Then they all saw it, from twelve different points of view, all similar but slightly different. The multifaceted image was of a space battle. One Tholian ship was gutted nearby, wreckage and flotsam tumbling randomly in freefall, while another was on fire, with green spikes of energy crackling across its wedge-shaped hull.

The memory played in reverse, showing four Tholian craft as they engaged the enemy ship, energy bursts and charged missiles reentering the weapons banks from which they had come. The quartet’s energy web flickered and [112] broke apart, was disrupted by blasts which now returned to the aggressor’s tubular ship, then recovered, suddenly becoming strong and cohesive. The Tholians unwove the web around the enemy ship, then faced energy blasts which answered their own volleys of firepower.

Eventually, the memories rewound to the point at which the enemy ship had entered Tholian space, apparently tumbling out of the very same OtherVoid that the sentinel ships had begun to explore in earnest during recent times.

They come intent on invasion, as have so many others before them,Fekrene [The Gold] projected.

What of their ship now?asked Elkrene [The Ruby].

Benrene’s mind-line brightened a bit. The craft of the invaders is being brought to Tholia. The invaders are being de-structured and dissected, their components analyzed and catalogued.

Could the speculations of the physicians be correct?Kasrene asked. As multiple thoughts affirmed it, Kasrene’s mind took on a darker hue. We must not allow this information into the Lattice-at-large. Halt transport of the ship and confine the thoughts of those who know the truth of this matter.

Dinrene’s alarm was almost palpable. Why should we hide such information about the aggressors? The truth will empower both defense and unity among the castes.

Such a truth will not bring a wholeness to the Lattice,Mosrene said, his response glowing turquoise in the Sub-Link. It will more likely solidify the distrust so many already feel toward the Federation.

Conflict with the Federation while we are beset by formidable adversaries from the OtherVoid will deplete the energies of the Tholian Assembly,Tosrene [The Violet] chimed.

Kasrene spoke. If we make allies of the Federation first, and bring the Assembly into harmony with its greater power, we will then have aid rather than conflict. Such an arrangement may be our only chance.

[113] But the castes will not unite to ally with the Federation if they know the truth,Mosrene’s dark thoughts rang.

Energy from Fekrene [The Gold] washed in, and the Diplomatic Castemoot SubLink fell silent. The worlds of outside are coming to us, and we can choose to grow stronger thereby, or be shattered. I believe/know the time is now for an appeal to the Federation. Kasrene is correct.

Benrene echoed the earlier thoughts of many others. Mosrene is correct as well. And if we are to keep the truth from the Lattice-at-large, we must be aware that its implications increase the potential for conflict with the Federation. Particularly from the warrior caste.

Revelation may also breed trust,Kasrene offered serenely. The lower echelons of the warrior caste are accustomed to the Diplomatic Castemoot keeping its decisions and strategies concealed from them. But potential allies may not be so forgiving/understanding.

So do we fracture the facets of the Great Castemoot Assembly in favor of outsiders?The tones and colors that underlay Mosrene’s question were threatening.

The SubLink again went silent for a time as excerpts of the conversation—if not its most salient and sensitive facts—filtered down, out, and laterally across the complex webwork of the Tholian Lattice.

Sulu settled back into his chair just as the turbolift doors whisked open to deposit Chekov and Akaar onto the bridge.

Turning his chair to face them both, Sulu said, “Everything go smoothly?”

Chekov stepped down toward the captain’s chair, near the bridge’s center. “As well as can be expected after transporting a group of alien diplomats who see no need to speak to us any further until after they take care of their leader’s funerary rites and consult with their superiors.”

[114] “Did Mosrene agree to speak with Burgess privately?” Sulu asked.

“If he did, she’s keeping it to herself. I get the distinct impression that she’s pinned the blame for Kasrene’s death on us.”

“Shocking,” Sulu said, deadpan. She blames me, because of my assignment to monitor the Tholian war machine,he thought with more than a little rancor. As though her own loose lips had nothing to do with Mosrene’s attack on Kasrene.

Akaar had taken his post at the main tactical station, which was located to the right of Sulu’s chair. “Security crews are doing a thorough sweep of all areas that the Tholians have occupied while aboard Excelsior,in search of listening devices or signs of sabotage.”

“Good,” Sulu said, nodding. Given the clandestine nature of his own mission here, Sulu thought Akaar’s actions were appropriate and prudent.

Turning to communications, Sulu caught Rand’s eye. “Please hail Yilskene’s vessel, Janice.”

“Aye, sir.”

Moments later, the multifaceted visage of Yilskene appeared on the main viewer. Sulu began to address him. “Admiral Yilskene, I trust that your diplomatic team and their belongings have made it back to your ship safely?”

“They have. Your transmission is breaking up, Captain. Please boost your signal if you have anything further to discuss.”

“I’m terribly sorry,” Sulu said, rising from his chair and looking to his left. “We seem to be having difficulty with some of our systems. I believe it may have to do with the local interphasic radiation. We’re not far from the region of interspace where our starship Defiantwas lost, after all.”

“Captain, your transmission is very garbled.”Yilskene’s eyespots seemed to glow brighter, but Sulu thought this [115] might have been his own imagination at work. Did the Tholian suspect subterfuge?

“I am withdrawing Excelsiorfrom the 15 Lyncis system to effect repairs on our systems. Please hail us when your diplomats are ready to resume their discussions with us.”

It seemed to take Yilskene a beat longer than necessary to respond. “I understand that you are withdrawing for repairs. We will contact you within a few of your diurnal cycles to discuss further diplomatic matters.”

Sulu dipped his head in a nod. “Very good, Admiral. Until then.”

The viewscreen replaced Yilskene’s image with that of his sleek flagship, cast against the star-bedecked backdrop of space. Sulu took his seat and glanced over at Rand. “Looks like your ‘interference’ worked like a charm.”

She flashed him a grin. “Piece of cake, sir. He heard just enough of what he needed to. I think those high-pitched subspace ‘whistlers’ I threw in over our transmission convinced him that he was dealing with a force of nature rather than an incredibly gifted Starfleet communications officer.”

Sulu smiled, then turned back to the center of the bridge where his helm and navigation officers awaited his orders. “Take us out, Lieutenant Asher,” he said. “And let’s make sure that everything’s coordinated with engineering, Commander Lojur.”

“Aye, sir,” the Halkan navigator said as he touched the control surfaces on his console.

Thirteen minutes later, Asher announced, “We’re out of range of Yilskene’s sensors, sir.”

Lojur tapped his console. “I detect no other ships in the area, and confirm no active sensor contact.”

Sulu toggled the comm button built into his armrest. “Chief Azleya, are we ready to switch over?”

“Affirmative, sir,”came the smooth, gregarious voice of the Denobulan chief engineer. “You need only to give the word.”

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