“Immaterial. Whatever your species, you are of the Federation. One of its many mongrel races, no doubt.” Durjik pointed aggressively toward the admiral’s dress-white tunic and the two small rows of decorations that crossed its front. “You wear the Federation’s uniform, and those bangles tell me that you will do anything to defend it. Just as Iwould do anything to preserve the Romulan Star Empire.”

Including going to war against the Federation for no reason, even if that means there’ll be no Empire left to preserve afterward.The former senator’s increasingly palpable anger was beginning to make her head throb. And yet she felt a pang of sympathy for him as she studied his craggy, careworn face. Had he, like Pardek, developed his penchant for belligerence only recently, because of some grievous personal loss? It struck her then that counseling and diplomacy might be two sides of the same coin.

Will leaned forward, asserting a degree of quiet control over the meeting that Troi found soothing. “In fact, the admiral’s homeworld is not yet a member of the Federation,” he said. “But I think we all agree with you in one very important respect, Senator. There is very little that Admiral Akaar, or any of us, wouldn’t do to defend and preserve the Federation. We’ll even risk coming open-handed before people who hate us—if that’s what it takes to build a peace that both our civilizations can live with.”

Troi noticed immediately that the net level of tension in the room was noticeably decreasing, at least among Donatra, Suran, and Tal’Aura, as well as among the Starfleet contingent.

Durjik’s outrage, however, now blazed even more brightly than it had before. Something besides our presence here is bothering him,Troi thought.

“If I may, Senator,” Troi said, tamping down her own rising apprehension. “Wasn’t Pardek supposed to represent your faction at this meeting?”

Durjik fixed her with a glare as sharp as Donatra’s Honor Blade. She “felt” his answer before he spoke it aloud, and it confirmed her growing suspicion.

“Surely you must know already, Commander Troi. Your people are on the short list of suspects, after all.”

Troi felt Durjik’s hostility intensifying even more. Though Keru sat still and quiet, he was throwing off waves of caution and vigilance. Donatra’s emotional temperature was rising as well, while Suran seemed as intent on studying Donatra as he was on Durjik’s accusations. Though outwardly impassive, Akaar fumed quietly inside. And Tal’Aura and Tomalak, whose temperaments Troi thought were probably more alike than either would like to admit, both seemed alternatively appalled and amused by Durjik’s bitterness.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” Will said.

“Ah. Of course. The inevitable wide-eyed protestations of innocence. You would claim to be unaware that I discovered Pardek’s murdered corpse not four verakuago.”

Will nodded, keeping the shock he felt from reaching his face. Mostly. “I claim exactly that,” he said. “Because it’s true.”

Troi wondered why Durjik was so certain the away team should know of Pardek’s death.

“With respect, Praetor,” Keru said in a low but confident voice, “I wish we had been advised of Pardek’s murder prior to our arrival. Security is my responsibility, and the timing of Pardek’s death implies that none of the rest of us is safe until his murder is solved.”

“We can discuss that later, Commander,” Will said to Keru, who immediately fell silent.

Troi knew that Keru was rightly making this meeting’s security his highest priority. But she also knew that the Romulans, being driven in large part by pride, were famously loath to make themselves appear vulnerable before the Federation, about whose presence even the most liberal of Romulans harbored ambiguous feelings. She understood that for the Romulans to reveal Pardek’s assassination immediately prior to the start of negotiations as delicate as these would not only wound their pride, but would also aggravate their already heightened sense of vulnerability. This potential loss of face was more than any Romulan could bear—especially after their new, self-installed praetor had already accepted several tons of humanitarian aid supplies from the Titanconvoy.

“Only a fool would expect security here, where Shinzon slew the entire Senate,” Durjik said to Keru before turning his glare back upon Will. “And I would be equally foolish to expect you to provide it, Captain Riker. After all, you would no doubt say or do anything to suppress Pardek’s political viewpoint.” Durjik punctuated his words by jabbing an accusatory finger at Titan’s captain from across the expansive table.

Remaining admirably calm, Will said, “Suppress? No. But I had hoped to convincehim that there’s no longer any need for hostilities between our Federation and your Empire. Just as I hope to convince youthat we can establish peace.”

Durjik snorted dismissively. He leaned forward across the sherawood table, his beefy forearms supporting his considerable weight. “My congratulations, then, Captain. Whatever your other shortcomings might be, you have certainly succeeded in pacifying Pardek.”

“Ahlhdroppings, Senator,” Donatra said to Durjik. “Titanwas several light- verakuaway from Romulus when Pardek was killed.”

“As were we,” Suran added, gesturing toward Donatra.

Suran’s comment piqued Troi’s curiosity. Where had the Valdorebeen at the time of Pardek’s murder? The Titanconvoy could move only as fast as its slowest ship; unlikely as it was, the Valdoremight have made a high-speed diversion to Romulus while cloaked, its absence from the convoy undetected.

True, you helped theEnterprise crew bring down Shinzon,Troi thought as she studied Donatra and considered her cautious, guarded emotional aura. But can we really trust you?

“If so, that would seem to leave our esteemed praetor as our prime suspect, would it not?” Durjik said.

Both Donatra and Suran immediately seemed to warm to the notion of Tal’Aura-as-murderer. Tomalak was just as quickly on his feet, a short curved sword appearing in his hand as if conjured by magic. Troi was suddenly at the center of an emotional whirlwind. Somehow, Will remained cool, though he was as taut as a coiled spring. Akaar held himself back, but only barely. Keru seemed about to throw himself between the two angry Romulans.

Damn!Everything was about to come apart, right before her eyes. Her first outing as Titan’s diplomatic officer seemed unavoidably headed toward outright violence.

“Kroiha!”Tal’Aura shouted in Romulan, filling the room with her voice without so much as rising from her chair. “Tharon!”

Tomalak froze, as he had been commanded. “Forgive me, my Praetor.” Sheathing his sword, he returned to his seat, though with evident reluctance. And he continued to glare at the former senator, never letting his hand venture far from his blade.

“My apologies,” Durjik said, bowing his head slightly. Troi sensed not a shred of sincerity behind his words, and she seriously doubted he was fooling anyone else either.

Will broke the ensuing silence, clearly eager to get the meeting back on track. “Does anyone here seriously believe that anybody present at this meeting was involved with Pardek’s death?”

“We shall see,” Durjik said, scowling at Donatra and Suran.

“I suspect what we’ll see,” Troi said, “is that Pardek probably ran afoul of one of the factions not represented here today.”

Tal’Aura chuckled humorlessly. “As brutal as Pardek’s murder was, it was far too subtle an act to have been carried out by the Remans.”

“I’m not talking about the Remans. I’m referring to the Tal Shiar.”

Troi immediately sensed an almost reflexive wave of apprehension radiating from the praetor’s hindbrain. That was understandable, given the fear that the Romulan Star Empire’s semi-independent military intelligence bureau had so carefully cultivated for so many years. But something else lurked beneath Tal’Aura’s apprehension as well, a secret she was holding more closely than one of Christine Vale’s poker hands.

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