The only problem with the dissidents plan was that they intended to keep the secrets of the revolutionary new stardrive for themselvespresumably to fulfill their ownimperial ambitions. And what those ambitions were was anybodys guess, given that their leader was a murderous Vulcan turncoat known alternatively as Sopek or Chuihv.

“You think the Ejhoi Ormiinhad something to do with this? Trip asked.

“Who else? The voice was barely audible.

Trip had to admit that that was a damned fine question, one to which he could provide no easy answer.

The life was beginning to fade from the old mans rheumy eyes. “Cunaehr, he whispered. “Trip.

The old man had made it his habit neverto use Trips real name, even though he had discovered it very early in their association.

“Yes, Trip said.

“Everythingeverything is up to you now.

Trip felt Ehrehins hand go slack at that moment. The old mans final breath came a heartbeat later, laced with green bubbles as his lungs emptied for the last time.

A crushing weight of responsibility settled squarely upon Trips shoulders. Whether war or peace came in the next few weeks might well depend on whatever he decided to do, or not to do, next.

Moving with extreme care, Trip lowered Ehrehins body back to the floor from where it leaned limply against the table leg. Tears shrouded the old mans image as he knelt beside him and took his hand for the last time. They had indeed become close, particularly since Ehrehin had saved his life at the Ejhoi Ormiincompound on Rator II, and had helped him find a place in Romulan society after their chaotic escape. The old mans motivations had never been entirely clear to TripEhrehin was certainly no Coalition sympathizer, despite his strong advocacy for peacebut Trips resemblance to the late Cunaehr might have been a factor. As well as Ehrehins respect for Trips talents as an engineer.

After an uncountable interval, Trip released Ehrehins hand. Anger brought him to his feet and he stalked back to the front of the lab, where the surviving assassin still lay unconscious. Reaching down to grasp the lapels on the front of her black jacket, he hauled her up roughly.

“Why did you do this? he shouted into her slack face. “Who do you work for? She made no response, and her body lolled before him like a rag doll. Dark green blood slowly trickled down her lightly ridged forehead, which sported a nasty gash, as well as from her split lower lip. He saw that she was still breathing and briefly considered remedying that before dismissing the thought in horrified disgust.

Crap. Maybe Iam going native,he thought with an inward shudder.

The labs front and rear doors suddenly crashed open nearly simultaneously, admitting at least half a dozen uniformed and helmeted Romulan military troopers, each of whom carried disruptor pistols, several of which were being pointed directly at Trip.

“This woman is a saboteur, Trip said, suddenly feeling oddly detached both from his emotions and his body. Numbly, he realized that this must be what pure shock feels like. “Shes still alive, he continued. “Her partner murdered Doctor Ehrehin. I had to kill the shooter, or he wouldve burned me down next.

One of the soldiers who had evidently come in through the rear of the lab shouted a terse confirmation of Trips report. Then another one, a broad‑shouldered, dour‑faced man whose uniform baldric bore the single wedge‑shaped insignia that denoted the rank of centurion, separated himself from his fellows and approached Trip closely.

“Set the woman down, he said in a deep and dangerous‑sounding voice. “Carefully.

Despite the weapons that were directed at him, and the centurions obvious authority, Trip was unimpressed. He continued clutching the front of the unconscious womans garment in both hands. “Just who the hell are you? he demanded.

The centurions tone was surprisingly patient. “Terix. Centurion of Admiral Valdores Fifth Legion, in the service of our glorious Praetor Dderidex. And just who in Erebus are you?

Trip began to realize that he was not only in a crime scene, but also that he was challenging a phalanx of armed and perhaps trigger‑happy Romulan military personnel, none of whom had reason to deal gently with defiance or disrespect. And he was doing all this while operating behind enemy lines under an assumed identity.

Stupid,he told himself.

“Cunaehr, Trip said quietly, having regained enough presence of mind to avoid blurting out his real name. “Doctor Ehrehins chief assistant.

Terix laid a large gauntleted hand on Trips shoulder, the apparent gentleness of the gesture only barely concealing a grip of hard, cold steel. “We will take charge of thisperpetrator now, Cunaehr, the centurion said.

“I think this woman and her partner were working for the Ejhoi Ormiin,Trip said, not yet quite able to will his arms to move or his hands to open. “They wanted to take for themselves the new stardrive weve been developing for Admiral Valdore. And they wanted to make sure that Doctor Ehrehin couldnt re‑create it later.

Trip realized that they had succeeded, at least, in the latter goal. It also dawned on him that they had accomplished one of the objectives of the bureau that had sent him here to Romulus, using means that probably wouldnt have much bothered the spymaster Harris, and probably would have made Captain Stillwell do a football quarterbacks end‑zone victory dance.

Except, of course, for the fact that Trip hadnt managed to seize a working warp‑seven drive for Earth and the Coalition. Without the brilliance of Doctor Ehrehin on tap, the likelihood of that eventuality coming to pass now seemed vanishingly small, his own engineering skills notwithstanding; while Trip had tremendous faith in his own abilities, he harbored no delusions of being Ehrehins peer.

“Let ustake charge of the prisoner now, Cunaehr, Terix repeated. “We will interrogate her thoroughly about her ties to any political dissident groups. Although Trip still could hear something like compassion and sympathy in Terixs voice, the centurions grip on his shoulder felt progressively more stern with each passing second.

Trip nodded, then allowed a pair of Terixs troopers to take the unconscious woman from his nerveless hands.

“Do not worry, Terix said as the troopers carried the woman away and began securing the room as a crime scene. “You may continue Doctor Ehrehins work secure in the knowledge that he will be avenged.

Continue Ehrehins work,Trip thought, aghast but trying desperately not to show it. Work that Admiral Valdore expects to produce a working warp‑seven stardrive soon. So that Praetor Dderidex can grab even more new elbow room for his galactic empire.

Trip Tucker had never before felt more alone and isolated than he did at this very moment. Only now was he beginning to understand, in a deep, visceral way, just how dependent he had become upon Ehrehin, not only for the accomplishment of his mission on behalf of Earth and the Coalition, but also for simple survival in such a strange, faraway land.

Long before he had allowed circumstance to sweep him into the spy trade, all Trip had ever wanted to do was to be an engineer. For the first time in his career, he wished hed never picked up a tool, never gone into space, served on a starship, or so much as laid eyes on the Starfleet Charter.

Particularly Article Fourteen, Section Thirty‑one.

Day Thirty, Month of KriBrax The Hall of State, Dartha, Romulus

The intercom on the desk buzzed in a broken tone that denoted an incoming communication from a particular source. Chief Technologist Nijil placed the secured privacy earpiece carefully into his right ear before opening up the channel.

“Go ahead.

“The deed has been done,said the deep but flat voice on the lines other end.

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