“I know,” Vaughn said. “It’s all right. I’m just glad that you’re here now.”

“I am too.”

“I’m sorry,” he said again, knowing that she would mistakenly think that he was apologizing for Ruriko’s death. “After your mother died…I should have been there for you.” He did not expect her to understand immediately. “When we were—”

“I know,” she interrupted. “Dad, I know. I don’t blame you for what happened to Mom. But I see now that I needed you back then, and when you weren’t there…” She let her words trail off. “But I understand what happened…you lost Mom too.”

“Yes,” Vaughn agreed, “but I’m your father. I failed you, and I’m sorry.”

“I know,” she said. “But you’re here now. And I still need you.”

“I need you too, Prynn,” Vaughn said, and he pulled her close once more. When they parted this time, she smiled, and all at once, Vaughn felt connected to his daughter again. There were so many things that they needed to search through together, to understand together.

They sat down and talked for hours, as they had not done in a very long time.

Finally, Vaughn had begun to explore.




About the Author

David R. George III was born and raised in the unparalleled city of New York, New York. David’s previous contributions to the world of Star Trekinclude a Voyagerepisode, “Prime Factors,” and a Deep Space Ninenovel, The 34th Rule.He will also be writing one of the entries in the upcoming The Lost Eraseries of Treknovels. Additionally, he is hard at work on both a mainstream novel and a film screenplay.

David received a Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, with majors in Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, and minors in philosophy and writing. From Clemson University, he earned a Master of Science degree in Mathematical Sciences, with concentrations in Operations Research and Scientific Computing. The original research he carried out for his master’s thesis was in the area of Artificial Intelligence.

David has lived all over the United States. In addition to his time in New York City, upstate New York, and South Carolina, he has called Kansas, Washington, and both northern and southern California home. David plays baseball and racquetball regularly, and he and his beautiful wife, Karen, love to travel, dance, and play softball together. They are ardent film watchers, avid readers, and enthusiastic New York Mets fans. They currently reside in southern California, in a house with no children and no pets, although they do manage to keep several thriving houseplants.

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