Archer stepped forward, holding out a data module in one open hand. “Chancellor MRek, honorable High Council members and warriors of the great Klingon Houses, I bring you an urgent message from the Coalition of Planets.

MRek gestured to one of his guards, who strode forward and snatched the data module from Archers hand. The soldier handed it to the chancellor, who held it out, then closed his hand around it, crushing it.

“Starfleet sent youto deliver the message, human, MRek said, his voice a low snarl. “It is only because you have aided the Empire in the past that you were not executed on arrival. Deliver the message yourself,and we shall see if your stay of execution merits an extension.

Having half expected such a response, Archer had already rehearsed his answer. He stepped forward, keeping his hands at his sides in a simultaneous show of defiance and submission; he hoped his body language wouldnt distract the Klingons from the importance of his words.

“Three days ago, three Klingon battle cruisers attacked the planet Draylax, crippling its defenses and causing thousands of casualties on that worlds surface. The aggressor ships did not respond to warnings from the Starfleet ship Columbia,or from my vessel, the Enterprise. They opened fire on ourships when we drew close enough for a confrontation. Our ships defeated two of the attackers, but the third was destroyed by a secondtrio of Klingon ships that arrived during the battle. These vessels did not engage either our ships or the colony. Afterward, Admiral Krell told me that the original three attacking Klingon ships were manned by rogue captains and crews.

“And your Coalition leaders do not believe his words? They think we are trying to incite war with them? MRek said, his voice rising in both pitch and volume.

“Not all of them do, Chancellor. But the Coalition Council is a democratic parliamentary body. Archer wasnt used to apologizing for democracy, but as hed learned over the last four years, human cultures and mores were not predominant in the galaxy.

Another older Klingon stood and shouted. “Draylax is not a member of your so‑called Coalition, is it?

“Not currently, no, Archer said, addressing him for a moment, before turning his gaze back to the chancellor. “However, Draylax is one of Earths allies, and is a signatory, along with Earth and Alpha Centauri, to a mutual defense pact. Draylax is therefore under Earths protection.

“Under Earths protection? another Klingon snarled. “Were you not barely able to begininterstellar travel only a few short years ago?

Archer ignored the mans hyperbolic comment, concentrating instead on addressing the High Councils leader. “Chancellor, the Coalition does notwish to jeopardize the relative peace this part of the galaxy has enjoyed for so long. But understand that some in the Coalition maychoose to authorize retaliationif the Klingon Empire initiates any further unprovoked attacks against

“You accusethe Empire? Do you think us a race of honorless taHqeq?MRek stood and stalked toward the captain. “If we were going to attack,you would know it from the screams of your dying, from the rivers of blood that would drown your cities, from the stench of charred and burning flesh.

He glowered, lowering his voice as he neared Archer. Archer could feel the tension in the MACOs flanking him, and was grateful that they were trained well enough to know to avoid making any overtly threatening gestures.

“What happened over Draylax was directed neither against that world nor yours, Captain, the chancellor said after his face came to a stop only a few centimeters away from Archers. “Apart from a few minor Klingon‑human skirmishesincluding those in which you and your crew were involved, Captainthe Empire has spilled no Teranganor Draylaxian blood. At least, not in sufficient quantities to merit a declaration of war.

Archer nodded, hoping that the sweat beading on his forehead wouldnt be visible in the firelight of the chamberand wishing that MReks most recent meal had been less aromatic. “I believe that, Chancellor, and have tried to convince my superiors of that. However, the Coalition Council requires He stopped himself for a moment, then quickly regrouped. “The Coalition Council requestsassurances that the Klingon Empire understands its warning that any further hostilities will be treated as cause for war. We also ask you to furnish objective proof that your government neither planned nor ordered the assault on Draylax.

“You request assurances?You require proof?MRek turned his back on Archer. He laughed loudly, as did most of the other Klingons in the room. “And what is it weare getting in return? Other than your Coalitions promise not to initiate a suicidal war with us?

“What is it you want?Archer asked, aware that he might regret that question more than anything he had said in this chamber so far. He recalled that on the day he had first seen a Klingon, the Vulcan ambassador Soval had warned him, “The last thing your people need is to make an enemy of the Klingon Empire.Those words of wisdom reverberated in his head now.

MRek turned back again to face him. “When our children are young, they learn to befriend the lowlier creatures of our world. Targs, qogh, qaHomthey play with them, sleep beside them, find allies in them. And when they attend to the Rite of Ascension, they learn that they must killthe animals that trusted them and feaston them. The animals are not Sajany longer, weaker creatures kept at our sufferance. They exist to be sacrificed. MRek smiled, showing his pointed teeth. “You are a Sajtoday, Captain Archer. You must decide whether your Coalition Council sent you here knowingyou would be sacrificedor whether your sacrifice is born of their stupidity.

“Any act against me ormy ship or crew will be considered an act of war as well, Chancellor, Archer said, trying not to imagine what was going to happen next. He was aware that the two MACOs with him were even now assessing every possible mode of attackas they more than likely had been doing from the moment the three of them had entered this chamber.

“You ask us for proof,Captain, MRek. “We have already given you every answer you will get without cost. Anything further you will have to earn through vItHaycombat against a warrior of my choosing. If you truly wish to avoid war with the Empire, youmay prove itby fighting for the truth.

MRek gestured to the back of the chamber with a flourish, and Archer saw a figure standing in the shadows behind the chancellor. “If you are not a craven bIHnuch,then you will cross blades with the very person you most accuse of being a taHqeq.

The man stepped forward, and Archer saw the swarthy skin, the braided goatee, and the smooth forehead.

Unless he backed downa choice he doubted was in any way a realistic possibilitythe warrior he was to face in a battle to the death was none other than Admiral Krell.


Romulan Scoutship Drolae

T HE ALREADY OVERSTRAINED ENGINESshrieked in protest at suddenly being thrown into full reverse. The half‑illuminated, blue‑green limb of a planet suddenly appeared in the formerly empty space directly in front of the slender sheet of transparent aluminum that protected the cramped crew compartment from the unforgiving vacuum of space.

“Damn! Trip shouted, momentarily forgetting to avoid using human idioms in the presence of Romulans. The planet that had suddenly appeared before him grew steadily and quickly until it filled the viewers field of vision almost completely. One moment he had been calmly studying the nav display on his copilots console; the next, an entire world threatened to fall directly on top of him like the mother of all rockslides.

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