ationo. They morphed into aquatic animals and rescued me."; The captain showed no expression except a wary tightening around his main eyes. They morphed. And where exactly did they acquire the ability to morph?"; This was going to be hard. Some time ago I had managed to make contact with the Andalite command. They had basically told me to take the blame for giving humans morphing ability. They didn't want to blacken Elfangor's reputation as a hero. Giving away morphing technology is a major crime.

What should I say? Should I lie to the captain? It seemed impossible. But I had orders from much higher sources.

I did, sir. I gave them morphing capability."; The captain just looked at me. I see.

You are not a good liar, Aristh Aximili."; My hearts skipped a few beats.

Sir?"; The T.o. sighed. ally young fool, if you gave the morphing power to the humans, how did they manage to already be in morph the first time you saw them? Obviously, they were already capable of morphing by the time they discovered you."; What could I say? I hadn't exactly had time to prepare a good story. I was supposed to be a mosquito a few billion miles away.

Now I looked like a liar and an idiot.

I said nothing, just tried to stand at attention.

Doctor, thank you,"; the captain said, dismissing the doctor. Perhaps you'd like to go check on your "humans." And see if you can't analyze this Zero-space problem young Aximili has discovered."; The doctor left. The captain leaned close..Aristh Aximili, I'd like to know why you're lying to me."; I would never lie unless ..."; Unless what, you insignificant aristh!"; the T.o. cried. ally are addressing a ship's captain!"; I nodded. all yes. I know."; The T.o. started to yell again, but the captain cut him short with a raised hand.

.Aristh, have you at any time made contact with the home world during your time on Earth?"; all yes, Captain,"; I said, practically collapsing with relief. Captain Samilin got it. He understood.

And were you given orders at that time?"; all yes, Captain."; He looked as if he might ask more, but he didn't. He looked at me for a long time. Then in a much gentler voice he said, What happened to Elfangor?"; He was killed. By Visser Three. On the planet surface."; The captain nodded. The T.o. looked shocked.

Prince Elfangor did this?"; the T.o.

asked in an awed voice. Prince Elfangor broke the law of Seerow's Kindness?"; That speculation will never leave this room,"; the captain said harshly. It was Aristh Aximili who foolishly gave the morphing power to the humans. But between us, I'll say this. I served under Prince Elfangor. I was his T.o. at one time. And anytime Elfangor did something, it was for a good reason."; He looked right at me and said, Elfangor was my friend as well as my prince. I'll believe he broke the rules. I'll never believe he did wrong.";

"Hey, I have a question," Marco said, raising his hand and waving it around in the air with a sense of urgency.

What question?"; I asked him.

"Where, where, where ... WHERE ARE WE?"

We are in the sick bay of the Andalite assault ship Ascalin."; I tried not to sound too happy about that fact. I knew my human friends would be devastated at learning they were marooned far from Earth.

"Ascalin? Isn't Ascalin that new salad green?" Rachel wondered.

We have just come out of Zero-space and are now moving at top space-normal speed toward planet Leera."; "Leera? Where the psychic frogs are from?"

Cassie said. "The creatures who the Yeerks were going to use those mutated sharks on?"

all yes."; As we already knew, the Yeerks were having difficulties invading Leera in their usual style. The Leerans' psychic abilities make them able to detect the presence of a Yeerk in another Leeran's head. The Yeerks were going to alter hammerhead sharks to make them suitable for Yeerk infestation, and then use those shark-Controllers as shock troops in the oceans of Leera.

"But we busted up that plan back on Earth,"

Marco said impatiently. "I was there, remember? I know this part. What I meant was, how did we end up here? One minute I'm a mosquito, then bim, bam, boom I'm my cute, lovable self again, only I'm looking up at some Andalite who's asking whether I ever had a tail! I almost peed myself. I thought he was Visser Three!"

It seems our extruded mass was swept up in the wake of a passing ship. Everyone is very surprised and excited. We have made a scientific breakthrough."; "Oh, good, I feel better already," Rachel said, using a tone humans call "sarcasm."

"So how do we get back?" Prince Jake asked.

ationo one knows. The doctor and the other scientists on board are working on the theory. There may be a snapback effect. But they don't know. And we are about to land on Leera. This is an assault ship, which means it carries a large number of surface attack craft. It is no longer a secret Yeerk invasion of Leera. It has become a major, open battle. They have four Pool ships in orbit and two Blade ships. Hundreds of Bug fighters. We have less than a third of their forces."; "So let me get this straight," Rachel said.

"Suddenly we're a bazillion miles from home and we're about to get dragged into a serious shooting war where the good guys are outnumbered three to one?"

all yes,"; I said.

"Cool," Rachel said. "What can we do to help?"

"Oh, even for you, Rachel, that is just sick,"

Marco said.

ally can do nothing,"; I said. I told you the kafit bird morph that Visser Three used is from my home planet. That means our side may be infiltrated by Yeerks or their allies.

We can't trust your secret to anyone. If you do get back to Earth somehow, you won't survive if the Yeerks find out who you are."; Cassie tilted her head and looked at me with a sad sort of smile. "If you get back to Earth? Meaning you won't be going back with us?"

I wished I hadn't used those words. My head was too full of problems and complications and every kind of emotion. I didn't really want to think about being separated from my human friends.

Rachel looked disgruntled. "I have news for you, Ax. If there's some Yeerk butt-kicking being done today, I'm in on it."

We have to follow the captain's orders,"; I said.

"Says who?" Marco asked.

I was beginning to feel still more troubling emotions.

Something bordering on panic now. And, strangely enough, guilt. am just a lowly aristh. Like a human cadet. I have to follow orders."; I looked pleadingly at Prince Jake. ally have to understand. You are no longer my prince, now that I am back among my own people."; They all looked at me. It wasn't a nice look.

Prince Jake tried not to seem bothered. But although I am no expert on human facial expressions, I believe my statement did cause him concern.

Maybe you need to think about who your people are now,"; Tobias said in a private whisper that no one else heard.

I'm not you, Tobias. I'm not a nothlit. I'm not one species trapped in the body of another."; ationo. But I don't think you're just a lowly aristh anymore, either. And whether you like it or not, you're one of us."; I didn't answer him. He was wrong.

Instead I said, as gently as I could, The captain has ordered that until the situation is stable, you must all remain here. In this room.

Please do not attempt to move about the ship."; The Ascalin raced, engines wide-open, toward planet Leera. I watched from the bridge. For some reason the captain had called me there and seemed to want to keep me close by.

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