The three volumes of the Crucible trilogy-Provenance of Shadows, The Fire and the Rose, and The Star to Every Wandering-mark the first ventures by David R. George III into Star Trek’s Original Series. He has previously contributed a television story, four novels, and a novella to the Trek universe. He cowrote the story for the first-season Voyager episode “Prime Factors,” which deals with the consequences of the crew having to face the noninterference directive of an alien race, and which was nominated for a Sci-Fi Universe Award in the category “Best Writing in a Genre Television Show or Telefilm.” With Armin Shimerman, he wrote the Deep Space Nine novel The 34th Rule, a serious tale of Ferengi machinations, racism, and war between the Alliance and Bajor. He also penned two other DSN novels, Twilight and Olympus Descending, both set after the final episode of the series (the latter work appears in the book Worlds of Deep Space Nine, Volume Three). Additionally, he wrote a Lost Era novel, Serpents Among the Ruins, featuring Captain John Harriman and First Officer Demora Sulu of the Enterprise-B, which tells the story of the Tomed Incident. Finally, he authored the novella Iron and Sacrifice, another Demora Sulu yarn, this one contained in the Tales from the Captain’s Table anthology. David’s books have appeared on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists.

A native of New York City, David presently makes his home in Southern California, where he lives with his delectable wife Karen. They are both aficionados of the arts-books, theater, museums, film, music, dance-and they can often be found partaking in one or another of them. They also love to travel, and are particularly fond of Paris, Venezia, Roma, Hawai’i, New York City, and the Pacific Northwest. They also enjoy sailing on cruises.

David has not yet been approved for nonprescription use by the FDA.

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