“It’s settled, then,” declared Bram. “We go to the ruin.”

Cheers of approval rose up from Leo, John, and Edmund. Bram fixed Whit with a stare that held far more strength than one might expect from his inebriated state.

“You’re coming, aren’t you?” Bram asked. The question verged on a command. In some ways, Bram styled himself the de facto leader of the Hellraisers, even though, as a baron, he ranked beneath Whit. Yet Whit had no desire to lead this band of reprobate men—he wanted only the thrill of the gamble—and so left the decisions to his oldest friend.

Yet it was all a ruse. Bram mightn’t say so, but he needed to have Whit with him during their many escapades, and if Whit refused to go, Bram would stay.

Whit looked at Zora, who watched the whole exchange with an incisive, speculative gaze. “What say you, Madame Zora?” he asked. “I could go to the ruin, where the Devil is rumored to reside, or remain here, with you. Shall we wager it on the flip of a coin or turn of a card?”

Her expression turned opaque. “The disease of your boredom has nearly claimed you if you can’t make decisions for yourself.”

He didn’t care for the edge of censure in her tone. Whit spent much of his time avoiding anyone who might reproach him, which was why he hadn’t seen his sister in nearly a year. It was not this Gypsy girl’s business if he liked to gamble. It was no one’s business but his own.

Resolved, Whit smoothly got to his feet. He hadn’t been imbibing at the same rate as his friends, so the world remained steady as he stood. “Let’s see where the Devil lives.”

Bram exhaled, as if holding a breath in anticipation of Whit’s answer. Seeing Whit make his decision, Bram grinned his demon’s grin, the same he made whenever he was on the verge of doing something truly fiendish—like that time he entertained an entire troupe of ballet dancers in his London town house.

Zora arose to standing in a sinuous, graceful line.

“A kiss for luck,” Whit said to her. He stared at her lips, the color of a rose just before sundown. He needed to know her taste, her warmth, when his own world felt so flavorless and cold. God, he wanted that, wanted her mouth against his, and the sudden strength of that want hit him like a cannon.

At that word kiss, her gaze went directly to his mouth. And heat and heaviness shot directly to his groin. Desire gleamed in her eyes.

Which she quickly shut away. Her expression cooled as her gaze moved up to his eyes.

“It would be a shameful thing to kiss you in front of my family. But I will wish you kosko bokht.” There was something almost sorrowful in her words, in her eyes, as she stared up at him.

He felt it then. An icy sense of premonition sliding down his back, like a cold hand tracing the line of his spine. Though he was not a superstitious man, just then some strange other sense of foreboding tightened his muscles and bones. He had the oddest desire to stay in the encampment and avoid the ruin.

“Time to ride, lads,” Bram commanded. He and the other men strode off to where a Gypsy boy had brought their snorting, impatient horses.

Whit laughed at himself, shaking off the sense of dread as he might hand a rain-soaked greatcoat to a servant. Nonsense, all of it. As he’d said earlier, this was the modern age, and the Devil and magic did not truly exist.

He reached out, requesting Zora’s hand, and after she slowly gave it to him, he bowed over it and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. Her eyes widened. Beneath his lips, her skin was silk and warmth; he barely resisted the impulse to lick her to learn whether she tasted as spicy as her spirit.

Their eyes met over their clasped hands. “Farewell, Madame Zora.”

“Be careful, my lord.”

“There’s no amusement in careful.”

“There is more to life than amusement.”

“If there is,” he answered, “I have yet to encounter it.”

She slid her hand from his, and her gaze also slid away.

“Whit!” came a chorus of voices from across the encampment.

He gave her one last, searching look, as if trying to etch her image on the metal of his mind. A silent entreaty for her to meet his gaze one final time. Yet she would not, staring fixedly at the ground, and the flickering firelight turned her into a distant gold-and-ebony goddess. He wondered if he might ever see her again. The thought that he might not filled him with an inexplicable anger.

He made one final bow, as sharply elegant as a rapier, then turned and strode off. Whit swung himself up into the saddle. Bram and the others kicked their horses into a gallop. Whit’s horse wheeled and danced in a circle as he took one last glimpse of the Gypsy encampment, of her, before he set his heels into the beast’s flanks. They darted off into the night.

The gorgios were gone, having left some hours ago. Yet Zora could not be easy, could not still the beating of her heart or whirling of her mind. She paced as everyone else in the camp amused themselves with music and stories. It had been a good night. The wealthy gorgios had thrown coin around like handfuls of dust, and the mood amongst the families was high and celebratory. Even the best day of horse trading and dukkering at a fair could not bring in as much money.

Zora alone could not enjoy the remains of the evening. She walked up and down the camp—careful to keep her path behind the men who sat around the fire, as custom and belief demanded. Amongst the Rom, it was considered dangerous for a woman to pass in front of a seated man, though no one explained the reasons why in a way to ever satisfy Zora. That had been her way, since her earliest years—Zora demanding why, and the answer: because.

“Sit, girl,” commanded Faden Boswell. “Ye make my head spin with yer to-ing and fro-ing.”

Zora ignored him. Faden claimed he was the king of their group, but he talked more bluster than he did enforce order. Everyone knew that Faden’s wife, Femi, held the reins of control and made the major decisions.

“She’s thinkin’ of her handsome gorgio,” teased Grandmother Shuri. “With the pretty blue eyes and deep pockets.”

“He is not my gorgio,” Zora said immediately, yet she knew the truth. She was thinking of him. Whit, his scoundrel friends called him. A suitable name for a man possessing much intellect, yet also ironic, for he squandered his wits on ephemeral pursuits. What drove a man to live from one game of chance to the next? He had wealth, privilege, friends—though those friends were as wicked as demons. Yet he staked his happiness on the brief excitement of the wager.

It troubled her. He troubled her, far more than she would like.

There was passion in him—and no true channel for that passion. Nothing that engaged him fully.

No, that was not true. He seemed very much engaged and passionate when he looked at her.

Zora suppressed the shiver of awareness that danced through her as she remembered him. Grandmother Shuri was right. The gorgio Whit was indeed a most handsome man, and extremely well formed. He might be a scoundrel of the worst order, but it left no toll upon his face and body. Tall, his broad shoulders admirably filling out his costly coat, his long legs encased in close-fitting doeskin hunting breeches and high boots polished to brilliance.

And his face. She recalled it vividly as the firelight painted him a dark angel. Unlike other wealthy gorgios, he wore no wig but pulled his deep brown hair back into a queue. She imagined what his hair might look like loose about his shoulders, and knew he would appear a very incubus, sensually tempting a woman to wickedness. He had a square, strong jaw. A bold, aristocratic nose. Full lips. Dark, slashing brows above eyes the color of the sky at midday. Sharp, those eyes, and hungry.

Hungry for her. He made himself very plain. He wanted her for a night’s pleasure. And, God preserve her, she wanted him, too. That lean body. Those clever hands. But she’d spoken true. She was no whore, and would not take his coin in exchange for her body. Even if he had not offered to pay her for the privilege, Zora knew that such affairs with gorgios were dangerous for young Romani chis.

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