“Too late—”

Three columns of light shimmered on the bridge and then solidified into the shapes of humanoids: a male and two females. Vaughn didn’t recognize any of them, although the male looked human, while one of the females was of a species Vaughn had never seen before. The third member of the group, standing behind the others, was harder to see.

He was about to address them when Dax’s voice cut through the bridge. “My God, Jake…is that really you?”

Vaughn turned back to the male human, eyes narrowing, knowing Dax could only mean Jake Sisko, son of the former commanding officer of Deep Space 9, missing since before Vaughn’s transfer to the station.

Dax ran across the bridge and launched herself at the tall young man, having to jump up to throw her arms around his neck.

“Woah, Ezri, take it easy,” Jake said, laughing.

“You big jerk,” she said. “Kasidy and your grandfather have been worried sick about you. We all have.”

“I know,” Jake said quietly, holding her close. “I’m sorry. Nothing worked out the way I expected.”

“Sir,” Bowers said to Vaughn. “The Dominion ship is moving off.”

“Stand down from red alert, Mr. Bowers,” Vaughn said, “and have Dr. Bashir report to the bridge.” He paused, trying to recall what he knew about young Mr. Sisko, then added with a smile, “Get Nog up here as well.”

Dax detached himself from the lad. “Where have you been?” Dax demanded of Jake, and as he opened his mouth to answer, she added, “And if you’re even thinking about saying ‘It’s a long story,’ you better think twice, or so help me—”

“Later,” Jake said. “I promise I’ll explain everything, but not now. Not yet.” Jake turned and focused on Vaughn. He smiled, but it was wistful. “It’s so weird to see someone else in charge here,” he said, then caught himself. “I’m sorry, Commander. I’m Jake Sisko. I’ve been away for a while. Permission to come aboard?”

Vaughn smiled. I like this young man already.“No apology necessary, Mr. Sisko. Permission granted. I’m Elias Vaughn. Welcome aboard, to you and your companions….”

As if realizing the oversight, Jake hastily corrected it. “Oh, God, I’m sorry. I forgot to introduce my new friends. This is Wex,” he said, indicating the first female. She had gray skin and an impressive mane of white hair. “She’s on a pilgrimage,” Jake explained.

Wex inclined her head but said nothing as she regarded Vaughn, seeming to scrutinize him.

“And, uh, this is my other new friend—which I suppose is kind of ironic, all things considering,” Jake continued, indicating the woman who still hung back. She stepped forward, her stout frame wrapped in worn, weathered cloaks. She pulled back her hood and revealed a head of close-cropped silver hair. And judging from the ridges of her nose, she was unmistakably Bajoran. Vaughn heard a sharp intake of breath from Dax.

“I apologize for the condition in which I greet you, Commander,” she said humbly, spreading her hands. Her voice, Vaughn thought, was soft and seemed to convey the impression of wisdom—ancient wisdom, of a kind he himself had long searched for but never found. “Permit me to express my gratitude for your timely assistance. I am Opaka, once kai of Bajor.”




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