Just inside the city gate they followed phone instructions to the rover that was in distress. It looked exactly like their own. The driver and a trio of security people were standing by it, very unhappy; the rover had lost all power, and some packages needed to be run over to the office in the town center as quickly and discreetly as possible. Kiran stood in a short line with his teammates and took a big flat box passed down from one of the security people, thinking that this might be his opportunity to find out what was being transported. Then they were off across town in a little line, like porters.

The town was almost empty, its residents still out on the hill celebrating. The box Kiran was carrying weighed about five kilos; it was not exceptionally heavy for its size. There was a keypad lock on it, near the hasp, that made it look like a reinforced briefcase. They were not far from the office. The actual hinges of the case looked little and flimsy, and he wondered what would happen if he accidentally dropped it on its hinge side.

But then the security trio from the disabled rover appeared, crying, “Run! Run! Get to the office now!” looking over their shoulders fearfully with their guns drawn. Everyone bolted, and Kiran, following the others, seeing they were rattled, shifted the briefcase in his hands so that its hinges were out to his side. When his mates turned a corner to run down a narrow alley, he pretended to trip, and slammed the case hard into the corner of a wall, right against the hinges.

The case held solid.

“Oh shit! Did you break them?” someone exclaimed from behind him—one of the security guards—a Chinese tall, standing over him now, looking horrified.

“What, are they eggs?” Kiran asked as he got up.

“Like eggs,” the guard said, taking the box up and punching away at its keypad. “And if they’re broken, we better leave town.” The top of the box lifted, and there in individual clear containers lay a dozen human eyeballs—all of them, by coincidence, Kiran assumed, staring right at him.

Extracts (14)

The space project accelerated as it was becoming clear that Earth was in for a terrible time because of the climate change and general despoliation of the biosphere. Going into space looked like an attempt to escape all that, and there was enough truth in this that defenders of the space project always had to emphasize its humanitarian and environmental value, the ways in which the resources available in the solar system might help Earth limp through its stupendous overshoot. Inhabiting the other bodies of the solar system could be said to conform to the Leopoldian land ethic, “what’s good is what’s good for the land,” because it was going to take stuff from space to save Earth

first settlements on Luna, Mars, and the asteroids were so expensive that they were made as international or national projects, using public money. This made them pitifully weak through the years of dithering, but following the construction of the first space elevators, they blossomed, and by the time of the Accelerando they were ready to take center stage—ready to be the landscape of the Accelerando

Mars was the first to be terraformed, and compared to those that followed, it was very easy. Early on the decision was made to proceed as quickly as possible. Thousands of explosions were set off in the regolith (it was said this would help the Martian life-forms buried in the lithosphere), and much of the surface of the planet was burned, in lines that later served as beds for the planet’s famous canals. The burning created an atmosphere, and the planet’s ice was mined and melted such that a narrow northern ocean and a Hellas Sea were filled. Little to no regard was taken for the primordial surface, and yet it was also true that the vertical scale of the planet’s topography protected the highest parts of the landscape from much alteration, leaving it as a kind of primeval park

a mass influx of immigrants from Earth quickly melded into a polyglot community that within two generations thought of itself as intrinsically and fundamentally Martian, Homo ares, and as such, a political unit independent of Earth by nature and by right. The entire population agreed to secede from all Terran associations, afterward reorganizing under a new constitution that stipulated a single planetary government and an economic system variously labeled socialist, communist, utopian, democratic-state-anarchic, syndicalist, worker cooperative, libertarian socialist, and any number of other labels from the past, all of which were rejected by Martian political theorists, who preferred the adjective “martian” or “areological.” As a new socioeconomic system with a newly created biosphere to work in, Mars was a socio-physical power the equal of any single Earth nation or alliance and in many ways, because of its unity, the equal of all the rest of balkanized humanity combined

fears were stoked when Mars in the first flush of independence began to strip the nitrogen from Titan’s atmosphere for return to Mars, without regard for the opinions of the people already in the Saturn system, admittedly few in number. Around this same time (2176–2196), Chinese teams dismantled Saturn’s moon Dione in order to redirect it to Venus as part of the initial terraformation there. In the disruption on Earth following the Little Ice Age of the 2140s, there was no power on Earth large enough to challenge the Chinese over this distant move. But these two events around Saturn together stimulated the creation of the Saturn League, which over time managed to assert sovereignty over the whole Saturn system—although it is true that the threat of a traumatic Saturn-Mars war, Saturn’s phantom war of independence, as some called it—was needed to finalize the assertion

Earth’s moon, Luna, never achieved independence, but was always divided into cities and regions controlled by various Terran powers. It would have been difficult to fully terraform Luna in any case, because hitting it with asteroids to spin it and give it an atmosphere was considered too likely to subject Earth to a tektite rain of potentially great severity. It was also true that metals and useful chemicals in lunar rock could be mined only by a deep strip-mining and processing of much of the lunar surface, which also made terraforming difficult. So large domed craters and tented areas alternated with cosmologically large mining pits, and each nation with a substantial lunar presence had an influx of raw materials. China’s early investment on Luna led directly to its influence over Venus, because the Venus sunshield was a product of the lunar Chinese industrial bases. At the same time many other Terran nations established lunar bases, and the political unification of Luna became impossible. Some locate the origins of the Balkanization to this development, although most see qubical decoherence and the sheer size of the solar system as the key

balkanization is of course the subject of great disagreement, with judgments of it ranging from its being the newly lowest circle of hell to its representing the delectable and fructifying diversification of life in our time

success is failure. The Accelerando spread all the weakness, disease, and crime embedded in the Terran system of that era, and once spread that widely, they could never be contained. Pandora’s box had been

by the beginning of the twenty-fourth century the Mondragon Accord had organized a third force to join the Earth-Mars dyad, and the Jovian and Saturnian leagues provided major counterweights as well. A situation of this much diplomatic complexity brought back talk of a “balance of powers,” of the “great game,” of a “cold war,” and so on: all ideas from earlier eras, again haunting us as they have a wont to do, hungry ghosts deceiving us with their false analogies, laying their dead hands on our living eyes! Ultimately the Balkanization was by its scope and special nature a new thing

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