ground, and turned back to him.

Thought fled. He could only stare at her as she sat upon the bed, nude, dark hair loose about her shoulders. She was lushly formed, narrow of waist, long of leg. Her generous breasts, full and round, had large coffee-colored nipples drawn into hard points. Between her thighs, her curls were ebony black. He drew his heated gaze up her body, lingering over her curves, to her face. She wore a look of changeless female power as she gazed back at him.

“In all my cursed life,” he rasped, “I’ve never seen anyone or anything as beautiful.”

She tipped her head in acknowledgment, and he smiled to himself, for she accepted his compliment as her due. This was a woman who understood her own strength and allure.

“I demand the same privilege,” she murmured.

He obeyed at once, throwing off his clothes with a lad’s haste. He no longer was the veteran seducer, who had divested himself of his garments with a seasoned and practiced air. All he desired at this moment was to remove all barriers between them.

Their clothing made twin piles upon the ground. The dust would stain everything. He didn’t care. He concerned himself only with the longing and desire in her gaze as she watched him disrobe. When he was naked, standing beside the bed, she sighed with pleasure.

“I could not conjure a man half so wondrous,” she breathed. Her gaze moved over him, seeming to take pleasure in all his hard surfaces, the body he had meticulously maintained as a weapon. Even his scars seemed to excite her. Yet when she looked upon the marks of flame on his chest, her eyes darkened, and her lips compressed. The markings had grown, dipping down all the way to his hipbone. Consuming him.

She appeared to deliberately move her gaze away from his markings, and her attention centered precisely where he showed his need for her most. His cock grew even harder under her scrutiny, pulling high and curved up toward his navel. A look of purest lust crossed her face.

“We’ve looked long enough,” he growled. He lay down upon the bed.

Then, finally, their nude bodies touched, and he understood that, of all his transformations, this one would be his last.

Chapter 13

The future kept itself swathed in shadow. If they had only this night, Bram would luxuriate in every experience.

His body partially atop hers, he touched her everywhere. Arms, legs, the soft curvature of her belly, the roundness of her hips, elegant and earthy. He felt a moment’s regret for the roughness of his calloused hands—practicing his swordplay without gloves had left him with hands far from aristocratic. Yet she writhed beneath his touch and seemed to draw further pleasure from the rasp of his rough palms against her glossy skin. He smoothed his palms over her breasts and growled.

God and damn and hell. She overflowed his hands, abundant, pagan. He teased her nipples to yet greater tightness, and then, when he had her gasping, he covered one with his mouth.

She moaned. Her fingers wove into his hair and pressed him closer. As he licked and sucked one nipple, he continued to toy with the other with his fingers. She was luscious beneath his tongue, vibrantly hot. And the sounds she made, throaty and unbound, traveled through his body and straight to his cock.

He moved his mouth to her other nipple, and his hand traveled along the architecture of her ribs, down her stomach. Until he found her soaking quim.

He growled against her flesh to feel her like this. Liquid, silken heat. He willed himself to a blind man’s sensitivity, discovering her most intimate place through his fingertips. The folds of her sex, the pearl that made her gasp and twist beneath him.

This is what he had been born to do, this was his purpose upon the blighted earth—to stroke and caress Livia, taste her skin, bring her pleasure upon pleasure by any means.

He touched her folds and moved lower, to circle her opening. Two fingers he sank into her, feeling all that clinging, tight heat.

Sounds of abandoned ecstasy tumbled from her throat, and he brought his mouth back to hers in a deep, demanding kiss, his fingers flowing in and out of her.

A rumble of surprise resonated in his chest when he felt her fingers wrap around his cock. Again, he wrestled with his control, needing to last even as the sensation of her hand on him pushed him perilously close to madness.

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