Mary nodded. She was lucky. And, besides, she knew lots of people who had had whirlwind romances before. Yes, she’d known Colm a lot longer than she’d known Ponter by the time Colm proposed and she accepted, but she’d had doubts back then.

She had no doubts now.

When something felt this right, there was no reason to delay.

Carpe diem, ” said Mary.

Bandra’s translator bleeped.

“Sorry,” said Mary. “That’s Latin—another language. It means ‘seize the day.’ Don’t spend your whole life fretting; just grab the moment, and go for it.”

“A good philosophy,” said Bandra. She got up from the couch. “We should attend to the evening meal.”

Mary nodded, rose, and followed Bandra into the food-preparation area. Bandra had a large vacuum box that stored food without refrigeration, and a laser cooker, which employed the same sort of tunable-laser technology used in the decontamination chambers.

The top of the vacuum box had a square screen set into it, displaying an inventory of the contents so that the seal didn’t have to be broken to determine what was inside. “Mammoth?” said Bandra, looking at the list.

“My goodness, yes!” said Mary. “I’ve been dying to try some.”

Bandra smiled, opened the vacuum box—which hissed when she did so—and selected a pair of chops. She transferred them to the laser cooker and spoke some instructions to it.

“It must be hard, hunting mammoth,” said Mary.

“I’ve never done it myself,” replied Bandra. “Those whose contribution it is to do so say there’s a simple technique.” She shrugged a little. “But, as you would say, the putative evil one lurks in minutiae.”

Mary blinked, trying to decipher Christine’s translation of what Bandra had just said. “‘The devil is in the details,’ you mean.”

“Exactamundo!” said Bandra.

Mary laughed. “I’m going to miss you when I leave.”

Bandra smiled. “I’m going to miss you, too. Whenever you need a place to stay in this world, you’re welcome here.”

“Thank you, but…”

Bandra raised one of her large hands. “Oh, I know. You only plan to come to visit when Two are One, and then you’ll be spending time with Ponter. And I will…”

“I’m so sorry, Bandra. There must be something we can do.”

“Let’s not dwell on it. Let’s just enjoy the time we’ve got before you have to leave.”

Carpe diem? ” said Mary.

Bandra smiled. “Exactamundo.”

* * *

The dinner was excellent; mammoth had a rich, complex flavor, and the maple-sugar salad dressing Bandra prepared was to-die-for.

Mary leaned back in the saddle-seat and sighed contentedly. “It’s a pity you people don’t have wine.”

“Wine,” repeated Bandra. “What is that?”

“A beverage. Alcohol. Fermented grapes.”

“Is it delicious?”

“Well, um, that’s not the point—or, at least, it’s only part of the point. Alcohol affects the central nervous system, at least in Gliksins. It makes us feel mellow, relaxed.”

“I am relaxed,” said Bandra.

Mary smiled. “Actually, so am I.”

The Globe and Mail Ponter had brought Mary had reported the results of a study to determine the funniest joke in the world. That didn’t mean the one that made people laugh the hardest—it wasn’t an attempt to replicate Monty Python’s secret-weapon joke, which would cause anyone who heard it to die laughing. Rather, it was a project to find a joke that cut across cultural lines so that almost all human beings found it funny.

Mary decided to try it out on Bandra; since it happened to be a hunting joke, she thought the Neanderthal might enjoy it. She slipped a few appropriate references into their conversation, so that Bandra would have the required background, and then, around 9:00P.M.—late in the sixth daytenth—she trotted it out:

“Okay, okay. So, there are these two guys, see, and they’re out hunting, right? And one of them suddenly collapses—just falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to be breathing, and his eyes are glazed over. So the other guy, he calls 9-1-1. That’s our emergency telephone number, since we don’t have Companions. And the guy—he’s on a cell phone, see?—he’s all panicky, and he says, ‘Hey, I’m out here hunting with my friend Bob, and he just keeled over. I’m afraid he’s dead. What should I do? What should I do?’

“And the emergency operator says, ‘Calm down, sir. Take a deep breath; let’s take this one step at a time. First, let’s make sure that Bob is really dead.’

“So the guy says, ‘Okay,’ and the operator hears him put down the phone and walk away. And then—blam! —there’s a gunshot. And the guy comes back on the phone and says, ‘Okay. Now what?’ ”

Bandra exploded with laughter. She’d been drinking pine tea; the way the Neanderthal throat was hooked up prevented it from spurting out her nostrils, but if she’d been a Gliksin, doubtless it would have, given how hard she was laughing. “That’s awful! ” she declared, wiping away tears.

Mary was grinning, probably wide enough to rival Ponter. “Isn’t it, though?”

They spent the rest of the evening talking about their families, telling jokes, listening to recorded Neanderthal music pumped simultaneously into their cochlear implants, and just generally having a wonderful time. Mary had had several close female friends before she’d married Colm, but had drifted away from all of them during the marriage, and hadn’t really acquired any new ones since the split. One of the nice things about the Neanderthal system, Mary mused, was that it would leave plenty of time for her friendships with other women.

And, despite them coming literally from different worlds, Bandra was certainly the kind of friend she would choose: warm, witty, giving, and brilliant—someone she could share a silly joke with, as well as discuss the latest breakthroughs in science.

After a bit, Bandra brought out a partanlar set—the same game Mary had played with Ponter. Ponter’s board had been made of polished wood, with the alternating squares stained either light or dark. As befitted a geologist, Bandra’s was made of polished stone, the squares black or white.

“Oh, good!” said Mary. “I know this game! Ponter taught me.”

In chess and checkers, players sat opposite each other, each trying to move their armies of pieces toward the other’s side of the board. But partanlar didn’t have that directionality of play—there was no advancing or retreating. And so Bandra set the board up on a little table in front of one of the couches, and then sat on the couch, leaving plenty of room for Mary to sit beside her.

They played for about an hour—but it was the pleasant something-to-do kind of play that Mary liked, not the competitive let’s-see-who’s-better competition Colm favored. Neither Mary nor Bandra really seemed to care who won, and they each took delight in the other’s clever moves.

“It’s fun having you around,” said Bandra.

“It’s fun being here,” said Mary.

“You know,” Bandra said, “there are those of my kind who don’t approve of the contact between our worlds. Councilor Bedros—remember him from the Voyeur?—is one such. But even if there are—another phrase of yours I like—even if there are a few bad apples, they do not spoil the bunch. He is wrong, Mare. He is wrong about your people. You are proof of that.”

Mary smiled again. “Thank you.”

Bandra hesitated for a long moment, her eyes shifting from Mary’s left to her right and back again. And then she leaned in and made a long, slow lick up Mary’s left cheek.

Mary felt her entire spine tighten. “Bandra…”

Bandra dropped her gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry…” she said softly. “I know it’s not your way…”

Mary placed her hand under Bandra’s long jaw, and slowly lifted her face until she was facing Mary.

“No,” Mary said. “It’s not.” She looked into Bandra’s wheat-colored eyes. Her heart was racing.

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