Charlie grinned. “Aye, aye, Capn, he said, then immediately began updating the navcomputer with his left hand while entering velocity data with his right.

Rianna began moving toward the open archway at the aft part of the bridge. “If were heading out now, Id better keep an eye on my babies down in the engine room.

“Find something to hang on to, Paul said to her departing back.

“Just remember, she said over her shoulder. “If I find out you gave away my big book about old‑time Chicago, Im gonna make you walk the plank. And with that she disappeared into the access corridor behind the bridge.

“The Chicago book, Nora said, now apparently done clearing away the mess shed made and discreetly disposing of the wreckage. “Wasnt that the big old white hardcover that the village elder fell in love with?

Oh, crap.Paul swallowed hard. He wasnt sure, but that bookwhich told the story of a crucial time in the history of Moms hometownjust mighthave gone out with the trade goods that circumstances had forced him to sacrifice. He hoped that Travis still had hiscopy of the book with him in his billet aboard Enterprise.

And that he would be willing to rush it over to the Horizonon short notice to save his little brothers life.

“Hang on to your butts, Charlie said. A moment later he pushed the throttle forward.

Paul grabbed the back of the big chair in the center of the busy little control area as the Horizonlurched into motion. The freighters forward surge launched squadrons of butterflies deep in his guts, but they flew only for the split second it took for the inertial damping system to catch up to the warp drives sudden burst of superluminal acceleration. The blue‑and‑white world on the viewer immediately shrank to a small pinpoint of light before losing itself amid the myriads of other celestial fires scattered throughout the boundless interstellar deeps like so many grains of sand on a beach.

The ship roared and rattled, but held together. Charlie grinned up at him from the helm. “Warp one point six. One point seven. One point eight. One point nine.

“Warp two.

The rattling and shaking gradually evened out, and after a seeming eternity Paul realized that he had been holding his breath. He released it in a great relieved rush.

“Youre gonna get it, Nora said, shaking her head gently at Paul.

“Come again? he said.

“Your moms book, remember? Since we didnt get vaporized in a warp core breach just now, youre going to have to deal with that.

He nodded glumly before pushing that problem off to one side. “Well just have to find a way to divert that particular asteroid before it hits us.

Nora grinned mischievously. “We? Us?

He sighed. “All right. Its myproblem. Yours is transmitting my first contact report to ECS Central.

“Im all over it, Skipper, she said, turning toward the port communications console.

“Please dont call me that, he muttered under his breath, sighing as he sent the log files from his chair console to Noras station.

“Message transmitted to ECS Central, Nora reported a few moments later.

“No, it isnt, Juan said.

“What are you talking about? Nora said, scowling. “My console shows the message as sent.

Paul walked over to Noras station and confirmed that fact with a glance.

“True enough, said Juan, who was staring at the com interface from the opposite side. “But look at the frequency bands the transmitter used.

“Hell, Nora said. “I didnt tell the damned thing to use the snail channel.

“Looks like the transmitters subspace capabilities must have gone down, Juan said with a cool, appraising nod, his hitch aboard the Horizonevidently having inoculated him against finding any sort of technological glitch surprising. He turned toward Paul. “The computer must have automatically enabled the regular EM radio antenna as a backup. So ECS Central isnt going to receive thattransmission for over a century, Jefe.

“You know, I think I like Jefe even less than I like Skipper, Paul said.

“Sorry, boss, Juan said as he returned to scrutinizing the com console. Paul wasnt sure whether he was talking about the title or the balky transmitter.

Regardless, he knew there was no point in chewing anyone out over this little setback. After all, virtually instantaneous interstellar communication via the subspace bands was still a relatively recent innovation, at least for humans, and therefore wasnt yet completely trouble‑free even under ideal circumstances. And that micrometeoroid swarm that had forced the Horizons most recent unscheduled layover couldnt exactly be described as an ideal circumstance; the crew might continue to encounter yet‑undiscovered meteoroid damage for weeks to come.

“Well have to take the entire com system offline for a few hours at least while we get this problem sorted out, Juan said.

“The sooner you two get those subspace bands tuned back in, Paul said, “the sooner I can cross that report off my list.

Perhaps ten minutes after Nora and Juan had pulled open the bridges primary com system access panel, Charlie pointed directly toward the main viewer.

“What the hell is that? he said with a puzzled frown.

Looking at the forward screen, Paul could see for himself that his helmsman wasnt simply imagining things. A long, tapered shape had indeed suddenly appeared like an apparition before his startled gaze, seemingly materializing out of nowhere.

Nora and Juan both abruptly set aside their com system repairs, transfixed by the approaching ship.

“Must have roared in pretty damned fast, Juan said. “Id guess she must have been doing warp four or better before she went sublight.

“What kind of ship is she? Nora wanted to know.

“I hope its not what it looks like, Charlie said, his eyes suddenly going nearly wide enough to see in the radio spectrum.

Paul swallowed hard as he nodded in silent agreement with the Horizons pilot. The bulbous projection at the nearer end of the incoming vessels long, narrow body marked it as something no freighter captain wanted to encounter. As did its two widely spaced, ventrally curved engine nacelles.

The dull glow Paul saw emanating from the depths of the newcomers forward weapons tube wasnt exactly an encouraging sign, either.

“Whats a Klingon battle cruiser doing way out here in the Gamma Hydra sector? he said, addressing nobody in particular. “Were a hell of a lot closer to the Romulans stomping grounds right now than we are to Klingon space.

“Lets just hope they keep right on going without noticing us, Juan said, standing beside the com console, transfixed by the image on the screen.

Equally absorbed by the approaching apparition, Charlie said, “Not much chance of that. What are the odds theyd just happen to drop out of warp almost right on top of us?

“Im receiving a hail, Nora said. “Audio only.

“Put it on speakers, Paul said, nodding.

A deep, gravel‑coated voice resounded through the small bridge. “Nov Duj. Pejeghbe Duj. Ghuh tIjta pagh QIH.

“Dunno what hes saying, Charlie said. “But it doesnt sound friendly.

Paul was forced to agree. “Run that through the translation matrix, Nora.

“Already on it, she said as she finished entering a brief series of commands into her console.

A few tense heartbeats later, the computer substituted a synthetic English‑speaking voice for that of the Klingon who was hailing them. “Alien vessel. Surrender your ship. Prepare to be boarded or destroyed.

Paul sighed. “Thats pretty much what I thoughtyou were going to say, he muttered under his breath. He flipped a switch on his chair console, opening an intercom channel to the engine room. “Mom, Im going to need all the speed you can give me.

“You dont seriously expect to outrun that monster, do you, son?Rianna said, evidently having already monitored the developing situation from her station.

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