Then Clotho shimmered out of focus and disappeared. Feeling as if my nerves were exposed, I stalked around the fallen branches and overturned trees. Reaching Alex’s side, I realized I was holding my breath.

Something was building inside me, clicking together.

Alex turned to me, her shattered eyes meeting mine. The mix of brown and gold was as beautiful as it was heartbreaking. I really looked into them, seeing the trust that had always been there, devotion and love buried deep inside her. No bond—no connection—could fully extinguish that. It was why she’d hadn’t destroyed the necklace I’d made her.

There was still hope.

Clotho had said that love was stronger than Fate. Was that really the answer we’d been searching for? Love—our love for one another?

Then I remembered what Alex had said to me. “I won’t lose myself, because… well, how I feel about you, it would never let me forget who I am”

Somehow I’d forgotten that. I’d believed that she’d forgotten who she was, but in reality none of us, especially me, had had hope once she’d Awakened—not that kind of undying hope that saw people through the tough stuff. Granted, this wasn’t the ordinary tough stuff that most couples faced.

And what had I told her then? “I’d never let you forget who you are.”

Lowering her lashes, she opened her hand and the rest of the petals fell from her grasp, fluttering to the ground like thin, torn pieces of paper. “It’s beautiful here… and quiet. Can we stay for a little while longer?”

I wasn’t sure what I was doing when I placed my hands on her cheeks, tilting her head back. “Alex…”

Instead of correcting her name, she let it slide. Her eyes searched mine. “Aiden?”

My lips curved into a smile for her—always for her. “Do you believe in love?”

“Yes,” she said without hesitation. “Do you?”

“I do.” My hands slid to her shoulders and she shivered. “I believe in love.”

Thick lashes fanned her cheeks again and a grin tipped her lips. “I think I am in love.”

Six words stopped my heart when facing down a horde of daimons couldn’t.

She bit her lip and a faint blush stained her cheeks. “I feel it in here,” she said, placing her hand against her chest and then against her stomach, “and here. It’s like there’s not enough air or room inside me. That I may… burst out of my skin or drown in it, and that wouldn’t be a bad thing. I don’t know why I feel this way, but I always have… and will.” She tipped her chin up and her entire face was a rosy color. “It’s you. I… I love you.”

Heart pounding, I swept her against me in a fierce hug, lifting her off her feet. Her giggle was smothered but light. I buried my face in her hair. “I love you, Alex, always you.”

Elixir _2.jpg


DETERMINATION BURNED THROUGH ME LIKE A RIGHTeous fire. I had a plan—I had hope—and nothing was going to stop what I was about to do.

After depositing a worn-out Alex in the bedroom, I quickly changed into my Sentinel uniform. A sense of rightfulness filled me as I strapped on the daggers and laced up what Alex referred to as my “ass-kicking” boots. I smiled.

I hadn’t worn the uniform since we’d left Deity Island.

Straightening, I glanced at myself in the mirror. Freshly shaven and hair brushed back, I looked and felt like a different person. The heavy weight that’d settled on my shoulders had lifted the moment I’d made up my mind.

I left the bathroom, stopped by and checked on Alex, and pressed a kiss to her temple before going downstairs. It took me a few minutes to round up the group of Sentinels who’d stopped in on their way east. I sent them packing.

Solos snapped at my heels. “What are you doing, Aiden?”

“They don’t belong here.”

He stared at me as I closed the door behind the last one and stepped back. “They would come in handy if Seth finds his way here, you know.”

“No, they wouldn’t. No one would stop him if he finds his way here.” I knelt, pulling out a Covenant dagger. “Only Alex would be able to stop him.”

“And is Alex in the frame of mind to stop him?”

“Not yet.”

Marcus came into the hallway behind us. “What’s going on?”

“Go get Lea, Luke, and my brother. We need to talk.” I cut my palm, hissing at the flash of pain. Blood welled quickly. I placed my palm on the floor and started to draw the symbol I’d seen in Lucian’s house.

Marcus sucked in a breath. “Aiden, what is—?”

“Get them.” I finished with the snake symbol. An instant later, a flash of bright white light filled the hallway. The walls were luminous, sealing off the property, preventing Apollo from entering the home. I stood, wrapping a rag around my hand. “I’ll explain.”

“Dear gods, I hope so.”

Solos still stared. “Aiden has gone Rambo on us.”

Everyone gathered in the den. Nervous energy surrounded Lea and Luke. Only my brother seemed relaxed. Perhaps he’d seen this version of me before and knew that nothing could change my mind once it was made up.

Nothing except Alex, and this was about Alex—this was forAlex.

I stood before them. “The only way for Alex to break the connection is for her to do so herself. No one—no god, no magic—can do it. Shehas to. And I believe she can if given the chance.”

“Didn’t we give her the chance?” Solos asked.

“Not enough,” I told him, prepared to send his ass flying out the window if he didn’t agree. “But I believe in her—I have hope. And hope is what we need. I’m taking her off the Elixir.”

Marcus stared at me, then nodded. “What does Apollo have to say about this?”

And here’s the kicker. “He’s giving up, and he’s preparing himself to kill her. Only one of them can live and she’s the one he can do something about.”

They didn’t question what that meant, but I think they had a good idea.

Lea’s eyes narrowed. “He wouldn’t.”

“He would. And I understand why.” My jaw ached saying those words. “He has to protect humanity. That’s what he does. But I’m not giving up on her. And if any of you have, I suggest you leave now.”

No one moved, but I waited, giving them ample opportunity to choose. “There’s no doubt in my mind Apollo’s going to be pissed when he realizes what I’ve done and what I plan to do. If you stay here…”

The unspoken words hung in the room. They knew. On top of everything else, they’d face Apollo’s wrath.

Luke glanced at Deacon and smiled. “Apollo kind of freaks me out, anyway.”

“No doubt,” Deacon replied, shaking his shoulders. “And hey, if you believe in Alex, so do I. You know her better than any of us.”

“That is true.” Marcus smiled, leaning against the couch. “I’m in.”

Solos sighed. “This is crazy, but what the hell? I came here to protect Alex. Not to hand her over to be put down like a dog.”

I turned to Lea, and for the first time in a long time, she smirked. “I want to see Alex kick Seth’s ass. Someone’s got to do it. It wouldn’t be fair that she dies for him to live.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “You guys know this could get bad, really bad.”

No one moved for a while, and then Marcus strolled forward, clapping a hand down on my shoulder. “We’ve got your back, Aiden. We’ve also got Alex’s.”

And that was what I needed to hear. “She can do this. I know she can.”

I left them then, retreating to the bedroom. I crossed the room to the bed and sat. Alex stirred, aware enough that she didn’t resist when I pulled her into my arms, cradling her to my chest. I’d prepared myself, but not in the way Apollo meant.

Alex would get no more doses, and when the Elixir wore off, I would do what I felt was the worst thing possible. I’d place her back in the cell, and then I’d wait.

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