Regardless, he was grateful that Corporal Ryans summons hadnt come any later than it did. Archer had suffered significant blood loss during what Phlox had been told was a duel with a Klingon admiral named Krellwhom Phlox could see had gotten the worst of the injuriesand had needed an immediate transfusion. Whether or not the hulking Klingon physician KonJef, in whose infirmary Phlox was now working, could have fixed Archers wounds was immaterial; Phlox doubted that his Klingon counterpart could provide human‑compatible hemoglobin to Archer, much less the stored units of whole blood Phlox had brought with him from Enterprise.

Apparently finally taking notice of the crowded conditions in the surgical bay, the giant Klingon doctor barked a few terse orders, and the majority of the assembled warriors obligingly shuffled outside into the flagstone‑lined corridor. Phlox heaved a quiet sigh of relief that Archers transfusion tubes were no longer in danger of being yanked out by an accidental encounter with the tip of a batlethsome broad‑shouldered Klingon soldier was carrying across his back.

One of those who remained behind was a striking Klingon woman. Her teeth were sharp and her breasts were pushed up and half exposed in a revealing outfit made of fur and leather. She stood near the table upon which Krell lay, displaying as much grief as Phlox had ever seen on a Klingon face.

“Thank you for clearing the operating chamber, Phlox said, looking over to the Klingon doctor with what he hoped was a nonthreatening smile.

“It was not for yourbenefit, DenobuluSngan,KonJef said, fairly spitting the words from underneath a long, squared‑off gray beard.

Phlox nodded, tilting his head to one side. “Nevertheless, I appreciate the gesture.

He worked quickly on the shirtless and unconscious Archer, using a hand‑held antimicrobial cleansing unit and a protein fuser in an attempt to repair the captains disconcertingly deep thoracic wound.

Archers breath changed and he stirred. He tried to rise from the flat stone bier beneath him, then winced and ceased making the effort. “Am I gonna live, Doc? he said, his voice weak.

Phlox looked down at his captains face for an instant, nodding, then returned to his duties. “Yes, Captain, but you willbe rather sore for a while, once youre up and moving about. Luckily, the Klingon weapon missed your liver and several other major organs. Unfortunately, it chipped two of your ribs badly. You may experience some respiratory discomfort for the next several weeks, I would imagine.

“How about Krell?

Phlox spared a glance over to the other table, where the Klingon doctor and an assistant purposefully went about their work, their blue surgical gowns spattered in purplish gore. The woman still stood nearby, watching the proceedings intently.

“It would appear that your opponent will indeed live. From what I could see, he has a compound fracture in one leg, a dislocated shoulder, and a rather cleanly detached arm.

Archer winced again. “That would be because I sliced it off, he said quietly. “Hope there wont be a lot of hard feelings about that.

“Well, Shran is finally on speaking terms with you again, isnt he, Captain?

Archer chuckled, remembering how angry the former Andorian soldier had been during and after the knife duel they had been forced to fight late last year. “Compared to what happened to Krell, Shran only got a haircut, Phlox, he said. “And I doubt that Klingon limbs grow back on their own the way Andorian antennae do.

“True, Captain, Phlox said, nodding. “However, the physician attending to Krell believes that he mightbe able to reattach the severed arm. The admirals other injuries, while painful and messy, appear eminently repairable as well.

Phlox inspected his handiwork closely, pleased at the results so far. “Ive done what I can for the moment, Captain. You will still need to lie down for a while and finish your transfusion. Were this any ordinary circumstance, I would prescribe bed rest for at least a week. I understand, however, that our current circumstances may not allow you that luxury.

“No, they wont, Archer said, smiling weakly. “Im glad you noticed. Lets hope it means we wont be on opposite sides of one of those tired old captain‑youre‑in‑no‑shape‑to‑leave‑sickbay arguments that doctors like to start.

“That depends entirely on how careful you can be over the next few days about not undoing all the work Ive just done stitching you back together, Phlox said around what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “Now, with your permission I would like to offer my assistance to Doctor KonJef.

“Thats fine by me, Phlox, Archer said. “Ill just try to go back to a less painful place in my head.

Phlox stripped off a pair of surgical gloves and put his hands under a sanitizing sprayer mounted on one of the dull metal walls. Grasping another pair of gloves, he approached the woman and the two male Klingons who were working on Admiral Krell.

Although he hadnt known the identity of Archers wounded opponent at first, Phlox realized that he was quite familiar with him once hed heard the mans name. Less than a year ago the fleet admiral had been intent on destroying everyone at the QuVat colonyincluding Phlox and Archerin order to halt the spread of the augment‑derived metagenic virus.

“Id like to put my skills at your disposal in your efforts to reattach the admirals arm, Phlox said. “I have done extensive work in neurological reconstruction, and I have made a close study of the tissue‑regeneration techniques of the Adigeons.

The woman spat at him, glaring. “I will not allow youto touch Krell. The virus youinflicted upon him has done enoughdamage to our House already.

The Klingon doctor growled something at the woman in their native tongue, but the words were too quick and low and guttural for Phloxs translator unit to pick up. The woman glared again, baring her fangs, then stepped up to Phlox.

He swiftly pulled his eyes up from where they werehis gaze had immediately focused on the point where her deep cleavage swelled most provocativelyand met her angry gaze.

“If you harm Krell any further, she snarled, “you will not see another sunrise, DenobuluSngan. She spat out the Klingon name for his race as though it were a curse.

As she moved away from him, Phlox stepped in to examine the work already being done by KonJef and the other Klingon medic. The work seemed to be competentat least so farbut Phlox feared it would leave Krell with only partial use of his hand.

“Please allow me to assure you and the admiralswife, that I will do everything in my power to help him.

KonJef glared at him with hard, steel‑gray eyes. “Shes his sister. Iam his husband. And I will make certainyou do nothing wrong.

Being a Denobulan with three wives, each of whom had three spouses of her own, Phlox had no reason to find Krells family arrangement in any way unusual. Nodding, he reached for a microscalpel that lay on a nearby tray. “Do you have a pair of fiber‑enhancers and some brighter surgical lights? he asked the other two medical personnel. “Id like to make certainthat Admiral Krell regains the full use of his arm.

Archer sat up painfully on the hard surgical slab as Chancellor MRek strode into the medical chamber, flanked by several warriors.

“Captain Archer, MRek began. “Your tenacity and stubbornness, not to mention your savagery in battle, mark you as a spirit who was probably meantto be a Klingon. The pink, fleshy form that spirit now resides in notwithstanding.

Archer tried to smile, and winced at the pain in his face, a lingering souvenir of Krells attempt to rip his cheek from his skull. “I consider that a great compliment, Chancellor. He put up a hand to discourage Phlox from approaching. Phlox backed away, lowering his gaze as well as the medical scanner in his hand.

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