“Whats wrong, Charles? Elaine said.

He held up the e‑paper and coughed again before croaking out a single syllable. “Look, he said.

Maybe Trip and Lizzie were the lucky ones,he thought. They never saw things come tothis.

Charles watched Elaines eyes widen even further as she silently absorbed the bold, thumb‑high morning headlines:



Sunday, July 20, 2155 Enterprise NX‑01, near Draylax

“D OCTOR P HLOX TO THE TRANSPORTER, Archer said, turning away from the viewscreen to regard Enterprises beta‑watch commander, Lieutenant Commander Mack McCall, with a half smile. “Good job, Commander.

McCall grinned under his graying close‑cropped mustache and goatee. “The credit really belongs to several members of the bridge crew, sir. The lifesigns were so faint that it took eight sensor sweeps to zero in on the Klingons escape pod. Im not even sure how she stayed alive out there, given that the atmosphere in the escape pod had almost completely vented by the time we located it.

“Well, lets hope our Klingon castaway can shed some light on what the hell those battle cruisers were really up to at Draylax, Archer said, turning to exit the bridge. “Have Sergeant McKenzie and two of her MACO troopers meet me in sickbay immediately. And call over to Columbia; let Captain Hernandez know what weve found.

“Ive already notified Captain Hernandez, McCall said. “Shell be coming aboard Enterpriseas soon as she can.

Archer let out a sigh as the turbolift doors slid closed behind him and the car began to descend. He reflected on the fact that he still hadnt told anyone other than Phlox about TPol and Reeds abandonment of their posts, or their unauthorized departure in Shuttlepod Two, predominantly out of a desire to avoid further exacerbating Trips predicament.

A question flitted across his mind regarding TPol and Malcolms dereliction of duty: Are their actions really any worse than my own?He knew that his hands werent entirely clean, and that made condemning the actions of his officers even more difficult. How many times had he disobeyed orders himself, stretched the limits of a mission, disregarded Starfleets code of honor, engaged in some deception all in pursuit of a higher goal?

The turbolift arrived at E deck, and Archer exited, feeling glum as he stalked into sickbay. Seeing that the MACOs had beaten him there cheered him somewhat, as did the fact that one of the troopers was already deployed outside the doors of Phloxs sickbay, his pulse rifle at the ready.

Inside, Phlox was moving quickly around the biobed on which lay a Klingon woman, her bodystill inside a battered pressure suittwisted into an almost fetal position, probably as a consequence of the decompression injuries she had suffered. Phlox strapped a mask to her face, and the warrior woman offered no resistance.

With a nod, Archer acknowledged Sergeant McKenzie and another MACO trooper nearby, then spoke up. “Does it look like shell pull through, Doctor?

Phlox barely spared him a glance, his orange‑hued fingers tapping on some of the medical controls. “Hello, Captain. Im not certain yet. She hasbeen breathing intermittently on her own for some time now. But it is likely that she will notregain consciousness.

Archer moved closer to Phlox. “Do everything you can for her, Doctor, but understand this: the Klingons may have struck the first blow in a war against the Coalition, and we need to know why. Do whatever you have to whateverthe costto get her back to consciousness.

Phlox regarded him with a curious expression. “I imagine you must consider her a prisoner of war then, Captain. I hope youre not suggesting that I take any measures to awaken her that might further jeopardize her life?

Archer clenched his jaw for a moment, letting out a heavy breath through his nose. “We dont know if shes a prisoner of war or not because we do not know if we are atwar. What I amsuggesting, Doctor, is that we need to question her. Thatis your imperative, beyond doing everything in your power to save her life.

Phlox nodded noncommittally. “I will do my best to accommodate you, Captain. So long as doing so does not threaten the life of my patient.

The doors to sickbay whisked open, and Archer turned to see Hernandez, escorted by another MACO, enter the room.

“Will she make it? Hernandez asked.

Archer pulled her aside and updated her, explaining the instructions that he had just given Phlox.

“Its understandable that Phlox might question the ethics of your order, Jon, Hernandez said, “but these areextraordinary circumstances. If you need my CMO to take over, I can arrange that. Doctor Metzger will have the same concerns, but she willact as ordered.

“Thats a tempting offer, Erika, Archer said, his voice low. “Theres been a bit too much free thinking among my command staff lately.

Hernandez gave him a puzzled look, but before she could question him further, the wall‑mounted com unit beeped, and McCalls voice promptly issued forth. “Bridge to Captain Archer. Weve received a Priority One communiqu й from Starfleet for you and Captain Hernandez.

“Well take it in my ready room, Archer said. “Thanks, Mack.

As he moved toward the door, he looked back in Phloxs direction. “Interrupt me the moment you have her stabilized enough to answer some questions, Doctor, Archer said.

Phlox affirmed the command, but did not look up from his work.

As Archer and Hernandez strode across the few meters that separated sickbay from the central turboshaft, Hernandez spoke quietly. “You can discuss with me what that free thinking comment meant whenever youre ready, Jon. No pressure, though. I have a feeling youre carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders right now.

Worlds,plural, Archer said with a small smile.

As the turbolift doors closed around them, Hernandez put her hand in the center of Archers back.

For the moment, he was grateful to have received even that modest gesture of human contact.

“So youre letting them off with a slap on the wrist? Archer said to his ready‑room viewscreen, his words charged with far more anger than Hernandez thought was wise to display before a Starfleet admiral.

Hernandez watched as Gardner leaned forward slightly in his chair. “Archer, you and I have been through a lot together, and you know that while I disagree with you from time to time, I still respect you. Thats why Im not shouting my strong suggestion that you adjust your tone.

Hernandez nudged Archer gently aside, effectively pushing him out of Gardners line of sight. Whatevers bothering Jon has to be immense,she thought. And a lot bigger than what just happened at Draylax.

As if anything couldbe bigger than the brink of war.

“Admiral, does the Coalition Council realize that the Klingon ships not only opened fire on Draylax, Hernandez said, “but that they also engaged both Columbiaand Enterprisein battle, refusing to explain their actions or even answer our hails?

Gardner nodded, settling back again. “The Coalition Security Council has resolved that we are to give the Klingon Empire one final warning. They are to cease hostilities against all Coalition worlds and/or their allies. If they cross this line again, or engage any Coalition or allied vessel in battle, the Coalition will issue a formal declaration of war.

“You knowthat the Klingons will be honor bound to return that declaration tenfold, Archer said, stepping back into Gardners field of view. “Hell, theyll probably welcome it. And you dont even know half of the savagery that the Klingons are capable of.

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