“I’m not sure what you mean.” A small sexy frown formed between her brows and he knew the innocence he felt radiating off her was real.

“Don’t answer that yet. Let’s get to know one another a little bit first.” He knew he had to slow down even though his dick was dying from the mental strangle hold he’d put on it. Eric put a warm hand on her knee, stopping her words with a shake of his head. He squeezed the soft flesh. “Okay?”

He was overpowering, potent, sinfully male. And his virility surrounded Emily like a fog, locking her in a sensual haze that had nothing to do with the alcohol she’d consumed. An inner voice screamed loudly for her to shed her inhibitions, tamp down her fear, and follow this man wherever he led.

But what if you can’t satisfy him?

She mentally beat back her self-destructive self-esteem.

“I’d like that.” She smiled seductively and her inner diva applauded again.

For the next several minutes they exchanged the usual personal information and she learned that he owned his own construction company, was presently building his own house in the suburbs (oh my!), enjoyed sports (shocker), and had a brother named Josh. She finally gave him her last name and he rewarded her with another firm squeeze on her leg. It wasn’t her imagination when his hand landed an inch or two higher than before. She wanted Eric’s hands there — and everywhere.

“I’ve never been married but I’m a firm believer in the institution. I come from a large extended family. My parents have been married for a long time.”


“Your turn.” He leaned closer, his expression full of expectation.

Emily took a sip of her drink and blinked away her doubts about attracting this man. He seemed totally interested in her. If the looks she’d caught him directing down her blouse were any indication, interested in her body as well. Hopefully his numbers hadn’t lied.

Her nipples hardened under yet another blatantly hot look. She arched her back slightly, pushing the hardened points against the silky material of her shirt. His eyes widened and a small hiss escaped from between his mobile lips.

“I’m single.” She laughed as he mouthed the word “whew” and playfully wiped a hand across his strong brow.

“I live in an apartment near the business district. I’m an only child and I’m originally from Massachusetts where my parents still live. I enjoy watching TV from the comfort of my king-sized bed and I love to cook.” She sounded like a game show contestant but grinned when his eyebrow rose at the mention of the size of her bed.

Let him think about that comment and all it could mean. Her inner diva was a little flirt with a little booze in her.

“Hey brother, aren’t you going to introduce me?”

As much as Eric loved his brother, he wished he’d just stayed away. Weren’t there enough women in the room to keep his attention?

“Emily, this is my babybrother, Josh. The one I told you about.”

Emily smiled up at a younger version of Eric. Josh was nice looking but he wasn’t manly in the sexy way that Eric was. At least not to her. But the wide smile on his handsome face had her liking him immediately.

“It’s nice to meet you, Josh.”

“It’s verynice to meet you, Emily.”

The kiss he bestowed on the back of her hand was sweet, producing none of the electrical current that Eric’s handshake had.

“She’s taken, brother.”

The sternly spoken words both shocked and pleased Emily. She’d never had a man display any type of jealousy over her before.

Josh took the comment in stride, grinning down at his brother.

“Mind if I sit down for awhile? I’m trying to get my second wind.” He didn’t wait for a response and pulled a chair out beside Eric. He lounged casually, his long legs tucked carefully to the side and out of the way of passing bodies.

“What are you guys talking about?”

He seemed oblivious to the “get lost” looks he was getting from his big brother but Emily found them fascinating. She also felt just a little bit sorry for Josh. It was clear he still had some growing up to do.

“Emily was telling me about herself.” The words unsaid were so go away and leave us alone.

Josh smiled, either ignoring or not getting his brother’s message that he wanted to be alone with Emily.

“Oh yeah? Well do go on.” He smiled at Emily and she saw Eric’s eyes narrow.

“Yes, please do go on.” Eric turned his attention back to her, ignoring Josh completely.

She looked from one to the other, caught again by the expression in Eric’s eyes. He made her feel like they were totally alone, just the two of them. She blocked Josh’s presence and concentrated on the face mere inches from her own. It wasn’t hard to do.

“I went to Catholic school in Massachusetts and after graduation, moved down here with my best friend, Jennifer, to attend college. I’m celebrating my degree in psychology tonight.” She lifted her half-empty glass in a mock salute to herself and finished the contents with a long swallow.

Eric almost swallowed his tongue. “So, umm, you were a Catholic school girl?”

Dear God, he groaned at the images that provoked. Her in a school uniform. A crisp white blouse, a tight navy blue sweater, a short blue and green pleated skirt, bobby socks and loafers. And her hair pulled back in a pony tail which he could let down with one tug of his hand.

“All the way through high school.” Out of her whole speech, that’s what he’d heard? Typical male response. She may not know a lot about men, but even she was aware of that fantasy. “I loved the uniforms. Have you ever seen one?”

She could tell by the look on his face that he had — and that he’d just imagined her dressed in one. She could get used to that look.

“Bro, she’s talking to you.” Josh hit him on the shoulder, breaking his trance. Damn he couldn’t swallow and now his poor dick couldn’t breath, trapped against his zipper as it was.

“Let’s dance.” He needed to get her to himself though he’d prefer to take her straight to her king size bed and bang the hell out of her. Then he’d undress her and make love to her the rest of the night, all the way through till morning. There was something about her that got to him. She wasn’t blatantly sexy like some of the women in the club. The ones who had dressed to kill — leather, satin, sequins. Not to slight any of them, but the room resembled a high class brothel with all the girls on display. Maybe Josh had been right, it was a sale.

For even though it was a Mandingo club where supposedly the women were there to do the choosing, it was, unfortunately, the men who chose. He was just damn glad he’d chosen Emily before another jerk had tried to hit on her.

The dance floor was crowded and Emily was glad since the limited space meant that her body was glued to Eric’s. He was big and warm, and very aroused if the length of his dick pressing against her stomach was any indicator. She really wanted this man and she didn’t want to screw up her chance of having him. But she’d never been sophisticated and said the first thing that came to her mind.

“So, do you come here often?” Emily winched as the words left her mouth. “That sounded like a really lame pick up line didn’t it?”

“Yeah, but it was cute.” His baby blue gaze twinkled down at her. “Just like you.”

Emily shook here head, denying his statement. “I’m not cute. Passable, yeah, but not cute.”

“Says who?”

“Just about every man that’s been in my life.” Why had she told him that? Maybe that last drink had been a mistake.

Eric pulled her closer, loving the feel of her soft stomach against his aching arousal. He deliberately rotated his hips into her softness, enjoying the way her lips parted at the intimate contact. “You mean the dumb asses in your past who never made you come?”

Emily gasped. “What?”

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