“Commander Donatra,” Riker said, favoring the stern yet attractive young Romulan woman on the viewer with a reserved smile. “You look well.”

Donatra offered a wan smile in return. “If that is so, then I am fortunate indeed. Congratulations on your new command, Captain Riker. And welcome to the Neutral Zone.”

A place where nobody is supposed to be,Vale thought, feeling her heart thump heavily in her chest. Including the Klingons.She hoped that nobody on any of Khegh’s or Donatra’s vessels was spoiling for a fight.

“Thank you, Commander,” Riker said simply. “We have come on a mission of aid. I’m sure you have been informed that our presence has been requested by both the Romulan and the Reman peoples.”

“I have, Captain,”Donatra said, raising an elegantly arched eyebrow. “Do you recall what I told your former captain when last we saw each other?”

He nodded. “You said that he had made the first of what you hoped would be many friends in the Romulan Empire.”

Donatra smiled with what Vale took to be genuine warmth, an intuition confirmed by Troi’s smile. “Very good, Captain. And despite the fact that Picard is not here, I extend that friendship to you and your crew. There are more than a few…rogue elements in the Empire who might wish to interfere with your mission here. Therefore, I shall assign three vessels from my squadron to escort you and your entourage directly to Romulus.”

“Rogue elements.” That’s the exact term that Akaar used earlier,Vale thought with a start. Is that just a coincidence, or is it something more?

Riker bowed his head slightly toward the screen. “For that, you have our gratitude.” Vale knew that Riker must also be considering the briefing that Akaar and his three Vulcan aides had conducted the previous afternoon. T’Sevek had warned them that Donatra was in league with Commander Suran in the leadership hierarchy of a powerful independent military faction. T’Rel, in particular, had seemed to distrust Donatra’s motivations quite a bit.

“Your people, as well as your Klingon escorts”—a subtle, momentary sneer seemed to creep into Donatra’s voice at this point— “may feel the need to be…cautious while we escort you. Feel free to raise your shields or adopt whatever mode of readiness you deem appropriate. I certainly can understand the sense of unease that all of you must be experiencing.”

She paused for a moment, then added adamantly, “But doplease inform the Klingons that appropriate readiness doesnot include fully charging their weapons.”

Riker nodded again, his face as impassive as Akaar’s. “I appreciate your candor, your discretion, and your assistance, Commander.”

“Then we shall speak again soon, on Romulus,”Donatra said. A moment later, the screen image changed back to that of the various ships—Romulan, Klingon, and Federation—that were arrayed around Titanas she proceeded inexorably toward Romulan space. And plunged headlong toward whatever fate awaited her there.

Riker turned to Vale.

“Rogue elements,” he said. “Curiouser and curiouser.”

Chapter Eight


“We’re being hailed again, Captain,” said Cadet Zurin Dakal, who was currently backing Keru at tactical by manning communications.

It had been less than twenty minutes since Commander Donatra and her squadron had appeared to escort the convoy toward Romulus—and since then Donatra’s warbird had reactivated its cloak, vanishing from sight, though perhaps not from the general vicinity of the convoy.

Riker turned his chair in the direction of the youthful Cardassian trainee. “Who’s calling us this time, Cadet?”

“Romulus sir.” Dakal glanced down at his readouts, and the young Cardassian’s eyes suddenly became enormous. “The signal is coming directly from the Romulan Hall of State. It’s Praetor Tal’Aura.”

Riker felt his own eyes widen involuntarily as well. Then he noticed that both Deanna and Vale, seated in the chairs that flanked his own, had turned their expectant gazes upon him.

“Should I call Admiral Akaar back to the bridge?” Vale asked.

Riker shook his head, though he wouldn’t have been surprised if Akaar were discreetly monitoring the incoming message from stellar cartography. “He did say this was mymission.”

Vale nodded in agreement, then pivoted her chair in Dakal’s direction. “Are the Klingons able to pick up this transmission?”

“Almost certainly, sir,” Dakal said.

Riker chuckled. “That’s fine. There’s no point in antagonizing our Klingon escorts by hiding things from them. I’m sure being this far inside Romulan space is making them twitchy enough.” Turning back toward the viewscreen that almost entirely covered the forward segment of the circular bridge, Riker said, “Put the praetor on the screen, Cadet.”

A moment later, the image of a regal, stern-faced Romulan woman of early middle age appeared in the center of the screen. Her slim figure was perched on an ornate chair that was the approximate color of Romulan blood. A wall made of ancient-looking green stone was visible several meters behind her.

But Riker’s eyes were drawn more urgently to the steel-eyed Romulan male who stood attentively beside the praetor.

Tomalak.Riker tensed as he recognized the other man. He silently noted Tomalak’s aristocratic civilian suit, cut to accentuate the broadness of his shoulders, and the senatorial sigils that were attached to his dark tunic. Tomalak had always been trouble when he’d served as a commander, and more recently as an admiral, in the Romulan military. Riker felt certain that Tomalak’s presence here and now alongside his beleaguered empire’s praetor couldn’t bode well for the coming power-sharing talks.

“Praetor Tal’Aura,” Riker said, rising and making a respectful half-bow. “We are honored.”

“Welcome to the Romulan Star Empire, Captain Riker,”the praetor said. “Allow me to introduce Proconsul Tomalak, my trusted right hand.”

His eyes bright but cold, Tomalak smiled, a gesture that Riker found anything but reassuring. He hadn’t forgotten any of his previous encounters with Tomalak. Thirteen years ago, the Romulan officer had engaged in some rather brazen espionage on the remote Federation planet Galorndon Core. Then, only a few weeks later, the commander had used faked intelligence to convince a Romulan defector, Admiral Alidar Jarok, that a Romulan sneak attack on the Federation was imminent. Jarok, who had wanted only to preserve the lives of innocents on both sides—as well as his Empire’s honor—had taken his own life after learning of Tomalak’s cynical manipulations. Riker wasn’t sure he could ever find it in himself to forgive Tomalak for that. And he was absolutely certain he couldn’t trust him.

“The proconsul and I have met before, Praetor,” Riker said without elaboration.

“Indeed,”Tal’Aura said, leaning forward, her expression hard but earnest. “Let us hope that this familiarity will make our preliminary meeting go more smoothly.”

Not very damned likely,Riker thought, though he kept his expression carefully neutral.

He glanced down at Ensign Lavena’s flight-control displays before returning his gaze to the main viewer. “Our convoy is only about sixteen hours away from Romulus at our present speed, Praetor. Once we arrive, will the Reman leaders require our assistance in getting to the first meeting?”

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