“First, even if the Empire were to engage in the attack you speak of, it should be no cause of concern for you humans, or your so‑called Coalition of Planets,Krell said, all but growling his words. “You are meddling in interstellar affairs that are beyond your grasp.

“Second, the Klingon Empire has ordered no hostilities against Draylax. If we had, I would know about them.

Krell moved in closer, until his angry face nearly filled the monitor completely. “I have not sworn a blood oath against you, Archer, but that can change. Whatever tenuous honor you have accrued inside the Empire in exchange for your help in curing the metagenic virus is balanced on the tip of adk tahg. Be careful that you do not slip down the edge to your doom.

The screen abruptly went black, and Archer realized a few seconds later that he was holding his breath. Even across light‑years and through a viewscreen, an angry Klingon could be both formidable and intimidating. He hoped he wouldnt have to encounter Krell in the flesh any time soon.

More importantly, he hoped that the fleet admiral hadnt been lying to him. But if the Empire really had not authorized the hostilities now being directed at Draylax, then what was really behind the danger toward which Erika Hernandez and Columbias crew were hurtling at this very moment?

To say nothing of his own people, who were speeding toward the very same fate just as quickly as Henry Archers mighty warp‑five engine could carry them.


Friday, July 18, 2155 Columbia NX‑02

“W E DONT HAVEany other choice, Captain Erika Hernandez said, feeling a single cold bead of sweat escaping her hairline and moving down between her shoulder blades.

Sitting at the edge of her captains chair, she spoke to her senior helm officer in a steady voice. “Evasive maneuvers, Mister Akagi. Every salvo you dodge will earn you an extra hour of sack time every day for a week.

Hai,Captain, said Lieutenant Reiko Akagi. Hernandez didnt need to see the pilots face to know that she was smiling broadly even as her hands deftly moved over the ships helm controls.

Hernandez turned partially around, catching the worried glance of her XO, Commander Veronica Fletcher, before her own gaze settled on Lieutenant Kiona Thayer, her senior tactical officer. “Kiona, bring to bear everything youve got. I have a feeling this could be the fight of our lives.

As hyperbolic as that statement might have sounded, Hernandez suspected it would prove not to be an exaggeration once the battle was through. I hope were still around then to debate that,she thought grimly.

But the odds didnt look good. Even as Columbiahad arrived at Draylax, the three Klingon battle cruisers began firing on the planet below, even though several expanding clouds of glittering metallic debris provided mute testimony that they had already dispatched Draylaxs defense ships some time ago. Fletcher had noted that the Klingons appeared to have been holding back, as though they had been waiting for Columbiato decelerate into orbit around the principal inhabited planet of the Draylax system. Hernandez had to admit that the tableau before her looked suspicious as hell.

Damn, I wish Archer was here along with his ship,she thought. The last time they had faced a trio of Klingon cruisersabove the QuVat colonyit had been shewho had helped him. At least two Starfleet ships against three Klingon vessels had seemed a fairer fight; this time it would be three against one.

She toggled a switch on her chairs com unit. “Lieutenant Graylock, whatever you do, dont be stingy with the power to our hull plating. Were about to take some heavy fire. She didnt wait for his affirmative reply; she didnt need to. He was as good a chief engineer as Tucker had been during his brief time aboard this vessel, before hed been billeted back to Enterprise.

“Take her down to block the disruptor cannons, Hernandez said. “Polarize the hull plating, and double it up here on the bridge and in engineering.

She turned toward Fletcher. “Veronica, get Major Foyle and the MACOs ready for a ship‑to‑ship transport. I know itll be risky, so let them know that its not mandatory. Volunteers only. But if we can catch even oneof their ships with its proverbial pants down, we might be able to get our guys on board and take over.

Fletcher nodded and moved swiftly to a com station to call Foyle. Hernandez knew that there probably would be few volunteers. MACOs might be brave to a fault once they get to the battle, but I doubt that many of them trust the transporter enough to risk buying the farm with it before they get close enough to see the whites of the enemies eyes,she thought gloomily.

Still, she had wanted to try that maneuver for a while now, and the time to try seemed to have arrived at last. The Klingons might not suspect such a bold gambit when they so clearly outnumbered their opponent. Just imagine what we could learn if we actually manage to capture one of their cruisers,Hernandez thought. The idea sent an added jolt of adrenaline surging into her veins.

“Coming into effective weapons range in forty seconds, Captain, Akagi said. The bridges main viewscreen showed one of the battle cruisers directly in Columbias flight path.

“Give me one more hail, Sidra, Hernandez shouted back to her communications officer, Ensign Sidra Valerian. When she saw the red “go ahead light appear at the bottom of the viewscreen, she squared her shoulders and put on her best “scolding teacher face.

“Klingon cruisers, this is Captain Erika Hernandez of the United Earth Starship Columbia. You must cease fire immediately, or we will open fire on yourvessels. Your continued aggression will be considered an act of war not only against Draylax, but also against Earth and Alpha Centauri.

“The central ship is charging her weapons, Thayer shouted.

“Then so do we, Hernandez said, leaning forward in her chair. “Employ evasive maneuvers, and send them a full phase cannon salvo, maximum intensity. The tactical alert lights activated even as she gave the command, casting the bridge into forbidding shadows.

The viewscreen image changed as the ship arced between the central Klingon cruiser and the blue‑white planet below it, as the hull‑mounted sensors realigned the sweep of their imagers. Hernandez saw two bright greenish arcs exit the belly of the Klingon ship, and she braced herself for their arrival, digging her fingers into the arms of her chair.

Columbiashuddered as the disruptor beams struck the primary hull, causing the viewscreen image to crackle and waver momentarily.

“Hull plating down fifteen percent, Lieutenant Commander el‑Rashad shouted from his science station. “The other two ships are altering their trajectories. Looks like theyre going to try to catch us in a crossfire.

Hernandez studied the main viewer, where the other two enemy ships were indeed moving toward positions flanking Columbia. “You know that tactic youve been wanting to try for far too long, Reiko? The Niagara Barrel Roll?

She thought she heard a gulp of surprise coming from the woman at the helm. “Are you certain now is the time?

“If not, we might not get another chance, Hernandez said. She toggled her com unit, tying into the shipwide intercom system. “All hands, brace yourselves. Were gonna have a bit of a tumble. Tapping another button, she said, “Karl, youre gonna need to make surethat the inertial dampers hold up.

Akagi had once told her that despite her Japanese heritage, the one thing she loved more than anything else on Earth was quintessentially North American: roller coasters. Hernandez couldnt stand them herself, and thought the simulation rides she had endured in Starfleets flight training program had to be more than realistic enough to satisfy whatever death wish seemed to motivate roller‑coaster aficionados.

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