He tried not to think about what the two women might have said about him behind his back while hed been fumbling through his speech; he preferred to believe that the Vulcans standoffish sense of propriety would have brought a certain decorum to the conversation. But given the uncharacteristically casual manner in which TPol now bent down to scratch the insistently expectant Porthoss headthere had been a time when her acute Vulcan sense of smell would have driven her very quickly from the beagles presencehe couldnt assume his first officer would always hew to the Vulcan cultural stereotypes.

“What do you have for me, TPol? Archer said, deciding that getting right to business was the best possible diversion. “Any new piracy incidents to report?

TPol straightened and Porthos quickly withdrew with a muted whine, his tail drooping in evident disappointment at the commanders failure to toss him a snack. “Not to my knowledge, Captain.

Archer felt both relieved and disappointed. “Then I suppose its too much to hope that Starfleet has finally seen the light about the futility of this wild goose chase were on?

“If you mean to ask whether Starfleet Command has finally acceded to your request to permit Enterpriseto conduct an independent investigation of the recent attacks on Earth Cargo Service vessels, Im afraid the answer remains no.

Still seated, Archer felt his shoulders slump in resignation. “So we keep rolling the damned rock up the hill and back down again.

“Sir? TPol said, her right eyebrow raised inquisitively.

“Never mind, Archer said, waving his hand as though wiping his words off an imaginary blackboard. “Lets hear your report.

“Do you want me to close off the channel, Jonathan?said Hernandez, reminding him that she could hear whatever his first officer was about to tell him.

He glanced in Hernandezs direction momentarily before fixing his gaze back upon TPol. “Not unless theres some security concern Im not aware of. TPol?

TPol approached the desk and addressed Hernandez. “Unless Im mistaken, Captain Hernandez, you have the same security clearance as Captain Archer. And the same need to know, since this may well impact upon your duties as well.

Hernandez grinned. “Well, dont keep us in suspense, Commander.

TPol nodded. “Minister TPau has just sent us a response to your request for assistance with ourpredicament out here in Earths shipping lanes.

Archer felt his spirits buoying, however cautiously. “How many Vulcan ships can she send to reinforce us?

TPol shook her head almost sadly. “None at the moment, unfortunately. Vulcans military resources are still stretched somewhat thin because of the Coridan relief efforts, and that situation is unlikely to change soon. However, Minister TPau has made an urgent request of her own.

Archers brow furrowed. “Of us?

“Of the United Earth government, the United Earth Space Probe Agency, and the Coalition of Planets Security Council, TPol said, sounding almost pleased. “Minister TPau is well aware of Starfleets insistence that Earths fastest ships be kept on continuous patrol along the shipping convoy routes. She agrees, however, that Starfleets time and resources would be put to better use trying to reach the true root of our current piracy problem. As, incidentally, do I.

Archer grinned. “Your support is anything butincidental to me, TPol. Especially now. With his old friend Trip Tucker still officially listed as killed in the line of dutyand therefore unavailable as a sounding board for the foreseeable futureArcher had come to depend on his first officers input more than he ever had before.

“Well, its nice thatsomebody on high agrees with the three of us,Hernandez said. “Its just too bad that Minister TPau really cant do a lot of effective arm‑twisting inside Starfleet, or in Earths government.

Archer shrugged. “Granted. But Im betting that wont matter as much as her influence over the Coalition Council.

“Indeed, said TPol, nodding. “While she cannot order anyone outside the Vulcan government to do anything, Minister TPaus sway with the other Coalition Security Council members is considerable.

“Do you think shell come to Earth to address the Counciland make our case for us?Hernandez wanted to know.

TPol shook her head. “Minster TPaus present duties overseeing the rebuilding of the Vulcan government and the Coridan relief efforts will keep her away from Earth for at least another few weeks.

“A lot can happen out on the Romulan front in another few weeks, Archer said, his earlier rising arc of hope now sliding inexorably into a downward parabola of despair.

“True, TPol said. “However, under the Coalitions parliamentary rules, the authorities of every member world must consent to meet with any surrogate that Minister TPau appoints to speak before the Security Councilso long as whomever she nominates is willing to do so. The ministers only question is whether or not youare willing to serve as that surrogate, Captain Archer.

Archer allowed a smile to begin spreading very slowly across his lips before he answered. “And not even Admiral Gardner himself can stop me.

“Not unless he wishes to commit a direct violation of the Coalition Compact, TPol said. “What should I tell the minister?

Archer did a few quick back‑of‑the‑envelope calculations in his head. Enterprisewas on the inbound leg of this latest iteration of her Sisyphean journey, three to four days out from Earth at maximum warp, as near as he could figure.

“Tell her Ill be on Earth just as soon as Enterprisecan get us there, he said. “And with bells on.

One of TPols eyebrows launched itself skyward again. “Respectfully, Captain, I would recommend a more dignified choice of apparel. However, I will advise Minister TPau of your decision. And I shall instruct Ensign Mayweather to make best speed for Earth. With that, she turned back toward the door and exited, leaving Archer alone with the subspace‑transmitted image of his fellow starship captain.

“Vulcan, Jon? Thats one hell of a back channel. Not exactly part of the officers manual.

His smile widened into a broad, triumphant grin. “When have you ever known me to stand on ceremony, Erika?

She beamed at him. “Nowthats the Jon Archer I know. By the way, I hope youll accept my apology for implying that you might have been replaced by some sort of overly complacent shape‑shifting alien monster.

“No offense taken, he said, returning her grin at a comparable wattage. “It was just your frustration talking anyway.

Hernandezs smile abruptly turned mischievous. “Would you like me to tell Gardner about this, or do you want to break the news to him yourself?

Archer felt his own smile begin to sputter out, like an old‑style propeller‑driven aircraft running out of fuel.

“And theres yet another unpleasant reality to consider here, Jon,she continued, sounding grave.

“Whats that? Archer asked.

“You have to get busy preparing another big speech.

Though Hernandezs grin returned, what little remained of Archers own smile immediately stalled, crashed, and burned.


Monday, May 26, 2155 San Francisco, Earth

“T HE PRIME MINISTERS MOTIONamounts to nothing less than a blatant attempt by the human species to dominate this alliance! Gora bim Gral of Tellar shouted from behind the negotiating table. He punctuated his words by pounding his hirsute fist against the curved wooden table before him, then paused briefly to point an accusing finger toward the rostrum at the front of the room. “My people, for one, will not stand for it!

From his position at the central lectern that faced the semicircular array of conference tables that filled most of the main council chamber, Prime Minister Nathan Samuels thought that the murmur of reaction passing through the assembled Coalition of Planets delegates sounded uncomfortably like general agreement. Other than his nearby negotiating partner, Interior Minister Haroun al‑Rashid, Samuels suspected that no living human besides himself understood as clearly as he did how truly rare it was for the Tellarites, the Andorians, and the Vulcans to achieve such a complete consensus regarding anyissue.

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