“Perhaps you are right, Doctor, she said after several moments of silent reflection. “Thank you for the advice.

“You know that what youre asking is in gross violation of a score of laws?

TPol stared at Denaks face on the viewscreen. She had signaled him several hours earlier, and his response had finally come only a few minutes ago.

“I also know that youhave operated outside the law numeroustimes when circumstances required it, TPol said. “I worked at your side on some of those occasions. You have done things that will never be written into Vulcan historyor even in the most secret files of the VShar.

Denak raised one of his eyebrows, but only slightly. “A lesser man might think you were threatening me in some manner, Commander. But I know better. I also know that I owe you my life, several times over.

TPol glanced over at the timer attached to the subspace scrambling device on her desktop. Her time was fast running out.

“Denak, you were the one who told me to look into Captain Sopek

“Thelate Captain Sopek,he said, interrupting her.

“and while I have been unable to find concrete evidence, I have followed up on a number of rumors about Sopek working within the Romulan sphere of influence.

“Why is it so important for you to learn about Sopeknow? Denak asked, squinting as though with enough effort he might read the answer to his question on her forehead. “Or is there another reason behind this request that youre not sharing with me?

“Im sharing as much with you as I can. At least until you comply with my request. TPol looked again at the timer.

“Comply with my request? Thats an oxymoronic statement if I ever heard one,Denak said. “What youre asking would be difficult undernormal circumstances, and Im not certain its evenpossible. But if it is, youll hear from me at my next opportunity.

TPol held up five fingers, and folded them into her wrapped palm as the timer counted down. “If you do this for me, Denak, all debts will be considered paid.

“Understand that if I do this for you, allThe screen went black, cutting Denak off in mid‑sentence.

TPol sat back in her chair, exhaling. She was aware that she had been tightly clenching her other fist again only when her concentration ebbed and she felt the pain in her hand. As she got up to find a fresh bandage, the chime at her door sounded.

Quickly pushing the scrambling device behind a small stack of datapads, TPol said, “Enter.

She hadnt expected the hatch to open on the face of a very worried‑looking Hoshi Sato.

“May I speak with you? Sato asked as she stepped inside.

“Yes, Ensign, TPol said. “What can I do for you?

Sato sighed heavily. “As part of my bridge duties, I am assigned to monitor all subspace messages sent to or from this ship. She shifted from foot to foot, nervously. “As youve probably noticed over the last four years, however, Im a bitof an overachiever. I regularly make spot checks on the systems even when Im off‑duty.

“I see, said TPol evenly. She sat at the edge of her table, further blocking her computer from Satos view. “And have you discovered something that should be brought to my attention?

“Technically, it should be brought to Captain Archers attention, Hoshi said, clasping her hands behind her back. “But before I do that, I felt that perhaps asking youwhy you were sending an unauthorized, unlogged, scrambled subspace transmission a few minutes ago would be the more prudent thing to do. In case you havea reasonable explanation.

TPol studied the young woman for a moment. A fleeting thought crossed her mind that a mind‑meld might allow her to influence the young womans mind, just enough to induce her to forget having noticed TPols transgression. But apart from the ethical implications of the act, she also wasnt certain whether or not Sato had already informed others, or had left some tangible evidence in her personal logs or her quarters. Better just to tell her the truth,TPol thought. Or at least,a truth.

“Please review the beta‑watch duty logs. You will discover that I suffered a briefemotional attack on the bridge earlier today, TPol said. “I found the incident to be mostdemoralizing. And embarrassing. I have already been examined by Doctor Phlox, and have discussed the matter with Captain Archer as well. If you were to bring this matter to their attention, they would both undoubtedly tell you that my private affairs are none of your concern, Ensign.

TPol slumped her shoulder slightly, in an attempt to lose the bearing that she knew read to humans as “stickup‑the‑ass‑Vulcan in the words of one Charles Anthony Tucker III. She hoped that the mannerism would make her appear more vulnerable in the ensigns eyes.

“I am confiding in you, however, Hoshi, woman to woman. There are certain Vulcan thingsthat I am going through right now. Things that aredifficult to discuss with humans, or even with a Denobulan doctor. I used the scrambled transmission because I was already ashamed at what the beta crew had witnessed on the bridge; it would shame me even further if any revelations about my private health were intercepted accidentallyby another crew member. Yourself included.

Sato looked sad, and approached TPol with her arms outstretched, gathering her in for a hug.

“I understand, Commander. And Im certain that Captain Archer will as well. Ill check with him to verify that hes okay with you using the scrambler, but unless he tells me otherwise, your secret is safe with us. And if you ever need to talk, just know that Im here for you.

“Thank you, TPol said, stiffly allowing herself to submit to the somewhat awkward hug the younger woman offered. She felt guilty for misleading the ensign, but she knew it was necessary. And TPol felt confident that Archer would believe her excuse as well were he to confront her about the matter.

Just as she felt confident that Jonathan Archer would never suspect what she had reallyjust requested of her old friend Denak.


Day Thirty‑three, Month of KriBrax The Hall of State, Dartha City, Romulus

“I HAVE BROUGHT THE V ULCAN SPY, Admiral, per your orders, Centurion Terix said, standing at attention in the open doorway to Admiral Valdores office. A pair of armed uhlans, members of the Hall of States ceremonially dressed yet highly trained security contingent, stood vigilantly behind him. The uhlans sidearm disruptors were conspicuously visible, as were their sheathed Honor Blades, and the guards dark eyes gleamed alertly from beneath their shiny silver helmets.

A somewhat shorter man, clad in a rumpled, deep‑green detention jumpsuit, stood at the centurions side, his wrists tightly shackled together before him. The bruises that marred the prisoners face did nothing to dampen the fires of defiance that burned deep within his eyes.

Valdore looked the captured spy up and down for a long and silent moment. This is indeed a dangerous one,he thought without any irony. He will certainly bear close watching wherever he goes from now on.

Nodding a curt acknowledgment to Terix, Valdore rose from the chair behind his heavy sherawood desk. “You may remove his restraints, Centurion.


Valdore scowled. “Perhaps you pulled your helmet straps a bit too tightly around your ears this morning, Centurion. I said that the prisoners restraints will no longer be necessary. Remove them. Now.

A look of surprise briefly crossed Terixs usually hard and stoic features. “At once, Admiral. He turned and nodded to the nearer of the two uhlans, who retrieved a small electronic key from his belt, stepped forward, then opened and took the restraints before resuming his previous position.

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